HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 63-64 ]TION NO. ,63-64 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTING A~.fD SJBMITTil~G A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE 'HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES WHEREAS, a master .agreement has been executed 'by the City and the. State of California on April· 3 , 19 61 .s for expenditure of funds allocated from the State highway fund to cities;. ands WHEREAS, .the City Council has prepared a. budget proposal showing estimated expenditures of 'such funds recommended to be made during. the .. 19 · 64 - 65 fis cal year; and, WI{EREASs' the..City Council has ·heard read said budget proposal and Is. familiar. with the contents thereof; THEREFORE~. be it resolved by the .City Council of 'the. City of BakersfZeld · that said blldget proposals dated Oc, tobar ]9 s 19 6'~'' , be and it is hereby adopted as. the budget of proposed expenditures of. the gas tax allocation to cities, said budget proposal be and the same is: hereby approved. and. the Director (Title of of Public Works is directed to sign: the same on behalf of authorized official ) ' said budget proposal to be submitted to the Department of Public Works, State of California, ' ln accordance with-the provisions of. Section 197 of the Streets and Highways Code. ,.-~ -~. . P SD am SUS ITTED this'day of64 .. I hereby certify that the ,foregoing resolution 'was duly and:' regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Baker,field at a regular meeting thereof held October-19 s 19 64, el.er~ ~f~ity of Ba~ersfield,~...., 'STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Sacramento, Cal iforni a June :30, 19 ~'~ ding Date October '19, , 19 64 (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER) Mr. W, L, Welch District Engineer Address Box 1352, Fr_esno BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR STATE ALLOCATED (SECTION 2107) FUNDS The City of Bakersfield ___ hereby submits this budget proposal for expenditure of funds allocated from the State Highway fund to cities during the 19 ~.Li' ,6~ fiscal year, All work accomplished by this budget ·shall be done under the terms of the master agree- ment covering the budgeting and expenditure of these funds as executed on April 3, 1961 (date) SUMMARY OF Source' of Funds State allocated (Sac. 2107)funds State Highway Budget Funds City Funds FUNDS BUDGETED FOR EXPENDITURE Maintenance Other Right ,of Way Cons;l*ruction * O .OO 0.00 Other Funds Total O. O0 : (See foilowin~ pages for details) Includes preliminary and construction' engineering. Interest earned (City) ........ Unexpended under Project 74 Unexpende~ under Project 74 Unexpended under Project 75 Accrued & unbudgeted to June,30, 1964 Estimated to accrue during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 " 0.00 SUMMARY OF STATE ALLOCATED (Sac. 2107) FUNDS AVAILABLE** $ -(city) 0.725¢ $ 2,364..90 4 98.98 225,492.28 228.08 21,680; 68 225,?50.00 Plans, specifleatloOs and estimates of cost for each con- structjon or improvement project will be submitted in accordance' with Section 199 of the Streets and Highways Code prior to advertising or commencing work by day labor. * * Attach additional page if more space is needed for this summary. Total funds available $275,014.92 Director of Public Works Official FORM MC-18 (3-64) Rev. -!- MAINTENANCE (Permissive maintenance defined in Section 27 (a), (b) and (c) of Streets and Highways Code, as amended' 1959) City General maintenance' Ainufir State (per maintenance agreement) (Sienaje~ (Lighting~' (Signii)"'(Sffipin.~)"(Other) Slri · out Inappropriate k Items) 'Total Maintenance Deealptle~ of work and locations: Amount Attendance at I. T'. T. E. :' '('if~rabl ' b~uclget6'd' With ' ~ctlon ~I~1~7~5 funds) OTHER Amount -2- DESCRIPTION Name of Street Beginning and end of proposed work PROJECT STATEMENT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CITY STREETS (Use separate sheet for each project) · California Avenue "A". Street to "L" Street 76 P,'ojecf No. B~kers~2~].~ Length in Miles O. 80 The proposed work consists of sidewalks,, install signalso. And'total estimated cost is $ 222,166.20 mile ~rade DaVe, replace curbs, ~utters :and (GradinJ, pa~inJ, conetruotlnj curbs and Jutterm, eta,) lights and draina2e., , including engin.eering. TRAFFIC Estimated hourly traffic volume approaching intersections will not exceed capacity of proposed street fur cuffant traffic and for traffic ten years hence, (Ref.: Division of Highways Circular Letter No. 5842) (YES) ~ '. If NO,. explanation given on Page 4, lIGHT OF WAY Estimated cost $ · Present width 122 ' · To'be acquired by (City) (State). feet. Proposed width 122 ' feet.. Total width provided by set-backs ..... ft. (present).