HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-65RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCXL OF TME CITY OF BAKERSFIF..LD SUPPORTXNG LEGISLATION TO CONTROL DISTRIBUTION OF OBSCE~IE LITERATURE WREREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield has ~houghtfully reviewed the community problem with respect to obscene literature ~ and WP~REASp the City Attorney and other law enforcement officers have relsted their inability to control obscenity now found on local newsstands and many other magazine outlets~ and in motion pictures ~ and WPIEREAS~ the inability of law enforcement agencies successfully to prosecute distributors of obscene materials makes it mandatory to secure additional legislation~ and WIIEREAS~ the State has pre~empted the field of obscenity legisla~ion~ and therefore our only recourse is through new State laws ~ and WIIERE&S~ proposed legislation has been introduced in the 1965 Session, to apply reasonable controls over the distribution of obscene literature adverse to public morals and mores. NOW~ TMEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield (1) E}rpresses its opinion that the immoral magazines p books~ and motion pictures now being publicly displayed are far below the level of contemporary community moral standards. (2) Expresses its grave concern regarding the present obscenity problem° (3) Petitions the State Legislature to enact ne~q and stronger obscenity legislation that is obse~.~ant of the basic liberties~ yet practical to administer° (4) Directs that copies of this resolution be' sent to the Governor of the State of California~ to the presiding officers of the State Senate~ and Assembly~ to the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure~ to I(ern County~s representatives in the Assembly and Senate~ and to other appropriate govez~%ment officials o ...... O00 ...... X HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was pasmed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield a~ a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of April~ 1965~ by Zhe following vote= APPROVED ~