HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-65A l~80LLrlION ~F TH~ ~]~TY OF ~~FX~D ~~G A S~EC~L ~L~N ~ Bg ~LD ~N ~ 14~ DAY 0F DEG~E~ 19~5~ ~E~.~INZNG TO T~ ~T~ON OF B~l~ NO, 6 TO T~ CI~ OF ~SFIED~ ES~BLXSH~G VOTING P~GR{GT~ PO~J. NG P~CE A~ OFFXCE~ OF ELECTION FOR SAID ELEGT~ON~ AND P~SCRIMNG ~ES ~ BE PAID ~ SAZD OFF%GE~ OF E~GTXON A~ FOR SA~D PO~EqG P~CEo WHERE~.$~ a written petition was filed with the C~un~ll of the City of Bakersfield~ requesting ~hat certain inhabited territory therein described be annexed to the City of ~akersfie%d~ WME~EAS~ by Resolution Noo 57~65~ the Council of ~he City of Bakersfield declared its intention to call a special e!e~ion in ~ertain inhabited territory contiguous to said city proposed to be annexed ~o said ~i~y~ for the purpose ~f submitting te the qualified electors residing in said territory ~he question whether o~ m~t said telTitory shall be annexed ~o said city, and setting f~r~h a time and place of hearing protests against said proposed electlGn~ and WMEREAS~ a copy of said resolution was published as =equlred by law; and WMEREAS~ prior to and at the time set for hearing protests ~o the proposed eleci;ion written protests were norm ads by owners of oneobalf of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed~ as shown by the last equalized assessment rol~ and no protest was made by public and p~ivate o~mers equal' ~o oneohalf of the value of said territory~ and WMEREA$~ all proceedings have been had in accordance ~h sa~d res01uti~n and l;he Annexation Ac~ of 1913~ reference ~here~o hereby being made for further particulars, NOW~ ~HE_~EFOP~E~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ~f the City Of Bakersfield, as follows; SECTION 1o A specie% election is hereby Called to be held on the t4th day of December~ 1965a in the territory heroinafter described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, for ~he purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said ~erri~ery ~he question whether or not said territory shall be amnexed to the City of Bakersfield and the property in the ~erritory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property. within the City of ~akersfietd~ to pay ~he bonded indebtedness of the ~i~y of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition~ construction or completion of municipal improvements° SECTION 2~ That said territory is hereby designated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots a~ such election as "BRITE NO 6~ and is described as follows: A parcel of land. situate in the County of Xera~ State of California~ amd being a portion of Section l~ To~v~aship 30 Sou~h~ Range M~DoMo: ~eginning at the northeast corner of Lot 17~ in said Section 1~ said point of beginning also being the intersection of the southerly line of Terrace Way.. of 60 feet in width, and the westerly line of Sou~h "H'~ Street~ a%so knournas Kern island Road, of 60 feet in width. amd as said lot comer is shown on the "Kekm County Sales Map Noo 1 of Lands of Jo Bo Haggin'~ filed for record May 3~ 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County~ a point on the curren~ corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by that Special Election held june 13, 1950~ certified as Ordinance No. 876~ New Series~ by the Secretary of Sta~e on July 24~ 1950~ T E CS southerly along the said corporate boundary and along the eas~ line of said Lot 17 to the southeast corner thereof; westerly departing from the corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance No~ 876~ New Series~ along the'sou~th line of said'Lot 17 t~--the-souZheas~"corner of Tract Noo 1628~ as per map recorded in Book 7 ef Maps~ at page 198~ in the office of the said County Recorder~ northerly along the mos'~ easterly line of said Tract No~ 1628 to the northeast comer of Lot 22~ of said ° 7 THE CE ( 9 > 'm m3E ( 10 > THENCE ( 11 ) Tract No. 1628; westerly along. the north line of said Lot 22 to intersect the east line of L~t 4~ of said Tract Noo 1628; northerly along an east line of said Tract Moo 1628~ also said east trac~ line being the east line of Lots 3 and 4 of said Tract Noo 16289 to the northeast comer of said Lot 3; westerly along the north 1ins of said Tract Noo 1628~ said north line also being the south line of Terrace Way, of 60 feet in width~ to intersect the northerly p~olongation of the east line ~f Moochin Road~ ~f 60 fee~ in width~ as Meuchin ~oad is shown on ~he map of said Tra~ Moo 1628~ northerly along last named northerly prolongation to intersect the north line of said Terrace Way~ a point on the current corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1416, New Ser~es~ adopted by the Secretary of State May 24~ 1962) easterly along the north line of said Terrace Way to intersect a line, fCourse <2} of said Ordinance Moo 1416~ Mew Series)~ being the east line of the west 120 feet of Lot 16 of said '~en% Gounty Sales }~p NOo 1 of Lands of jo Bo Haggin"; northerly along last named east line, and along the corporate boundary~ to intersect the southerly boundary of tint parcel of land described by that particula~ Sran~ deed dated March 26~ 1947, and reeorded AprlX 194~ in Book 1410, at page 378~ of the Official Re~ords of said Rern County~ distant 172 feet northerly of as measured at right angles to the center line the County Road along the southerly boundary of said Lot easte~ty along the said southerly boundary of the last named grant deed, and along the corporate boundary as defined by that Special Election held March 79 19619 certified as Ordinance Noo 13489 New Series, by the Secreta~y of State, on April 13~ 19619 to intersect the easterly boundary of the west b~!f ~.