HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-65P~ESOLUTION NO.f !7,-76_..._5 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSF~ELD CALLING FOR THE REDEMPTION OF SERIES A OFF~STKEET REVENUE BONDS NOSo A610 TO A596~ XNCLUSiVE~ AND NOSo A595 TO A591, INCLUS!VE~ FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF SAID BONDS~ AND AUTHORIZING THE FISCAL AGENT TO REDEEM SAID BONDS ~ WHEREAS~ pursuant to ~.esolution No. 75~55 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ adopted November !4~ 1955, and pursuant to the Charter of the City of Bakersfield~ and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of California~ the City of Bakersfield did issue certain Off~S~reet Parking Revenue Bonds Series A~ which weFe duly sold~ ~nd WHEREAS~ by said Resolution it is specified that Series A Bonds Noso A176 to A880~ both inc!usive~ are redeemable only in reverse mumericai. order from high to.lower upon 'the determination of the Counciland upon notice of said redemption, and WHEKEAS~ it is the'desire of the Council to call for the redemption of Series A Off~Street Parking Revenue Bonds Noso A610 to A596, lnclusive~ and Noso A595 to A59!~ inclusive~ on June 1965o NOW, THEREFOREs BElT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfie!d~ as That said Bonds A610 to A596~ inc!usive~ and'A595 to A591, lnclusive~ shall be redeemed on June 1~ I965~ and ~hat Crocker~Anglo National Bank~ successors to the AnglooCaltfornia National Bank~ the Fiscal Agent under said Resolution Noo 75o55~ be and it ishereby authorized and directed toredeem said bonds according to the terms of said bondsp and of said Reso!utionp at the redemption price of one hundred three percent {103%) of their principal ~mount~ upon presentation and surremder of such bonds~ and that the interest on said bonds hereinshore set forth to be redeemed~ shall cease to accrue from and after June 1~ 1965o That said Fiscal Agent is-he=shy authorized and directed ~o transfer into the Series A Sinking Fund from the Off-Street Pa~king ~eserve Fund~ any and all sums which may be necessary for the redemption of said bonds~ should said Series A Sinking Fund be insufficient for the purposes heroinabove set forth° BE IT FURTaER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish Notice of Redemption twoice in The Bakersfield CaliEornian, a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the Cit7 of Bakersfield, Californias once a week for two successive week~ the first publication to be not less than thirty (30) days prior to ~he redemption date~ and that a similar notice be also mailed to the Fiscal Agent~ ~o the original purchaser of each series of Bonds issued under'said'Resolution No, 75~55~ and also the respective registered o~ners of any 'bonds designated for redemption at their addresses appearing on the bond Fegistration books, at least thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date, . o ...... O00 ....... 1[ MERE~Y C~RTIF~ ~ha~ ~he foregof~g Resolutfon w~s p~ea ~na aaoptea by the C~cil of ~he C~ty of Bakersf~eld a~ ~ =e~lar meeting ~hereef he~d on the 2~th day of Apr~l~ 1965~ by ~he [e!low~ng vote ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMOR[. NoEs: COUNaLMEN: Ass~N~ couNc~E~_~5 ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: A~PROVED~