HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-65PaESOLUTION NO~ i8-65 A RESOLUTEON OF THE COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSENTING TO TFt COt-~E, NCEMENT OF ANiqEI~oTION PKOCEEDiNGS FOR TNE A~NEIATION TO T}IE ~l%~g OF BAKERSFIELD OF CERTAIN ~2N~ MABITE-D AND UM~NCO~PORATED TERRITORY iN THE COU~ff OF ~J~Rig~ STATE OF CA..LiFORNIA~ CON- TI~UOUS TO .~{E C~T~if OF BAF~ERSFIELD~ DESiG~ NATED AS ~BR~TE NO o 6 o ~ WHEREAS~ on April 23, 1964, a letter .was presented to the Council of the City of Bakersfield requesting the Council to give its consent to the commencement of annexation proceedings in connection wi~h that certain inhabited territory therein referred to and particularly described~ which is contiguous to the City of Bakersfield~ and WHEPa2%S~ the Planning Commission of the City of ~akers~ field has rendered i~s report to this CounciI~ and WMEREAS~ it is the desire of the ~ouncil to give its consen~ to ~he commencement of such annexation proceedings upon condition that 'the electors within said territory be informed at ~he time the petition for ar~%exation is circulated that the question Zo be submitted to said electors shall be '~hether the shall be annexed to the City of Bakers field and the property in the territory ~o be ara%exed be s~bjec~ed to taxation after anne~tion eq~l!y wi~h the proper~y within the City of BakeFsfield~ to pay the bonded indebte~ess of the City of Bakersfield standing for the acquisi~ion~ construction or completion of Eic!pal ~rovsentso NOW~ TEREFOE~ BE XT RESOLVED by the Co~cil of the City of Bakers fie ld ~ as foilows~ 1~ That consent is hereby granted for the commencement of mnexation proceedings in connection with said inhabited terri~o~ in accer~nce with the A~e~tlon Act of 1913 p~oviaed the pe~iZion for annexation contains a request t~t the question to be submitted to the electors residing in the territory proposed Zo be annexed shall be whether ~he territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and the pz°oper~y in the territory to be annexed be subjected to ~axation afte~ ara%exation eq%mlly with property within the City of .~akersfield~ to pay the bonded .indebto edness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition~ construction or comple~ion of municipal improvements° 2o That said uninco~porated ~erritory is hereby desig~ mated as ~DB=ite Moo 6'~ is bounded generally as follows: mi~uated generally sou~h of B~undage Lane and west of South M Street~ ~ying within the northeast 1/Z~ of Section 1~ Township 30 South~ ~ange 27 East~ and is more particularly described in the le~er on file in the office of the City clerk~ which description is incorporated heroin by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth heroin in fullo 3o ~%e City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ~e so Iut ion o AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIr-RN, WHITTEMORE. ABSENT COUNCILM~!~: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of ~:~e ~y of ~eke~sf~e~k~