HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-65 · RESOLUTION N0. 8-65 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF NOMINATING MUNICIPAL~ELECTION. · AND OF ELECTION· HELD 'IN THE BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT. · ;'WHEREAS, a nominating municipal election. in 'the City of. Bakersfield .for the purpQse.~of'.electing councilmen ~n th~-First, Third, Fourth and Seventh Wards.and an' election.in'theIBakersfield. · City School District for'the~=election of two members o~the Board of Education in ·said Bakersfield~City School ·District, was duly held on the .2rid day of March, 1965~ and· · .. W~REAS, after notice duly givehas .required 'by law said ele. ction was d~-ly held and Conducted 'on the. aforesaid date,' and the returns of said election have been...canvassed.by th.~sCouncil'. -.. NOW, .THEREFORE, in compliance With Section 22932 of the Elections Code'-of the Stateof California, this.~'C~uncil does hereby resolve,' determine and declare the results Of said municipal "election to be aS foliows: Perce~e of vete~ ! 2 3 4 5 9 13 4 & 5 t3 & 14 379 32 35 ~ 3~ 89 353 ~1 4~ 34 29 5 43 1 ~9 ~5 115 133 532 3 52 Co~eo P~®~o P~eci~cts im ~4 15 TOPAL ~i~E2 OF BOAP~D OF EDUCATION Re¢istered Vo~es Vo~e~s Cast ~llinge~ BF~schi Fos~e~ 1~4 ~op~ins NO~XNATR~G ~YPAL ~LECT~ON Co~s. Preco Pmecinc~s in Registered Voles 3e el 35 sa 4@ TOTAL Caughron Lee ~ssa Pamk L~ees Reynolds ABSENTEE BALLOTS GRAND TOTAL e4 & ~ 384 183 41 1$3 & 104 see ~11 ~4e ~ (1) 351 173 ~37 2el Is0 3e 142 & 144 424 2e2 34 143 ~72 207 39 l. e5 ~ 147 39~ l~e 145 ~ 14e 434 2~5 5?55 2814 3 1 15 3 1e5 ~S 4 le @ 55 ~3 5 8 2 9~ 33 5 33 3 ~4 24 le 3 4~ 17 11 2 125 16 e 77 41 232 104 134e 44e Perceu~mge of votes cast 5755 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Cons. Preco Precincts in Moo Cons, Preco Voters 35 31 3~ 33 34 35 38 3~ 41 TOTAL Registered Votes 103 &'154 13~- (1) 444 139- (2) 449 145- (1) 136 141 14~ & 144 424 143 372 lee & 147 145 & 146 434 188 195 197 173 135 173 2814 Bellingot ~ruschi Foste~ ~opkins Scat° 119 133 85 8~ 113 99 79 105 75 35 117 154 74 33 79 125 1~4 33 '9~ 135 ~; ~3 1~7 ~3 48 58 72 78 85 8~ 84 ~1~ ~ le8 131 lee. ~7. 47 55 4~ 75 125 125 ~5 118 113 1389 18@4 1414 485 WARD N~BER 4 No o Cons° Preeo Voters 42 ~e~ 27~23B 43 ~ ~ 2~ 277 44 ~ l~l 45 4~ & 42 6 43 & 44 47 3~, 45~15~ 382 4B 41 & 48 257 51 4~ & 5G 333 ?~AL 3 55~ Csst D~vis Dol~n 133 4 182 6 14 217 e 4 237 lo 7 !3S 7 5 2~8 4 202 3 15~9, Nitchell 14 1S 15 41 To~al number of registered voters Total vo~es cast Percemt~ge of vo~es c~s~ 3 55~ Congo Preco P~ecincts in ~F~BEE OF BOARD OF'ED~CATEON Registered Votes ,Voge~s Cast ~eltiuge~ BFu~chi Yoste~ ~opkins 3~5 133 58 74 277 ~ 44 4~ 45 $~ 2X7 113 333 2~2 125 14~ N~XNATX~ N~NXCXPAL ELECTXON WARD NEY~BER 5 Cons° PX~oo Pyeoincts'in Ee~imte~ed Votes Cons. P~eco Vote_~s C~st BelXinger 54 56 73 43 1~4~ 516 ~4~ Brumchi Foster 45 4~ 44 3~ 44 ~4 44e 13 To~I u~ber ef ~egistered veter~ Percemtmge of votes cast $4 ~3 NOI~YNATXNG E~UNEC IPAL ELECTION W~d~D NUNBEE ~E~ER OF BOARD OF ED~CATEON P~ecincts in Registered Votes Cons° Pmeco Voters Cmst 74 & 75 4~ 152 ~2 & 11~ 41e 134 ~! 