HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-64 RESOLUTION NO ~ 5,8- 64 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL ,OF THE' CITY._ OF ' BAKERSFIELD URGING TBE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN TO HOLD REVIEW HEARINGS ON THE' ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES OF BENEFIT PURSUANT TO THE' WATER AGENCY ACT. · WHEREAS~ the Kern County-Water Ag~ncy·'has conducted hearings and is conducting hearings for t~e purpose .of establishing zones~ of benefit permitted by section 14..2 of thet. Kern Count. y Water .AgenCy-Act-~, and ... WHEREAS~ these hearings are intended to develop factual evidence' tO support an assessment pursuant to Conditions and !imi- tation~ of'Section 14.2 of the Kern county water Agency ACt, 'and '° WHEREAS, the arbitrary rulings' 0f the Kern COunty, Water Agency Board' have completely frustrated the legitimate.' attempts of interested parties to develop factual-evidence, .and ' ~' WHEREAS,-the que'stiOnable evidence Submitted by the Kern County',W~ter Agency's consultants was prepared to support policy decisions .adopted by the Board of Dir.eCtors of the Kern Cgunty water AgencY" prior~ to the development o'f' any factual' data,. and · . WHEREAS,, the cOnSUltants· who prepar'ed the questionable evidence on behalf of the Kern COunty Water-Agency were not allowed .to be.examined ·properly by those .wishing to challenge the factual basfs, of the r, eports prepared' by ~ those consultants, and WHEREAS, neither.any member of the Board·'of Directors of the Kern County Wate~ Agency 'nor any member of the staff of the · .~Kern County.=Water Agency asked any queStion'of any person presenting factual' evidence for consideration. at, the hearings', and "hearings was required' to swear an oath .t0 '-supportl the ,truth pre.sentation~ nor allowed-tO be p~esentationI, and z. .I ~ . .' WHEREAS ,' statements by individual membe~ .of. ~the' Board of Directqrs of thel'-K~rn County Water Agency ' dU'ring:.and since ~the. recently 'recessed ~hearings clearly demonstrate .[h~ prei0ccupation 'of thos~ directors' with pre~c.0ncei~e'd p~lici~'s'.of t.he Agency, and ~"* ':~' WHEREAS', 'thisI attitude of' steadfast c0mniitment 'to ~pre- · conceived..poticies has made the 'Dir'ector's of-the kern~ CoUnty Water Agency. blind to the issues and facts as presented by intereS.t. ed .parties sO as to preclude a. fai~ 'hearing~ and WHEREAS,. the deCisionS made b~ ttie Board of DirectorS. of the Ke~n County Water Agency will. bind for ge~erati0n. s to .come., not only the citlz'ens of the. City.'o'f' Bak'e~'sfield,-"but 'also Our fellow citizens of the entire. couhty of Kern, and -'WHEREAS, .the BOard of Supervisors 'may, in connection wit.h zones of benefit, conduct public hearings as"provided in section 7.3 of the Kern CoUnty Water Agency Act, f · - NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT 'RESOLVED by '[he~ Council-~ of the City --of Bakersfield, t, The 'Board of Supervisor's.-of' t~'e CoUnty of Kern be urged to 'conduct separate hearings· ~n conn.ection wi, th zone. s benefit under Section 14'..2 of the'Kern CoUnt.'y Water Agency ~ct' as provided by Section 7.3 of said act. ~/ 2. That _such hearings b'e 'conducted. in a'manner requiring sworn te'stimony by...Witnesses and the examination of witHes. ses. tO _.es,tablish ~actual support of pr~sen'ta'ti0nS by witnesses. 3. That' the,'Council of th~ 'Ci-ty o'f Bakersfield~has confidence in the Ifairness and compe.tence of Super{Zisor~S of'the County of Kern in that they Will-sit aS a hearing l.bOa~d for as ~long as~ necessary to develop the true facts r. espeeting' tMe necessity of 'e~tablishment of zones of benefit. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Re~olu[ion was'. passed'land.adopted by the Council of the' City of Bakers field at a regular meeting thereof-held on th~ 14th .day of S'eptemb~r, 1964, by the following vote: RUCKEi~; STIERN; WHI:ffEMOR~ Council of the City of Bakersfield. 1964