HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 66-64 RESOLUTION NO. 66-64 .. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION.' OF THE COUNCIL .OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO CONSIDER THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT AND USE POLES, WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS AND APPURTENANCES UNDER, ALONG OR UPON ANY OR .ALL .pUBLIC ~STREETS IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ +IWHEREAS, Trans-Video Corporationl a corporation duly organized and existing ·under and "by virtue' of the laws of the State/of. California, has filed with the Coun6il of the City of Bakersfield an application requesting that a. franchise 'be granted to it of the character and for the phrpose mentioned in the form of notice hereinafter set forth: '. NOW, THEEFOE', BE'~ IT RESOLVED that hearing'of' Objections to the' granting thereof will be held at the time and. place ·specified in the 'form 0f notice 'hereinafter set forth· which 'the Clerk of said City is 'hereby directed to publish at least. once within fifteen days after 'the: passage of this resolution in The Bakersfield Californian, ~ newspaper' of general circulation within said.City, .and that said notice shall be in the following words-and figures: "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO HOLDHEARING FOR THE :- -PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING APPLICATION FOR A FRANCHISE." ..NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Trans-~ideo COrporation, a .~orpOration duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the' laws of·the State of California,..has filed its application with the Council0f the City of Bakersfield reques~i.ng said Council to grant it a franchise for a term of fifty (50) years.'from and after the · date thereof~ to use:or tO constrUct'and use~ poles,'wires., cables, conduits ~nd appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting and .......... distrib-uling-Slectricity'and.-elec~rical--imP~lses.,-~n.d-~s~na-l-s---~or television and/or' radio purposes,.namely. to produce reproductions of sights and sounds to the residents of t'he City of Bakersfield, under~ along or upon any or all public streets~ ways,' all~ys and places o'f said City of Bakersfield .aS. the'.'same now exist or here- after .exist. ' The City Clerk is the person designated to whom. sealed bids for such ~ranchise may be de Iivered "at her off:ice in the City .Hall prior to the' hour of 5 o'clock P~ M., Tuesday, November 1964. Said sealed bids will be~ Publicly opene~ examined .and declared by the. Council of. the City of Bakersfield at 8 o'clock ':- P. M. of said.day. ' if the franchise herein requested is granted to it, said Trans-Video Corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter ..designated grantee, shall 'during'the life.thereof pay'to said city three percent '(3%) of the gross annual receipts, or ·whatever the percentage over three perdsnt (3%)'is the 'highest bid, provided, · however, that 'the first such payment to be 'made will be based uponlgross. receipts derived by. grantee in the fractional year following the granting of said franchise. Said.:percentage will-be paid annually from the date of the granting ofthe franchise applied for and in the. event such payment shall not be.made said franchise shall be forfeited. :, ... If said franchi~ is granted~ construction work under such franchise shall be commenced within.four months from the date 'o~ the taking effect of the ordinance g~anting said franchise, or said franchise shall be forfeited,. ;" NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GI.VEN. that any and all persons. be hea.rd thereon; and having any 6bjections to the granting of.-;said' franchise may appear before said Council at the City Ha.ll 'of said City at the hour of 8 o'clock' P. M.,. on TueSdays-the 17th day.of November~ 1964, and NOTICE IS HEREBY FD~RTHER GIVEN tha't at any' time not later than the.hour so set for hearing objections any person interested may, .make written protest stating objections against,the granting of ·said franchise which protest must be signed by"~He protestant and delivered to the City Clerk of said City~ and' the Council shall at the time set for hearing said objections proceedtohea~ and pass upon all protests so made; and. : NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN. that the grantee of 'said franchise must Within five days after the enactment of the ordinance~ file with the Council of said City a'bond in the'penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1000,00) running to 'Said-City with at least two good and sufficient sureties .thereto to be approved by said Council ConditiOned that such grantee shall well and truly 0bserve~ fulfill and perform each and every term and Condition'of said.franchise and that in case of any breach o~ condition of 'said bond occurring the whole amount df the penal sum theTrein. named shall be taken'and deemed to.be liquidated damages.and shall be' recOverable from'the principal and sureties upon said bond, For'~urther particulars. reference'is hereby made tO said appliCatiOn filed as aforesaid in the office of said Council'and also the-resolution adopted on the ~'6th day of 'Octchefs. 1964r declaring its intention'to grant said franchise,' Dated: October 27~ 1964, · . MARIAN S', .IRVIN CITY CLERK and Ex'-Ofiicio'Cl'erk'of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the -foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council' of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26th : lng vote: day of October~ 1964by the follow- AYL~S: COUNCiLM~N: BALF NZ, DOOLtN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, ~RUCKER, $TIERN, WHITIEMORfi Council of the City of Bakers field, APPROVED: ·