HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 39-65RESOLUTION NOo 39-6~5_~ RESOLUTION OF iNTENTION TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE, GPCEATER B~:KERSFIELD SEPAP~ATION OF GRADF, DISTRICT CERTAIN TEP, RITORY DESIGi~,ATED AS ~'SAGE NO o 1'~ ~WND SETTING THE TIME Ai~ PIj,CE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO ThE INCLUSION OF SAID TE!~R!TOI~jf W!T~MiN SAID DISTRICT° WHEREAS~ proceedings have been commenced for the annex~ ation of certain unincorporated territory= designated as ~'Sage No. 1~ to the City of Bakersfield~ and Wi{EREAS, all of said territory lies outside the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District~ and WFEREAS, Section 8290 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Catifornia~ provides that the unincorporated territory of a county which was not included within a separation of grade district at the time of the formation of such district~ and which subsequent to the formation of such district is annexed to or otherwise included within a city which is a part of such district~ shall immediately upon such annexation to such city be included within the district and shall thereafter become a part of the district to the same extent as such city; except such portion or portions thereof which the City Council has determined~ will not be bonefired by inclusion in the district° NOWs THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOL%~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as follows: 1o That a description of the unincorporated territory described in the annexation proceedings~ is as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of Ca!ifornia~ and being a portion of the southwest quarter (SoWoI/4) of Section 16 and a portion of the northwest quarter (NoWol/4) of Section 21~ To~msh%p 29 South, Range 28 East~ M~DoM: Beginning at the point of intersection of the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance Noo 984 New Series and the northerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Tract No. 1926~ as said westerly boundary is shown on the map of Tract Noo 1926 recorded June 6~ 1957 in Book 9 of Maps at page 143 in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, said corporate boundary being 55 feet northerly of and parallel with the south line of said Section 16; southerly departing from the corporate boundary~ along said northerly prolongation and along the westerly boundary of said Tract No, 1926 to intersect the westerly prolongation of the southerly boundary of the east~ west alley (said southerly boundary being the north lines of Lots 4 through 11) in said Tract Noo 1926~ nm cs (2) easterly along said westerly prolongation and along the southerly boundary of said east-west alley to intersect the southerly prolongation of the easterly boundary of the most easterly north-south alley (said easterly boundary being the west lines of Lots 1 and 3) in said Tract Noo 1926; (3) northerly along the said southerly prolongation and along the easterly boundary of last named north-south alley to intersect the south line of the north 120 feet of Lot 1 of said Tract No, 1926~ said point of intersection being the southwest corner of a parcel of land described by a grant deed to Veedol Realty Company recorded July 7~ 1960~ in Book 3281 at page 752 of the Official Records of said Kern County; THENCS (4) easterly along the south line of last named grant deed and along the easterly prolongation thereof to intersect a north~south prolongation of the east right of way line of Nelson Street~ of 60 feet in width, as said Nelson Street is shown on the m~p of Tract Noo 1282 recorded July 25~ 1946~ in Book 5 ofMaps at page 156 in the~office of the said County Recorder; southerly along last named prolongation a distance of 1,75 feet~ more or less~ 'to the nortby~est coroner of Lot 21 of said Tract Moo 1282~ said northwest corner being a point on the southerly boundary of an east= west alley~ ( 6 ) easterly along last named southerly boundary and easterly prolongation thereof~ said souther!v boundai7 also being the north lines of Lots 21 through~0~ to a point in the westerly right of way line of Haley Street~ of 86 feet in width~ THENCE (7) northe~iy along the last named westerly right of way line and prolongation thereof to intersect the northerly right of way line of Columbus Street~ of 110 feet in width~ said point of intersection being a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by aforesaid Ordinance No~ 984 New SeriesB westerly along the said northerly right of way line of Columbus Street and along the corporate boundary to the point of beginning and containing 17,33 acres of land~ more or !ess, That unless any portion shall be excluded by the City e 30 ~~e 7th day Of Sep~e~er~ 19e5~ a~ ~he ........ 0O0 ........ follm~tug vo~e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN-i~A'tf-A!~_., DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITT[MORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: -~arian So Xrvi~ Council of the City of