HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 56-65RESOLUTION NOo; 56-G 5 A RESOLUTXO~q OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFXELD DECLARING THAT A MAJORITf PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN ~DE TO T~E ANNEXATXON OF TERRi- TORY DESIGNATED AS UNION Nee 2 PROFOSED TO BE' ANNEXED TO THE C!T~ OF BAMERSFXELD.- WMEREAS~ pursuant to the Govemem~ Code of the of California, Sections 34300 and follo~.?ing~ proceedings here been instituted for the annexation of certain territory designated as "Union MOo 2u and WHEREAS, pursuant to such proceedimgs a petition was signed and filed for such annexation~ a resolution adopted describing boundaries of the territory sought to be annexed, pubXi= cations had on said resolution and a ~ime adopted for hearing of protests from persons o~ning real proper~y in said territory, and WHEREAS~ a hearing ~qas duly held in the Council Chambers of the City l{mll in the City of Bakermfield on the 20~h day ef September, 1965~ at the hour of eight oeclock pom. pursuant no~ices given in compliance with la~, amd W~EREAS, September 20~ 1965~ at ~he hour of 8:00 ~he ~ime se~ for hearing protests by any person o~ning property within the aforesaid ~errltory~ NOW~ THEREFOPa, BE XT RESOLVED by ~he Council of the ~ity of Bakersfield as follo~$~ That at ~he time set for hearimg protests to ~he pr'oposed anmexation and at the t~me to ~hich said hearing was held a protest has not 5eenmkede by private o~mers of one~ha!f the ~al~e of the ~erritory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll~ or by public amd private owners equal ~o one~half of the value of said territo_Z~_~ said property being designated as ~Unton Nee 2" and more par~icularly described in Resolution Nee ~7o65 of the City of Bakersfield. .......... 000 .......... X HEREBY CERTXFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ~eEular meeting thereof held on the 20~h aay of Soptethers ~965~ by the folXo~ing voteg AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN,-Ng-g,.K4N~, PARK, RUCKER, STERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: k-2~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ,