HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 59-65 WHEREAS, a petition was presented to ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield requesting the Council to give its consent to ~he commencement of annexation proceedings in connection with ~hat certain inhabited territory therein referred to and particularly described, which is contiguous to the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakers~ field has rendered its report to this Counctl~ and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to give consent to the commencement of such annexation proceedings upon condition that the electors within said territory be informed at the time+ the petition for annexation is circulated that the question to be submitted to said electors shall be whether the territory' shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and the property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within ~he City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield standing for the acquisition~ construction or completion of municipal improve~entso NOW~ TMEREFORE~ BE XT ..RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1o That consent is hereby granted for the commencement of annexation proceedings in connection with said inhabited ~erritol~7 in accordance wi~h the Annexation Ac~ of i913 provided the petition for annexation contains a request that the question to be' submitted to the electors residing im the ~erri~ory proposed to be annexed shall be whether the territory shall be annexed to the City of BakeL~sfield and tl~e property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with property within the City of Bakersfield~ ~o pay the bonded indebt~ edness of the Ci~-y of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition~ construction or completion of m~unicipal improvements. 2o That said unincorporated territory is hereby desig~ hated as ~Sunset Noo 4"~ is bounded generally as follows: situated generally between Terrace Way and Cheste= Lane be~een Oak Street and ~he Stine Canal~ and is more particularly described in the petition on file in the office of the City Clerk~ which description is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth herein in fullo 3o The City Clerk sboll certify to the adoption of this resolution° ........ o0o ........ I HE~EB~ CERTZF~ Zha= the feregeing Resolution was pa~sed and adopted by ~he Coumci~ of the ~i~y of Bakersfield a~ a ~egula~ meeting thereof hel~ on the IS~h day ef Oc~eber~ 1965~ by ~he following vo~e~ AYES: COUI~IClL/,,AEbl, BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUI~I~JLMEN: ,~BSEN~ cou~!~,~_.' ,',~,BSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of ~he City of Bakersfteldo APPROVED: