HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 64-64 RESOLUTION NO 64-64 ~,~ RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF.·THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF COLUMBUS STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. - -.-~l= -,~.:- ............. WHEREAS, on the 21st day 'of September,'I964, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuantto the"provisions of the "Street VacatiOn Act of 1941'.', being Division 9, Part 3, of· the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted· its Resolution of Intention No. 798, declaring its intention to order the vacation of a portion of Columbus Street, City of Bakersfield, California, and '· ·' WHEREAS, said Council did fix a ·time and'.p·lace for hearing. all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the'19·th day of October, 1964, after notices were duly posted asrequired by Iaw,·and · WHEREAS, this Council afte~-duly'cbnsidering the matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows:, ., 1. That that portion of Columbus Street, situate.in the· City of Bakers field, County of Kern,' State of California, more particularly described as follows, is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 22, TOwnship 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.B.& M.~ thence along the northerly line~of said Section22, S. 89° 19' 37' W., 82.4Y feet; thence at right angles to said northerly line, So 0° 40' 23" E., 45.00 feet tO the true point of beginning; THENCE (1) 'continuing S. 0° 40·'- 23" E., 10.00 'feet to a point in the southerly· line of the aforementioned right of way, ~said southerly line being· paraliel to and 55.00 feet southerly, measured at rightlangles~ from the northerly line of said Section 2.2; -hTHENCE~-(2)'~---along-sai~ southe.r~ly ~ine. of~sai~righ'tI~of"way;-S7'-8'9 19° 37" W., 1,650.77 feet .to apoint from which the monument marking ·the westerly endof a 1000 foot radius curve on the centerline of Columbus .Street, as shown on the map of Trac't*2322, recorded in Ma~s., Book 11, Page 93, Kern'County Records,.bears N~ 0 40' 23" W., 55.00 feet distant; THENCE (3) curving to the left from .a'tangent, which bear~ N. 89° 19' 37" E., with a radius of 1055·feet, through an arc of18° 34' ·56" for a distance.of 342.16 feet to a point in the aforementioned northerly line of Section 22; THENCE (4) along said northerly line.of SeCtion 22, N. 890 19' 37" E., 658.76 feet to a point from which the aforementioned ,I northeast corner of Section 22 bears N. 89° f9' 37" E., 738.29 feet distant;. · THENCE (5) along a curve·to the left from atangent which bears .. · S. 66° 26' 51" E., with a radius of 51'1 feet, through. an arc of 24° 13' 32''~ for a distance Of 216.06 feet tO , a point 45 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northerly line of said Section 22; *' THENCE (6) N. 89° ·19' 37·'' E., 446.14 '~eet.to'the point of beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING therefrom the foiiOwing easements: EXCEPTION No. 1': APacific Telephone Company easement reserving ' the 'right'of said company at any time and 'from time to time 'to con-. struct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of underground pipe, conduits, cables, ~wires, equipment and fiX- tures 'and other convenient structures' fo~ the operation of telegraphic and telephone lines, includinga~CeSs to protect the property from all hazards, in, upon or over. the following.parcels. 'of land':· PARCEL A: Beginning at a point on the 1055 foot radius curve described in course (3) of ~the parcel .to be abandoned, said point being 45 feet southerly of thenortherly. line of the aforementioned Section 22, measured at right angles to said.northerly line; thence easterly and parallel to said northerly line of Section 22 a·distance of 360 feet; thence northerly at right angles to said northerly line a distance of 45 feet to a point·in'said northerly lin~; thence westerly along said northerly line a distande .of 60·feet;' thence southerly at right angles to said northerly line a distance of 30 feet; thence westerly along a line parallel toand 30 feet Southerly, measured at right angles from said northerly line'of Section22 to a point in the aforementioned 1055 .fOot radius curve; thence· · southwesterly 'alOng said curve to the point of beginning. PARCEL B:I- Bmginning at the easterly end Of.the 511 'foot"radius'curve described· in course (5) of the parcel to be abandoned, said end-of curve being 45 feet. southerly, measured at right angles, from the northerly line of the aforementioned Section 22;. thence weSterly.and. parallel to said northerly line of Section 22 a distance of 480 feet·; thence northerly, 'at righ't angles to said parallel line~ a distance-of 45 feet to said northerly line of Section 22;..thence easterly along said northerly line of Section 22 a 'distance of 100 feet; thence southerly, at right-angles to said~northerly line, a distance of. ...... 30feet-, thence--easterty-~nd-par~t~e~--~o~sa~-nor~ther~y--tine~o-f ...... 7 ......... .Section 22 to a point in 'the aforementioned..511 foot~radius curve; thence southeasterly along said curve to 'the-point of beginning. EXCEPTION N0.2:-'A Pacific Gas ~nd Electri~'·Company'pole?'line ease- ment, together with the right. to construct, maintain,~ and operate, for the transmission Of electrical energy, a single line of poles and such wires and equipment .as may be .pl, aced thereupon,' over and along the following described parcel of land: " Beginning at the northeast corner .of the parcel to be abandoned, .·. said corner being 45 feet southerly,' .measured at right 'angles . from the. northerly'line of the aforementioned Section 22.; thence southerly '~along the ·easterly line of said parcel to be'labandoned, as said line is described in course (1) above ,- a distance of 7 feet; thence westerly along a line parallel to and 52 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northerly 'line of said Section 22 ·to a point on the 1055 foot radius curve described in course (3) above; thence northeasterly along said curve t0 its intersection with a .line parallel-with and 42 feet southerly, 'measured at right angles, from the northerly line of Section 22; thence easterlylalong said parallel line to its intersection with the 511 foot radius curve described in course (5) above; thence southeasterly along said curve to the easterly end thereof; thence'easterly along course (6) of the above d~escription to the point Of beginning.· .. 3. .That said portion of Columbus Street be and. the same is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes, subject to and. in conformity ·with the reservations and exceptions · contained. in and contemplated by said ResOlution of-'IntentiOn ~ · No. 798. Reference to said Resolution of Intention is hereby made. 'for further particulars. ·' · 3. The. City Clerk Shall certify to .the.'passage of.this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy. hereof~· attested by the Clerk under th'e seal of the City, 'to be recorded.in the office .of the County Recorder of the' County of Kern~ .Cal{fornia. -o0o .... ' .I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing R~solution was' *paSsed, and adopted by the Council o'f the CityO*f BakerSfietdat a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of October~ 1964.,.by the following vote: .~LERK. an Ex-6f~l f the CITY · ~ cio Clerk o Council .of the City of Bakersfield. :1964 ..