%) of ~aid northerl along the said easterly'boundary of the west half ~o!} of said Lot 16'~ and along said corporate boundary~ to the northeast corner of the North 90°5 feet of the north~Test quarter ~oWo~/4) of said bt 16~ as described by that certain grant deed dated August 10p 19~8~ and ~ecorded August 16, 1938~ in Book 819~ at page 232, Official '~ecords of !{ern County~ said northeast corner also being a point on the southerly bo%~m~ary of Tract No, I075~ as per map recorded July 30, 1938~ in Book 4 of ~ps a~ page 122 in the office ~f the said County RecorderZ westarty along the southerly b~undary of said Tract ~oo 10F5 and along said corporate boundary to in~ersect the easterly boundary of the west half ~4o%} ~f~ot ~4 · in said T~ac~ ~oo 107S~ as per gran~; deed da~ed Decembe~ 23, ~957~ and recorded December 31~ ~957~ in Book 2886~ at page 288~ Official Records of KernCounty~ nor~zhe~ly along last named eas~e=ly bounda=y, and along said corporate boundary~ to inCersec~ ~he northerly boundary of saidbt 14~ westerly a~ong said cozyorate boundary to imte~sect the southerly prolongation of ~he westerly boundary of Lot 9 in said Trac~ No, 1075; mS CE northerly along last named southerly prolonga=ion~ on and along said co orate boundary as defined by said Ordinance Moo 13~8~ New Se=ies~ and along said westerly boundary of Lot 9~ ~o ~he northwest corner thereof; easterly along the northerly boundary of said Tract No. ~OF5 and along said corporate boundary~ ~o ~he northeast corner of Let 1~ in said Tract Noo ~0~ a point im ~he westerly line of said South 'H'~ $%~ee~B southerly along said westerly line of South ~'M'~ Street d azAd extensions thereof, and along sai corporate boundary to the northeast corner of said Let 1~, the poin~ of beginning~ con~aining 12o947 acres of ~aad~ mere or less~ SECTION 3. The pol~s a~ said election shall be opened a~ 7 o'clock AoMo of the day heroin fixed for ~he holding of said election and shm~l be kep~ opemumtil 7 o'ctock PoMo~ of the same day~ when the pol~$ shall be closed~ SECTION 4. Upon the ballots to be used at said election there shall be printed the words: SHALL "BR%TE NO, 6'u BE Ai~!NEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFY~LD AND T~E PROPE~I~/~N SUCH ~!~Y BE~ AFaR SUCH ANE= ATION~ S~C~D ~9 ~T~ON EQUALLY WI~ ~ P~PEK~ WX~IN M C~ OF ~~FIE~ ~ PAY M ~NDED ~E~T~ ED~SS OF ~ C%~ OF B~RSFi~ O~$~NG FO~ T~ ACQUXSXTXON~ CONST~UCT~OE~ O~ CO~T~ON OF ~XCXPAL i~ROVEI~S. ' Opposite ~hese words there sha~l be printed ~he words ~es~ and ~No'and to, the ~ight of each of these last ~o words ~here shall be a voting sq~mreo If an elector shall stamp a cross · the voting square after ~he printed word '~Zes' the yore of such elector s~ll be cornered ~n favor of the ~nnex~ion of said to~ ~o ~he C~ty of Bakersf~eld~ and if an elector s~ll st~p cross ~+) ~n the voZ~g square after the printed ~mrd '~No~ ~he vote of ouch elector ~11 be co~ed agains~ such anne~en~ In all particulars not herein ~ec~ted sa~d election shall be held ~ confomi~y~ a~ near as may be~ wi~h the laws of ~he S~a~e of California concerning general elections and wi~h said Act of 1913o SECTIOKq 51 (a) For the purpose of said election there is hereby established in the territory proposed to be annexed~ one ~1) voting p~ecinct consisting of a portion of Precinct Castro Noo l~ which shall include all of said territory. The following is ~he polling place of said election precinc'~ and the following named persons are hereby named officers of election and sb~ll constitute the board of election for such election precinct: POLLING PLACE: Norma L o Cox ~esidence 401 South H Street~ Apt° 16 Bakers fields California INSPECTOR: Florence Eastberg June Jaeobs Noram Lo Cox (b) For their services in connection with said election~ said Xnspector shal~ ~eceive $27°00 and said Judges shall receive $24°00 each~ and the person in possession of the polling place named heroin shall receive fo~ ~he use of such premises in connection with said election the sum of $24°00° SECTXON 6o T~e City ~lerk shall publish a no~ice of said special el'~e~6~ 'as 'required by ~he ~ne~tfon Act' of 1913 ~-at' least Dnce a week for ~he four ~4} weeks prior to the election~ in the Oildale News~ a newspaper of general circulation~ printed and published outside the city~ bu~ tn the co~ty in %~hich the territo~ is sit~ted~ ...... O00 ][ MEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resoiu~zion ~m~ passed and adopted by the Co~cil of ~he Cf~y of Bakersffeld at a ~e~lsr meeting ~he~eof ~e~a on ~he 18th ~y of Octobers 1965~ by ~he following vo~e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, F~OSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STERN, WHITTEMORE. · NOES: COUNCILMEN: , ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMT:_N: ~'~,,,'m ~ --" 8ounci! of the City of Bakersfieldo