HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-64 ,RESOLUTION· NO .l .'.'.' 51-64' · A RESOLUTION OF THE' COUNCIL '0F THE CITY' , OF BAKERS~IELD SHOWING.EXPENDITURES OF 'FUNDS BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR THE PRECEDING FISCAL YEAR. -. ' WHEREAS, the CollieriUnruh LoCal' 'Transportation Development ACt provides that i'I :' ' '~ithin.60 days following the close of each fiscal . year each county., city, ·or' city-and county 'shall' file with the Department a report ~n a form prescribed 'by the Department and certified' .by the 'local-governing' body Showing i~s expendi~dres.of. fund's during'' the -. prededing .fiscal year.pursuant to SeC'tions 186.1.· 'throUgh 186.7. "; and WHEREAS·, the attached re~ort, compiled in t'he. form pre- scribed by the Department .from records maintained by 'th{s ·City and showing expenditures during the '196!3~{964. fiscal year'pUrsuant' to Sections '186.1 through 186.7 of the .Streets and Highways Code., has been examined by this-coun~i!, land' 'is d~termined to Be-factual; now ,. , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED-that t~e City. Coungil-of ·the City of Bakersfield hereby certifie'S'~he ·attached report' to-be a true· record. of .expenditures · by the' Ci,ty. 'during· the' 196S'.1964 fiscal year in conformance with· th~ re'quir'emen't.S.-of the C01iier-Unruh L0.cal Transportation Deveiopment ACti.'·and': · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that '.the.City Cl~rk' . . iS hereby. instructed to transmit s:xx.copies Of the repqrt and three' certified copies of this resolution to the State of California, ·Department' .............. _o_~ _P_ub_li_c_ _.wd. rks:, Division of_ Uighways',~, in care of, ~.~-;-~-L4.~. Welch, · .District.Engineer, P. O'.. Box 1352, Fresn. o,' California. ' o0o .. ·, '. " I HEREBY CERTIFY that the for .eg0in. g Re~Oiution was passed and adopted by the' COuncil ,·of' th·e.City of Bakers field at a regular·meeting thereof held on the 17-th. day 0f August, 1964·~ by 'the following vote.: CITY CLERK . x io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ". .Ac n~ City Clerk APPROVED this 'lYth day of .August,'· '~964. . . . Form CU-~a ~-~ ~- 3~ COLLIER-UNRUH LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ANNUAL REPORT OF EXPENDITURES FOR IMPROVING THE SELECT SYSTEM FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 64 (Report due within 60 days of close of year) To: State of California Department of Public Works From: City ~k~ County [] of Division of Highways (Through Dis trict Engineer) .BAKERSFIELD In accordance with the requirements of SeCtion 186.8 of the Streets and Highways Code the following sunmmry and attached detail is submitted to indicate the expenditures by or on behalf of this agency for improving the Select S~stem during the past fiscal year. STATUS OF SECTION 186.1 (1.04~) FUNDS 1. (a) Unobligated Balance as of 6/S0/9/20/63 (b) Unexpe~ded Balance as of ~2~1~___? 9/20/63 '2. (a) Allocations During Fiscal Year (Col. 1 & 2) ** (b) Other Receipts (Col. I & 2) 3. Total Available (Item i plus Item 2) Column 1 Column 2 ~~~~ 0 58,802.96 58,802.96 58,802.96 ~~ **~4. (a) Obligations During Year (Sec. 186.7 a & b) 0 ~ (b) Expenditures During Year 5.(a) Unobligated as of 6/30/64 (Item 3 less Item 4a) ~~~ ~ ~ ~58 802. SUMMARY OF MATCHING AND OTHER FUNDS OBLIGATED OR EXPENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR RIGHT 0F WAY ON SELECT SYSTEM DURING YEAR ~**6.(a) Matching Obligatio,~s by Agency(Sec.186.7 a & b) (b) Matching ]Expenditures by Agency (Sec.~ 186.5) 7. Expenditures by Subdividers (Col. 1 8. Total Matching Obligations & E~penditures o o o Other Gas Tax E~penditures (Sec. 2104, 2107 & 2107.5) 0~her Funds Expended Total of All Expenditures for construction on Select System (Total of Items ~ & 8 through 1~) 12'490'~--- 173,615. 37,615.04 223,717.91 Any additional information needed by the De artment to verify that the requirements of Sections 186.2 through 186.S, Section 195, or Section 2105 have been met is available in the office of the undersigned. 'Includes all Punds apportioned under Sec. 186.1(a) and (b). **Right of Way Rentals & Sales or Interest from Section 1B6.1 fund investments. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Official TitIe *~*Record contract totals plus amounts actually expended for Engineering, Contingencies and Supplemental and Day Labor Work. Attach Resolution of Board of Supervisors or City Council certifying report. If expenditures reported herein differ from those in July 15 report, attach a revision of July 15 report. 0 0 0 0 0 l~ PROJ. 76 PROJ. 68 PROJ. 74 PROJ. 76 PROJ. E-7 DETAIL OF PROJECTS LISTED ON FORM CU-56 Contract Completed 1-30-64. Awarded 11-15-63. Expended 11-15-63 to 1-30-64, $12,490.00. South H at Ming Ave. and Casa Loma Drive and at South H and Wilson Road. Improvement - Traffic Signals Not complete at end of year. Expended 7-1-63 to 6-30-64 $30.46 2107 H Street, Brundage to California Avenue Right-of-way Acquisition. Contract completed 2-13-64. Awarded 8-12-63. Expended 10-4-63 to 3-10-64 $167,60817~4 (Includes Engr. & Supl. work) 2107 California Avenue Oak to A Street. Widen, grade, pave, curb, gutter, sidewalks Contract not awarded. Expended 5-21-6~ to 6-30-64 $759.00 (Engr. Expense) 2107 California Avenue A to L Streets. Engineering Deficiency Report P.I.D. 777A California Avenue, A to L Street 2107.5 $1,940.34 $2,500.30 $5,216.84 Contract completed 3-18-64. Expended 1-6-64 to 3-18-64 Truxtun Avenue N to P Street Street Lighting Awarded 1-6-64. $3,240.00 Contract completed 10-23-63. Awarded 8-12-63 Expended 9-20-63 to 11-20-63 $26,913.45 Panorama Drive at Mr. Vernon Paving, chanelization, Lighting. Work Completed 12-11-63. Performed by sub-divider. Expended 12-11-63 $4,426.47(City's share). Oswell & Columbus Streets Paving, grading. Work completed 5-29-64. Performed by sub-divider. Expended 5-29-64 $1,067.50(City's share). Wible Road, portions Paving. Work Completed 5-29-64. Performed by sub-divider Expended 5-29-44 $1,965.45(City's share) Hughes Lane, portions Paving