HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 24-65 WHEP~AS~ Resolution Noo 75~55 authorizing the i~su~nce of City of Bakers field Off~Street Parking Revenue Bonds provides in Section 5°08 ~'.o o the Fiscal Agent shall set aside~ or pay over to the Treasurer of ~he City~ as directed by a resolution of Councilo ~ny or all ~neys in the Su~lus Revenue F~d~ ~ co only for any one or more of the following pu~oses: ~.~ (e} To be transferred to the General Fund of the City ~o be used for u~ and lawful pu~ose~ ~, W~$~ Section 5~08 provides tha~ the a~ so fe~ed fr~ money deposited in the Su~lus ~evenue ~nd in any one fiscal year shall no~ exceed ~he aggregate of ~he Pledged Net P~rkinE ~ter ~evenues deposited in the ~venue Fund durinE such fiscal y~r~ and ~~S~ the aggregate of the Pledged Net Parking ~enues deposited in the Revenue F~d during ~he fiscal year up to and includins the 30th day of April~ 19~5 was $120~268~3~. NOW~ ~EEFO~ BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of ~ker~fie~d that the Fiscal Agen~ CrockeroCi~izens Bank~ No~ 1 Montgome~ Street~ San Francisco 20~ Califo~ia, be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $25~000~00 f~om the Su~lu~ Revenue F~d ~o the Treasure~ of the City of Bakersfield and the T~eaeure~ is hereby directed to pla~e said amount in the ~neral Fund of the City of Bakersfieid~ regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of June, 1965~ by the following vote AYES: CbU~ .L.'/' ! B/,L,%",.'CZ, D NOES: COU;,~CILA\EN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSIAINING COUNCILMEN: APP~OVED~