HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-65~ESOLUT~ON NO, 7-65 A RESOLUTEON OF THE CEFY COUNCIL OF THE CYTY OF BAF~SF]IE LD RE oAFFIRMAXNG ETS P]REo VKOUS POS~T)ION ON THE MATTER OF AN ]M POP~TED URBAN WATE]~ SUPPLY AND ENDORS~YG THE ]RECENT ACT]~ON OF THE URBAN WATE~ STEElRING COiVf~XTTEE W H E 1~ E A S, ~ae Kern Coua~y Wa~er Agency by Resolution No. 43 oE A~ 2'1 , 1964 requested the Ci~ Cornoil ~ ~ve i~s offici~ ~si~lom ~ ~ whether ~e Kern Ccm~ Wate~ Agency sho~d hm~e ~he pro- bie~ oE ~a~ia~ ~d wholosing wae~ ~o loc~ m~icip~ ~d ~dMt~a wa~er pu~ey~rs or sho~d a ~cip~ dis~ric~ be formed to do s2me; ~d how sho~d f~c~g ~ c~ns~c~ ~he required fac~ities be ob~ned; ~d W H E L~ E A S, ~e City oE Bakersfield answered ~k~e Kerm ~ Cou~y W~er Agencyes questions wi~ a le~er of Nove~er 20, 19~4 where~ Ci~ s~a~d ~ ~he Ke~ Co~y W~er Agency h~ ~e ~er ~ ~oles~e w~er ~o ~e m~icip~ ~d ~&st~ w~er ~eyors of Gre~er B~ersfield revenue bonds ~o~d be ~ssued ~o fin~ce cons~c~ion by ~e Agency of w~er de~ive~es ~o ~e ~e~ers~ ~e revenue bonds sho~d he redeemed ws~er ~Hs chsged ~o w~er re~le~s which con~r~ wi~ ~e Agency sd ~e Agency sho~d move ~o smend ~s ~ ~o provide pump ~ ~wems ~ u~s ~ges so ~s~ ~ose p~e domestic w~er complies c~mpb~e~y ~ go~d w~,r s~pHes could b~ billed Eor ben~Ei~s prodded ~y i~~i~n of w~er by o~ers~ ~d ~ha~ the Ci~ Cornoff questions ~e ~wen of ~e Kern Co~y Waer A~ncy; ~d W~7~3 ~ ~e City0 ~y s~d le~er o~ E~ovember 20, W H ~1R E A ~, ~e C~ffo~a Wa~er Service Company ~y te~er o~ ~u~y 2~, X9~5 ~ ~e Kemu Couu~y Wa~er Agency s~p~ed ~e ~e~ues~ ~ ~® Um~ B~er~eRd W~er $~eemi~g Co~n~e~ stud TH~FOR~ BE ~T R~SOLVt]D ~ha~ ~he City of B~kersfield re-i~er~Ae~ its position ~h~ ~he Ke~ Co~nty Water A~ncy is ~ proof ~hori~y ~ provide ~ililies ~o~ wholosing w~er ~o ~e m~icip~ ~d ~~ wa~er pu~eyor~ ~f Grea~e~ Bakersfield wi.~hout f.he creation o~ ~o~r p~Hc ~st~c~; ~d ~h~ s~c~ ~acfii~ies sho~d b~ ~ced by ~ds ~o be ~ed~med by wa~e~ ~olls ~d be i~ ~ ~ $ O L V ~ D ~h~t ~he City of Ba~ersfield endorses g~en J~uua~y ~-9, li~65 by ~he Uf~tm Wa~er S~eering Commi~ee md supposing endorsers° AYES: COUNCILM'-N: BALFANZ, DOOUN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCt~EjL STIrzRN, WHIfT[~MgRE N__.O_ES: Cc')UNCJL'' v"7.!: _~ COUNCIl M'7 ABSENT: . ,N ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: CETY CLERjK ~d Ex-Officie CXerk e~ ~he C~ucl~ e~ the Ci~ eZ Bekers~$[d