HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-64 ' ' RES T ON NO, 62 ' : " :" ·-'.' .: '..A 'RESOLUTIONFIN~'iNG.. T,HAT''~ CERTAIN WEEDS GROWING. .... = ""' ON PROrERTY IN THE CITY. OF'.'.'.BAKERSFIELD CONSTI.-. . .TUTE A PUBLIC "NUISANCE AND DIRECTING: -THE · SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TO DESTROY 'SAID WEEDS'... .. 2) ' (DISTRICT NO "" . WHEREAS, on october 75..',(= 1964; a. 'public ,hearing was held 'before the City Council in order t-0 determine if i.the proper%y in -the City Of Bakersfield' :located at L.. 1- - .Bi.-E - Lowell.-Add. (Kern .Island Canals and 6th Stree.t) Nor'theast corner Wilson and Wible Road -.. -- p'roperty· on. WeS't side of Real 'Road; NOrth. of. 'Chester Lane Ls. 19' and=- 20 - 'Tract 1235 · ' = - (southwest ·Corner 01eander...and RooSevelt) '_ -...' ...... . "" ".' ' . BI~ W - Lowell Addition .'(-horthwest c0~ner-of Br.u. ndage and "L"-' ·StreetS) 'Ls. 1-3- B1.. 46 ~ .Lowell Add~ ~'-'..- (northw, e'st corner. 8th 'and -"K" Stre~ets)' "' ' B1. Q - Lowell Add: (southw, est corner '2nd and Chester').. -... L. 1 ~ Tr. 1396 '' (northWest corner Brundage & "T" St ) " Prop. beS=i~d'400 .Brundage "' L. 15-1·6. ~..Tra-ct, 1396 - (southwest and northwest corner 2nd and "V") ' L. 1 - Bi~ 10 - Goode 'Tract ..... (behind 2201 1-St St.) .- ..- "- "-' .L. 2 - B1.21 - ChesteL:..Tract (northwest corner of Bank and.Ol'ean'der) L. 19 . Tr. [103 ,. (south of 113 "'P" St.) -. :: - L. 2 - B. 1'~ Union Add. "'; .-: """-" (.southeast corner 4th and "'V" St.) .-. ~"'..' ,-- ./" v' L. '10 '- B1 .3 Calif. Ave Park Tri~~- ':"'-:~j-" ' "' :' ._.~.=~eas~c_of-=21-.4-4th.:.Street) ......... ! ACreage SW. corner· South Chester and Planz Road Ls, "7-8 - B, 22 - Lowell Addition : " (southwest Corner of llth and "K." St'2)' :in 'the C~ty of Bakersfield had become-a, public nuisance, and 'WHEREAS~ "the' owners of Said~property were..duly notified of the time and place Of said hearing :'in ~ccordance with' the require- ments of Section 8.80.of the BakerSfield .Municipal COde,. and WHEREAS, afte~ hearing oral, testimony the City Council de. termined that. the weeds existing on said property-are unsightly 'and constitute a fire hazard which endangers adjoining-properties, ..... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,RESOLVED: 1'.. lThat the City Councii. of, the Cit~_of' Bakersfield" ihereby finds that a public nuisance exists on th~ foregoing 7properties. 2. That the Superintendent of Str.eets"0f the City.of Bakersfield' i's.hereby d.irected to proceed with the work of abating said public nuisance pursuant to the proVfsiOns df-Section .8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. :-' --000 .... ' .... 'I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed .and adopted by the EOuncii of the City of .Bakers field at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 19th da~ Of October, 1-'964, by 'the foilowing vote: CITY. c the Council of .the City. of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 19th day of October, 1964.