HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-65A jOZNT RESOL'O"TION OF THE CO'~jNCiL OF THE Ci'%Y OF ~gSFIEI,~ AND TItE EOA~ OF SUFER~ V!$O~ OF ~aE ~I~NTY OF i~Rj~! PROCLAIMING F~k' 1~ 1965 AS 14i~! DA]~ USA llq Tir~Z CtT'% OF iSI(E~FiEID AND WPF~REAS~ as ~.~nericans we cherish individual freedom as a birthright~ and every citizen of this community depends upon laws and courts to protect his rights~ to sadieguard his perse~ and property~ and to enable h~ to enjoy ~he privileges of life in a free society; and ~jEP~EAS= ~ithout laws predicated upon eq'~.l j~stice~ and independent courts to a~inister them~ the liberties we take for g~anted would be meaningless~ and ~EREAS~ our legal s.nd j~:~.dicial systems a:ce fom~da~ion stones upon which rest our repzesentat'i~?e gOver~,ent~ curd economic well~being~ and our whole social o~:'der~ and ~[~ERF~S~ the Congress ~z~ the Uni%~e~d States~ and the President by official pzoclamation~ have set aside May 1 as a special ~y for recognizing the place o:f law in ~merican life~ and WHERP~$~ observance of the special[ ~.y known as Law Day USA will take the form of p~rogzsms sponsored by various organi- zations~ in the schoois~ and in apZ~ropriate public ceremonies in order~ to lostear increased respect yfor law and a broader awa~,reness of the benefits and also '~zhe responsibilities of citizenship o NO~'I=, T~P. EFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield and th~a Eoa~cd c.~g Supervisors of the County of i(e~m that May i m 1965 be proel[aimed as LPy~I Day USA in the City of Bakersfield_and the County or~ Ke',_~n~ and that citizens~ ~'~:~ganizatff,ons and schools give appropriate recognition to this special day, .......... 000 ............. was p~s~ed and adopted by the Council of ~:h~ Ci~:y of ~aker~eield at ~ regular meeting ther,e, of held on the 19th day of April~ 1965~ by the following vote: Council of the City of Bakersfield I HEMBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern at a regular meeting thereof held on the J.~i~/~day of April~ 19659 by the following vote: Vera K o Gibson ....... j__._ ~:. Board oE Sup~m~isors of %he County of Ke~