HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 67-64'RESOLUTION NO., 67-64 A-RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 'OF'THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING'RESOLUTION NO. 88-63 (COMMERCIAL RENTAL FOR THE CIVIC AUDITORIUM. .. BE IT RESOLVEDby the Council Of the'City of Bakersfield that Resolution No. 88-63 be and the same is hereby amended to read as'follows: " -. WHEREAS, Section 5.32';110 of the Municipal C6de provides that the City'Council s'hall, by resolution, establish the minimum commercial· rental rates for the use of'the'CiVic AUditorium, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the COunCil of .the. City· of Bakersfield that the minimum lcommercial rental 'rates,fo~ the use of the· Civic Auditorium shall be,.as follows: SECTION I. Facility Rental : : -- (a) Facility Arena ConCert Hall Combination Stage* $300.00 400.00 500.00. 50% of normal area rental Above rates apply to a 24-hour rental perioa (from midnight 'to midnight). *This rate applies when stage is us'ed for rehearsals, -~. and such use, in the opinion of the Auditorium Manager.~ does not conflict with other scheduled events (b) Percentage option on all rentals Will be 10% of the .gr0s's · 'sa!.es after .tax, if~ greater than'minimum'~ental specified'in item· SECTION II .. Trade 'Show~ ' . .- ........ '(a) Arena - All~ pay, Re_n_'t_al ..only'~:.-: $500__or 5¢L-per_-aquare--foot-. ...... (per ,day), whichever is greater.-. -' .... , (b). MOVE IN:' ·Shows of two or 'more .'consecutive:*days .will 'be. . allowed. one (1) free day 'to ·"move in"' and up to 5' Ip.m..of day following program. to "move in"~ ,and-n~t~ required for ingress or egress will Be·,made·available at one-half (~) the applicalbe square. foot rate, by-previous arrangement with the approval by the Auditorium Manager. SECTION III. Meeting Rooms Venus and Mar's Pluto and Saturn All others .·$50.00· 40.00 25.00 SECTION IV. Arena Ice Charges (a)' '~','$250 'charge to ·make ice for any-even'ts using ic.e facilities "(rink), plus .charge of $100,-per day. to .hold-the icel (This ..... .. is in~'addition to regular building rental rate. SECTION V o Rent to include: . (a) NORMAL heat, light, wate~ and air Iconditi0ning (b) NORMAL building cleaning and maintenance (c)',~7'~P~omoter's' office and ticket booth for duration of program. ' SECTION VI. . OVERTIME USE: A fee of ~0.00 per hour Or'any portion thereof shall' be charged for each h~ur of overtime .beyond that specified by-contract. SECTION'VII. EXTRA PERSONNEL: (Ordinance· 13!B~ Section 8) The -contractor shall make arrangements for personnelL necessary to t~e .I. ·operation ~f the program directly .~it~ the'AuditoriumIManager. These personnel .will 'b'e pr~vide'd· .at the prevailing wage scale on 'file, in the Auditorium office. -' SECTION' VIII.,' '-EQUIPMENT AND SPECIAL'. FEES: (Ordinance' 1'3.13, Section. .o · ·.2'2)' '. 'Any" ex, traordinary charge not 'specifically .Stated in this..' -· schedule',' the ordinances, or on file in the Auditorium, shall' be · determined by 'the AuditOriUm Manager.~. SECTION'. IX. SPECIAL RATES.: The Auditorium Manager may, at his · .~' disCretiOn, and subject. to approv.al by· the City Manager, negStiate for Special. rates when. in the.best in·terest~!.0f' the Civic' Audi- "t6~ium and -th'e City, of Bake~Sfie!d. ' ' : 000 · ..- : '. · day' following program to "move out" .."' Any additcion~l days required for ingress or egresS . :will be .made available at one-half; (!) . . -.., . . 2 the applicable square 'foot rate, by previous arrangement with the approval. by' the Auditorium Manager. SECTION III,' Meeting RoOms'.. ' ..' ' ... 'Venus/and Mars ' $50.00 ..,I' Pluto and Saturn · 40.00 All Others' ..' · 25.00 SECTION"IV.' Arean Ice Charges ~,I,....,.. ,. . (a) $250 .Charge to make ice for*any event's'using ic~ facilities '(rink), plus charge of ~i00 'per. day'tO· hold the ice. (This is in addition to regular building rental rate-. SECTION .V. Rent to include: (a) NORMAL heat, light, water and' air Co'nditioning (b) NORMAL building cleaning land .maintenance (c) Promoter's office and ticket booth for-dUration of program. SECTION VI. OVERTIME USE: A fee of'$90.'00 per hour or any portion thereo~ shall'be charged for each hour Of overtime beyond that. specified 'by contract. SECTION VII. EXTRA PERSONNEL: (OrdinanCe 1313, -Section 8) The c0'ntractor shall make arrangements for personnel necessary to'the operation'Of the program directly with the'Auditorium Manager. These personnel will be provided at the prevailing wage'scale on. file in. the Auditorium office. ~.SECTION'~VIII. 'EQUIPMENT AND SPECIAL FEES: (Ordinance 1313, Section .'.22) Any ex~r~0rdinary charge not specifically.'State.d in this schedule, .~he ordinances, or on file'in the Auditorium, shall be determined by the Auditorium Manager. SECTION IX. j'SPECIAL RATES: The Auditorium Manager may, at his discretion~ and subject to .approval by the City Manager, negotiate for special 'rates when in the best interest of the Civic Audi- torium and the City'of Bakersfi~'ld.' I HEREBY CERTIFY t~at tne'-forego~ng.ResotUtion was passed and. adopted'Sy the Council o~ the, City'of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day off November, 1964, by t~e following vo·te: CI~W~J~LERK'~nd .~x-Officio Clerk of. the 'CoUncil of· the City of' BakerSf. ield