HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-29-08 MINUTES PLANNING CO MINUTES Pre-Meeting -- September 29, 2008 — 12:15 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hail, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Blockley,Johnson, McGinnis, Stanley, Andrews Absent: Commissioners Tragish, Tkac 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS; None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approval of General Plan Amendment 08-0726(McIntosh &Associates) 4.2b Approval of Zone Change 08-0726„(McIntosh & Associates) 4.2c Approval of Vestin Tentative Parcel Map 11859(Delmarter& Deifel) 4.2d Approval of 2"d Revised Tentative Tract Map 6296(M.S.Walker& Associates) 4.2e Approval of Zone_Change 08-0472(KSA Group Architects) 4.2f Approval of Planned Development Review 08-0977(KSA Group Architects) 4.2g Approval of Zone Change 08-0491 Pre-Zoning(Moreland Consulting, Inc.) These items will be heard at the regular meeting. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS — EIR 1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTMENT 1 LAND USE DESIGNATION 1 CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENT 1 ZONE CHANGE 5.1 a Bakersfield Gateway Project Environmental Impact Report for GPAIZC No. 07-0655 (Dave Dmohowski, Premier Planning Group) 5.1 b General Plan Amendment 07-0655(Dave Dmohowski, Premier Planning Group) 5.1 c Zone Change 07-0655(Dave Dmohowski, Premier Planning Group) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired as to the discrepancies in the mitigation between the EIR and staff report. Staff commented that those will not be put into a memo because it is too extensive, however the wording in the Final EIR, alternatives and findings, is going to be what is sent on to Council. Commissioner Johnson inquired if that needs to be reflected in the motion. Staff responded that there may be a memo for the motion. Commissioner Andrews referred to the Hoskings overpass and this project being on a parallel course and inquired if there is anything that Staff thinks might pose a problem as far as the completion of the Hosking's overpass. Staff responded that condition 9 speaks to this issue. Staff indicated that when the site plan is before the Planning Commission the question should be raised as to the progress of the interchange. Pre-Meeting Minutes of Planning commission -- September 29, 2008 Page 2 5.2a General_Plan Amendment 08-0726(McIntosh &Associates) 5.2b Zone Chan a 08-0726(McIntosh &Associates) Staff report given, commissioner Blockiey inquired how many people were notified on this project given the lack of comments pertaining to this project. Staff responded that most of the comments came from those individuals who see the posting sign rather than the mailouts. Staff further responded that usually schools will call and have negative comments. Staff pointed out that they did not get these phone calls. Commissioner Andrews inquired if the parcel on the north end would be responsible for developing the access to the vacant piece behind it, or if there would be some kind of sharing. Staff responded that typically they just have "him" build the whole thing, as he is asking for a GPA and Zone Change and he will do the boundary street improvements. Commissioner Johnson inquired if Staff has heard from the property owner to the east. Staff responded that they have not. He further inquired what kind of buffer exists currently on the R-3. Staff responded they do not know if it is fully built out. Commissioner Johnson responded that he is interested to see what kind of buffer is on the R-3 so they can see if they need to do something equal on the other side of this R-1, because it is cramming an R-1 in between two high density uses. Staff responded that they were hoping that eventually it would become one big development. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS--VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1 REVISED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 6.1 Vesting_Tentative Parcel Map 11 859(Delmarter& Deifel) Staff report given, commissioner Andrews inquired if it is just one business that's currently operating in the perimeter. Staff responded that there is just one location occupied. Staff indicated that it would be developed like a warehouse industrial-type park. 6.2 2nd Revised Tentative Tract Map 6295 (M.S. Walker&Associates) Heard on consent 7. REVISED VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP Revised Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8736(McIntosh & Associates) Staff report given, no commissioner comments. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS— ZONE CHANGE 1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 8.1 a Zone Change 08-0472(KSA Group Architects) 8.1 b Planned Development Review 08-0977(KSA Group Architects) Staff report given, Commissioner McGinnis inquired if there is a theatre already under construction in this area. Staff responded that there is a theatre in the mail which is the theatre that would be closed and developed as retail space upon development of this free standing theatre. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if the new sump area would be south of Home Depot, to which staff responded that it is the one that fronts on Bernard. Commissioner McGinnis inquired how water would be diverted? Staff responded that a new piping system would be installed. Commissioner Johnson stated he would be interested in seeing what the outcome is of the discussions regarding the pedestrian easement and pedestrian walkability that Staff is working with the applicant on. Pre-Meeting Minutes of Planning commission - September 29, 2108 Page 3 8.2 Zone Chan-ge 08-0491 Pre-Zoning(Moreland consulting, Inc.) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired if the applicant will be conditioned to widen Hwy 119 all the way in front of the out parcel. Staff responded that it is not currently a condition. Commissioner Johnson inquired if it is something they can do at this time. Staff responded that they will review this and get back with the Planning Condition with a memo. 9. COMMUNICATIONS: None. 10. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. 11. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:46 p.m. Rabin Gessner, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Planning Director October 14, 2008