- .... fi'. (proposed) CONSTRUCTION Estimated cost $ 222, '166.20 (including engineering). SuperVision of construction and construction engineering. (City) (S~aE~. · Supervision of preliminary engineering. '(C!ty), ~ '. · GEOMETRIC SECTION . .... (Ref.: Topic 4.01 city and Coopor"tive Projects. Manual of Instructions) Number and width of traffic lanes Width.of curb parking lanes Median WIdth· Width of curb offlsets WIdth of turning I aria I Total width between exterior curbs 91 ' Reasons for less than desirable widths explained on page 4. STRUCTURAL SECTION* EXISTING 4., - lo-1/2, Lt. ~ FIt. EXISTING ' Pavement thickness and type. 6" AC Base thickness and type *Types: BS - bituminous seal, . . AC- aspbaltic concrete, FORM MC-18 (3-64) Ray. PROPOSED 6 - 12' 8' 8' 18' Lt ~ Rt. 106' PROPOSED (Tentative) 3-1/2" ' AC Nat ive 6" AB AB -'aggregate base,' AS '" aggregate sub-base' POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT . Lt. Rt. RMAS- read-mix aspbaltic surface PCC - Portland cement concrete CTB - cement treated bqee SOURCE OF FUNDS State Allocated (Sec. 2107) Funds City Funds County Funds RIGHTOF WAY CONSTRUCTION* o .oo TOTAL State Highway Budget Funds Other Funds Sect. 186. ! Previously Budgeted Additianal Funds to be .Budgeted · 82,664.14 1.39,502. O6 0.0'0 TOTAL- * Includes preliminary'and construction engineering. 222~166.20 I 1 ! PROPOSED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION .(For use' where applicable) ' (Show structural section and geometric details) Additional Remarks: (explain special financing"\basis of fund proportioning, reasons for less than desirable widths and thicknesses, special construction features, etc.) CERTIFIED'EXCERPTS FROM THE MINU~ES OF THE MEETING'~ -" - OF THE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD. HELD ON ""' , THE 19TH DAY OF-OCTOBER~ 1964. '.: .- . .' . ..' , .- " AdOption of Resolution No..63164 adopting' -'. and submitting a bu~ge~-for Expenditu're of ' .' ..-Gas Tax Funds ..... ' . Upon, a=mOtion. by eodncilman ,Doolin,..seconded by '.COuncilwOman Bal~anz~Resolution No. 63-64' adopting and submitting a budg~..~for. Expenditure oi Gas Tax' Funds~ was adopted by the-follOwing VOte: Ayes: CoUncilmen Balf, anz, Doolin, MosSman,= .Rdck~r, stiern, .~ittemore No~s: None Absent. :'~-~Counc i lman Marchbanks , STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KERN ) " .. I:. MARIAN S~ IRVI.N~ City Clerk of 'the .City. of Bakersfield, State of Cali~fornia, hereby certify the.', foregoing and" ~nnexed to be a 'full, true. an~"/dorrect, copy of .the original minutes of the meeting. of the Counci.~ of the .City of Bakersfield held' on the 19th day of October, i964, on .file in this-office. and ~hat I have_ compared the 'same with the origi.nal'. WITNESS' my hand and seal 'this. 2~lst day of October~'1964. ~"' ' ~'j~" ~ "'~' "" 'k' ' f CITY' ~~ ~n~ Ex-Of 'ioi~~o the R f er Council of ~he City of Bake'rsfield. L. 7~- Bi~ 3 -, South Moorland Sub. (east of 2011 33rd Street) L. 94 - Tract 2839 L. 75- Tract 2573 (southwest corner San. Vincente and' MonitOr) Ls. 84- 86-" Tr. 2573 -- - '(nOrtheast corner Santa' Cruz '~nd' Calcutta) L. 1I - B1. 3 - Calif. 'Ave. Park'-Tr. (w~st .of 2.18 4th Street) SW Corner-of Sunset and Oak B1. S - LOwell Add. (north of 130' "L" Street) 'Welst of 930 Bank L. 19- Tr. 1103 ' 512 ·Beech .St. Ls. 2-4 ~ B1.4'- A.T. and S.F. Tr. -" NorthweSt Corner 4th and "N" Ls 9-1'0.-=~' Bt. 18 - Northern Division (southeast corner of llth and "N',' Streets) Prop. bet. Julian and Vincent Ave. on. east side of Argent North side of JUlian bet. 1904 and·Argent .Street i Ls. 46-49 - Tr. 2429 L. 18 ~ Bi. ,4 _- Calif. Ave. Park Tr.'. (East of 7th and "T" Streets) Ls. 4-7 - B1.2 Santa Fe Add. (Prop. ~south of 509 Olive Street) B1. V-- Lowell Add'. (S'Outh of 30 "L" Street) NE corner GeneVa and So. Chester L. 4 - Bi'.-15 - Chester Tract (NW corner of Palm and A St.) Ls. 22-25 and 34 - Tr. 2573, 4309 and 4305 Monitor ·. '~ Ls..80 and 81 - Tr. 2573,. north ~side,of Calcutta bet.'~Brun~Wick and Santa Cruz Ls. 44-, 45 and 61 -. Tr. 2573, NW corner Calcut.ta ~nd Brunswick Ls. 42 and 43 - Tr. 253 ~ N.W. corner of Dracena and "H'.' St'. L's. 4-7 -~ B1.2 - Santa Fe Add. ' (Prop. South of 509 Olive Street,), Prop. on the west side of Monitor between Calcutta and first alley south Ls. 1-8 - Tr. 2667, Pr6p. on east side of Santa-Cruz just north of Burbank Ls.' 9~ll-Tr. 2667, west.lside Of 'Brunswick bet. Calcutta and Burbank Ls. 22-32 ~ Tr. 253 , Bi. W. - Lowell Addition (N.W. corner of. Brundage and "L" St)