HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-65 .. ' RESOLUTION NO. /.14~65 WHE'REAS,' City of Bakersfield, hereinafter~designated as "Phblic Agency", 'desires to establish a "deemed'~' retirement system .pUrSuant'to Section 218+(d) (6) of.the',Fed. eral Social Security Act .. composed 'of positions of members, including members as.defined in SectiOn 22015 of the Government Code, of the State EmPloyees' 'Retirement Syst'em, hereinafter designated as "Present Retirement 'System't,:'desiri'ng coverage, and to include services performed by individuals employed by the Public Agency in positions.cOvered by said"'deemed". retirement system, as members.of a coverage group established.by.Section 218 (d).(4)'of said'Act, in the California. State Social Security.Agreement.of March 9,' 1951', providing for the coverage 'of public employees under the insurance system est'ablished by Title II of~said Act as amended; and 'WHEREAS, State.and Federal law and regulations~require,. 'as a condition of such coverage, that'a division be aut'horized..by -the Board clAdministration, State Employees' Retirement System; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the ."Public Agency" now designate any services which it desires to exclude. from'coverage with respect t:o such coverage gr'oup under said insur. ance system;_and '- 'WHEREAS, it is necessary for the-Public Agency to set forth the modification,. if any, of the benefits'and contributions under the Present Retirement System that may result from coverage under the said insurance system with respect to such'coverage group; · .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That ,'he Board'of Adminis- tration, State EmplOyees' Retirement System, be and hereby. is requested to authorize the foregoing division; and ................. '--'BE-tT--FUR:THER RESOL-VED~'~h~f-upon-receipt---of--authoriz.ation'-:-~' from-the Board of Adminis{rat'i0n a division Shall,be conduc'ted in accordance with the requirements of .Section-218 :(d). of the SoCial Security Act, and applicable State..and Federal laws 'and regulations; that each member'-Iof the Present~ Retirement' System at the time. of the diVisiOn shall be furnished a form to p~mit,the member to elect whether or not his serviceS.should be~"excluded from or~inciuded under 'the said California State Social Security~greement as hereinbefore provided; with-such coverage effective as to.services performed and after'january 1st, 1961; and' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That_ the following ~ervices with respect to said coverage group of the. Public AgenCy shall be exclud- ed from coverage under said agreement: , 1. All services excluded from coverage under the agreement by Section 218 of the Social.Security Act; and 2. Services excluded bY opt'ion of the PubliC'Agency (Check only one part): (x) a. ( ) -b.. No 'opt'iona'l exclusions desired Service .performed': and' ..' '. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ .That with ~espect to the said coverage group the benefits 'and con~ributi0nS"of:ihe Present Re- tirement'System shall be modified.pursuant to ResOlution No. of this body 'adOpted on April 19th~ 1965; and. BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED~ Thatn0ti~e of the division shall be given to members of the-Present SyStem 'not 'less than'ninety days prior to the date of the division;'provided~ however~ that notice Shall be.given to employees beComing.members of the Present Retirement System a'fter the date of such notice'Up'to and includ'ing the date' of the division on the date on Which they attain membership inthe system; 'and that A.~ W. Noland, Jr.~ City Manager, iS: hereby.designated and appointed to conduct such division on behalf Of the Public-'Agency in accordance with law, regulations,'and this'resoluti0n~' including the fixing of the date and the giving of proper notice thereof to members of the Present Retirement System and to el,1 such eligible employees; and - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Public Agency will pay and reimburse· the State.at such time and in such amounts.as may be determined by the State the approximate cost of any and ail work and services relating to Such division. ·. ' o0o. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResOlution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at.a regul. ar meeting thereof held on the 19th day'of April~ 1965 by'the .follow- ing vote: CounciZ of £he City of Bakersfieid.'