HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-65~ESOLUTION NO o 58-65 RESOLUTt~ON O1F THE Ct~TY COUNCSIL OF THE C~Y OF Ba~KERSFF~LD,~ CALI]FG~, NgA~ DEC~RgNG THE RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF E~CTSON R~URNS OF SPECIAL ELECTffON HELD 8N SABD CgTY ON 5E~EW~ER 28~ 19650 The C~y CouncjB oF ~'he Cjs-y of Bc~kersf!eEd~ C~ff~c~n~ap D O E S HEREBY P, ESOLVE~ DETEIRM~NE AND OEDER regugadF he~d Sn m~d ¢~ey on ~he ~8th, d~ of S~e~e~ 19~ ~t which ~og~ow~g p~opos~Hons~ ~o w~h BOND FROPOSIT~ON A -SEWER SYSTEMo~ Sha~J ehe Ci-ty of Bakersfb~d incu~ a boneled 1ndeb~ed~ss i~ the pH~ipa~ amoune o~ $3~5~000 b~ ~'he purpose of ~he acqujs~'~on ~nd ~ons~ru~Hon by ~jd ~runk ~wers ~d sewe~e ~re~efi~ FG~;~;eies end ~he ~c~gls~Hon o~ G~l ~e~s~ e~e~s~ p~ pu~ps~ ~chjs~ry ~nd o~her p~o~'y n~e~/~herefor? BOND PROPOSffTSON B ~- F~RE FiJGHTI~NG SYSTEM~ Sh~E~ ~he CI~ oF B~ke~s~eEd ~m:gr a bonded i~deb~ed~ess ~n ~he prj~ G~o~n'~ o~ $1~(} for H~e pgrpose '~f ~he ~cqg~sifio~ ~nd cons~cHon by ~ghHng ~y~em o~ ?he c~y jncbd~ng G ~jre s~a~on ~nd ~nc~ud~ ehe acqu~s~Hm~ ~,, of any r&~ ~rope~y~, Furn[turg.~ ffxtures~ fbe ~jghHng eooJs~ ~r~us~ e~ulp=~ P~OPOSi]Ti]ON C .-~. C~ARTER AMENDMENT~o Sh~8~ Se¢~o~ 113o'B~. 1I]3o2~. 113o3, I13o4,, 113o5~ 'B13o6,. 11307 13090 P~ECi) NCT Yes No Te~'eB Yes No ToNsl 1 45 23 68 ~2 25 67 2 37 21 58 38 19 57 3 22 17 39 28 10 38 4 ~ 16 41 29 13 42 5 26 9 ~ · 28 8 ~ 6 18 10 ~8 2f 7 ~8 7 63 17 80 72 11 83 8 53 18 71 43 2t 64 9 61 7 68 57 7 ~ t0 28 9 37 3t 5 36 t I 29 24 53 27 22 49 12 ~ 17 89 72 14 86 13 37 17 54 37 16 53 14 30 14 ~ 30 14 ~ I5 ~ 14 62 51 10 81 16 ~ ~ ~ 51 29 80 17 32 14 ~ 31 14 45 t8 31 21 51~ 34 18 52 19 75 49 124 85 38 123 Yes No Teeai~ 52 t2 64 35, 22 57 24 ,9 33 23 t6 39 21. 12 33 ,18 9 70 t0 38 21 59 51 I0 61 24 10 34 23 22 45 64 21 85 26 .24. 50 26 16 42 40 i4 54 47 31 78 39 7 46 34 18 52 79 42 P~ECBNCT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 3~ 32 34 ~5 37 38 3~ 41 42 43 50 52 53 5~ 55 57 59 63 70 50 42 66 36 56 43 53 56 3~ 27 55 85 35 15 58 52 27 3~ 81 81 42 7~ 64 57 5<)' 32 57 36 42 57 29 5 27 22 ,1J2 62 50 3 22 19 27 83 69 23 71 52 17 59 42 20 86 73 10 46 33 t 1 67 62 t9 .62 45 19 64 49 t2 65 54 12 43 J8 ,,'~5 30 2~ t08 91 10 42 33 8 82 70 8 ~3 53 18 103 87 22 57 31 i4 &5 32 5 20 14 23. 8~ t8 70 47 t2 84 71 15 Q 32 ~J 47 35 J.'J6 86 32 J ~ 3 82 18 60 42 14 86 74 28 92 64 ! t 68 57 ! 1 47 38 t14 t00 82 t7 8~ 75 13 88 9 6~B 6t 28 65 44 t6 48 37 I3 49 3~ 9' 66 54 28. 95 79 7 77 65 18 53 36 2t ,107 89 'i9 76 63 3 32 30 5 I0 3 14 i8 17 13 13 10 .5 !7 ,15 ~3' .1! 25 -15 8 23 15 10 7. 22 2~ 12 16 12 27 12 tl 20 11 25 i0 18 18 ~2 t Yes No. To~all 27 22 3 25 60 50 9 59 22 20 2 22 83 63 17 80 70 49 20 69 59 38 17 55 86 60 25 4~ 33 12 45 61 48 11 59 67 52 11 63 62 41 20 ~ 52 12 64 69 ~ '9 63 43 37 6 75 61 I0 71 1~ 83 ~ 8! ~ 11 76 63 49 11 60 101 ~ 13 98 56 3g 24 54 47 2~ 15 22 12 9 2~ 81 64 t6 80 70 51 12 '63 ~ ~ 15 8~ 42 30 8 47 ~ 6 90 78 12 90 1!I 88 23 42 22 1~ 58 39 t 7 56 ~ 69 ]4 91 61 30 68 52 14 66 ~7 38 5 98 82 15 97 87 68 14 82 88 7~ ~5 ~7 ~ ,. ~4 60 64 ~ 17 62 ~ ~ 11 46 ~ 40 8 ~ 50 ]2 103 70 29 99 75 57 14 54 39 ~. ~3 42 49 28 16 107 87 !5 103 75 ~ 10 70 31 27 3 30 Yes No To~a V~ N~ ~To~8 Yes No ?oS'~i} 74 ~ ~4 48 32 15 47 30 16 45 75 5~ lg ~ 5"9 7 6~ 45 22 67 76 5~ 19 64' 45 i7 63 ~3 13 56 77 55 t~ 67 57 11 68 52 13 65 78 57 t~ '71 58 12 70 5I 15 66 7'9' 52 4 56 53 3 56 ~2 9 51 80 37 I .38 36 2 38 30 6 36 81 e,B 19 t07 8~ I6 ~05 76 ~4 1gO 83 3~ 18 52 43 9 52 31 16 47 84 42 12 54 43 11 54 31 18 .4~ 85 35 5 40 33 7 ,~ 24 13 37 .86 32 12 ~ 31 13 4,4. 