3e~ lie & 111 388 ~5 113 & 114 27 1 ~el!inger Bruschi Foster ~{opkine Sc~t. To~al mumbet of registered ve~er~ Percem~age ef votes cas~ ~qOE~tNATY~G EflINICYPAL ELECTYON WARD NURBER 7 Preci~c~ in P~...~istered Votes Cons° Prec~ V~ter~ C~ ll~ ~ ll7 325 ~l 122 291 ~4 123 ~ 124 2~1 44 125 & 126 452 ll~ 13l 3~1 4~ XS~ 2,$5 ~ 134 208 59 G~ TgTAL Total mu~ber of ~egiste~ed veter~ Perceat~ge of votes c~t B~ke~sfie!d, Californim, ~ch 8, 1955 Cons° Prec° Precincts Noo Cons. Prec. NOMINATING MgNXCIPAL ELECTION 1965 WARD NUMBER 7 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Registered Voters Cast 74 85 388 71 75 87 & 125 366 117 77 118 ~ 119 371 96 82 127 4~ 102 84~ .... 128 (2) 251 45 88 131 361 89. 134 ~@8 59 TOTAL 5529 1148 Be 1X inger BmusC.h__i ,..F_o. ste___E _~_o_pk__i_m_.s.. 49 ~$ 5~ ~5 59 39 42 428 523 41~ 19 1 158 TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS INSIDE CITY TOTAL VOTES CAST INSIDE CITY '.'TOTAL PERCENTAGE INSIDE CITY 35.$7% Regimtered Votes Vo~e~$ Cas~ ~ellimEer ~usehi Fo~te~ I18~ 8Y ~4 ~8 5~ 1459 22~3 131 149 95 11~7 189 85 83 ~l 117 1087 151 21 ~ 97 131 1258 117 58 91 43 13S3 17~ 94 119 ~ ie84 1~4 99 9~ 44 1540 ~18 1~9 173 75 31 374 98 4~ 73 ~2 7 1~48 143 ~5 95 ~3 34 1323 151 ~1 ~8 77 35 1249 17@ 9~P 121 ~4 118~ 8~ 41 51 5~ 121e 82 41 49 50 xes5 ~$ e~ 49 ee 141 845 79 33 28 44 24~,8~8 3@~2 '~23 1745 1436 153@ 18 17 17 14~1 1782 ~4~' 5977 7374 5939 Toqal mu~ber ef registered Peyce~ge ef ve~es cas~ x2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following pers.Ons are hereby'deClared to'be elected to the offiCe'of.City. Councilman for, a full term of'. four years, as follows.'. SAMUEL DEL'RUCKER j~' FIRST WARD .... · ~; :, RICHARD HOSKING -'FOURTH'WARD .... ROBERT N."WRITTEMORE..-:SEVENTHWARD " and that the'l.following. persons are."hereby'd~lar.ed'tO be elected · to the office Of Member of',the BOard of ~ducation of:the Bakersfield City School.'~District', for a'full.term,of four years: ·VIRGINIA C. BELLINGER :, ': BERTHA HiLLBRUSCHI : ', .... ~---o00'- "' :·" i HEREBY CERTIFY.that'the foregoing. ResolutiOn was .passed-and'adopted by the C0uncil'of~th·g CiTy-of Bakersfield at a" regular meeting.thereof held on the 8th day of March, 1965, bythe following vote: ' ', "' ' :. - .- AYESi ~OuNc~t,%' U- BALFAHZ, DOO!:N, MARC: '.%ANXS: MO~SMAN,' RUCKER, ST~iKH, WH',rFEMORE :. -- ** ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ,ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: o'~ ,the' Council of "the City A~ROvED '~b~S~.~ day of M~h 19~5. .' '.. ........ · ..... . ~ i~.'~ :-; .. ~ .:. -- ~ .......... .,_ .~ ....:.- ~-= ~-- ~: .. ~~e"C~of Bakersfield - "-~ . .. .~?~. ,~ :.~ ~/~ '~