HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-64RESOLUTION-NO'. 54 -64 RESOLUTION'OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD ORDERING.THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE' 'LANE AND WIBLE ROAD,.'INTHE CITY.OF ..BAKERSFIELD. ?.. ~.' .-. "'WHEREAS, on the . 20th 7d.ay~0f.' Ju!y,-~ 1964, - the council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuan't 'to the provisions of the · "Street Vacation Act of 1941", Being DiviSion 9,. Part 3; of the -Streets-'and Highways Code of the State of Cal{fornia, ·passed and adoptgd its Resolution of Intention· No. ·797, decl. aring .its inten- tion to order the vacation of a portion of the northeaS.t/~orner of White.Lane' and Wible Road, City of~.'Bakersfie!d, California,' :and ..' WHEREAS, said Council did fix a. time.and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting 'to said proposed vacatioh', .!I'-which said hearing. was held on the '17th day'of August, 1964~ after · notiCes' were'.'duly 'posted as' required. y law., and . · WHEREAS, this. council "after' 'duly. considering the matter does.hereby find and resolve as follOwS':' ."' I-'· That that'portion '.of the northeast corner of White' Lane and' Wible Road, situate in the· City Of Bakersfiela, County of Kern, State of California, more particularl. y described.as follows is unnecessary for present or prospective public' st.reet'.purposes: Commencing at the southwest corner. of. th'e northwest quarter of Section°'13, T. 30 S.~ R. 27 E., M~D.B~' .& M.,.' in the COunty. of Kern', State of California; thence S.89°17"39"E~, 76.24 feet;. thence '· N.0~42'21'!E'., 75.00 feet to the' true point .of beginning for. th~s description ;. · ' THENCE (1) S.84°21'56"W.,' 21.50 feet;' mor'e or. le.ss,. ~o intersect a' line parallel-with and distant'55.00· feet easterly as . measured perpendicular .to the WeSterly ,line of 'said ... Section 13 i fee t; . " ' · · ' THENCE 3). S~19°44'52"E., :61..48 fe'et' tQ"the true point .0f b~'ginning.. 2.. That said portion. of 'the northeast 'Corner of .White · Lahe .and'= Wible Road be and the 'same' .'is hereby. 'closed up, .Vacated :T · and abandoned for public street purposes, .subject ··to and in con- .formity with said Resolution of'·Intention No. 797. Reference to said'ReSOlution of Intention is hereby made for further': particulars . ~·· 3. The City Clerk· shall certffy to the passage of. this ReSolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested by Clerk under the seal of the City to 'be recorde'd in-the office of the ·County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. .' 60o . .,.. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResOluti, on was' pasSe·d and·adopted by the Council-of the City of Bakers field a[ a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of August~ 1964, by the. fQllowing vote: 'AYF_,S: (;CD'UNCILM~N~ BALF,~iNZ, C~OOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORI~ APPROVED this 17th day of August',. 1964. -. MARIAN S. IRVIN CITY CLERK and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the .City of Bakersfield.