24 19 ,43 87 36 5 41 38 3 41 30 6 35 88 50 ~ 55 51 5 56 .~ 10 54 89 53' t3 65 55 11 65 ~9 12 61 1354 57~8 ,~..94 1188 5~8~ 4120 1309' Ab~'~e Vo~s 5 I] 12 63 5~ 10 6~ 4t 18 59 1376 5791- 45-~ 1198 57,~P~. 4161 1327 5488 S e ¢ ~ ~ o a~ 4 oThc~i~ the vo~e$ eF mot~ th~ ~wo~h~r~s oF a~l the vo~e~ were c~ ~ ~ o~ ~he ~ep~o~ of sG~d bo~d ~s~s~ ~ ~ch o~ ~ ~ ~ sel~ Ch~e~' Ame~'a ~nd sgld Ch~s~ Am~m~i' Js hereby declared ~ ~ ~I~ a~ ~h~s C~ Counci~ ~s Qu~hm~ed to proceed w~S'h ~he procedure ~d ADOPTED. S]~GNED AND APPROVED thSs 4th o~ October .~ 1965o ATTESTs, B~es's~Je~d~ Ccs~fom~¢~ APPROVED: STAVE OF CALIF OP, N~A COUNlrY OF KERN CI]?Y OF BAKERSF~ELD n~ee~'~0~g ~F sald C~'~' Councja hegd on t'he October ~dop~'sd es ~ot~ows~. reg~cr ~th 1965~ ~nd ~hc~ ~' ~v~ so AYES~ NOES'~ ABSENT~ BAKERSF~ELD, CALI~FORNMAo A RESOLUTION.OF Tim COUNCIL OF THE CXTY OF B~i[ERSF!ELD~ CALIFORNiA~ S.UPPORT~NG Uo So Ao POLICY tN SOUTH VXET NAZi AND THE DO~iINIC=~q REPUBLIC° WHEREAS, the United States of America is pledged by treaty and word to the defense of free people from communist aggression around the world, and WHEREAS, the United States Congress has overwhelmingly supported that colmmitment in the Republic of South Viet Nam, and WHEREAS, these commitments have received overwhelming bi-partisan support, and WHEREAS, the people of the Dominican Republic were recently threatened by communist subversion of their Demo- cratic aspiration, and WHEREAS~ the United States of America acted swiftly to remove that threat, and WHEREAS, the degree of negative criticism of the United States of Americans actions in the Republic of South Viet N~m and the Dominican Republic has been magnified out of its true proportion, and WHEREAS, this unduly magnified criticism of United St~tes policy could cause some conm~unist nation to misinterpret the solidarity of citizen support of United States foreign policy and therefore foster foolish actions by that communist nation~ and WHEREAS, the gre~t majority of the citizens o~ the United States of ~nerica support that policy~ NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE XT RESOLVED that the Bakersfield City Council supports the President and Congress of the United States of America in those actions deemed necessary to halt connuunist aggression in the Republic of South Viet Nam and the Dominican Republic. o0o E HEREBY CERTEFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of October, 1985~ by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Balfanz, Doolin, Hosking, Park, Stie_~n, Whirremote. NOES: None ABSENT~ None ABSTAXNINGc None Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 4th day of October, 19.85 APPROVED c