HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 50-64I~ESOL~TXON NOo._._ 50~64 . A RESOLUTION OF TPLE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ~A~RSFIE~ ~UESTXNG THE BO~ OF SU~XS~ OF T~ CO~ OF ~L~T~ON ~T~ T~ STATE GEN~L F~TH T~ ~CT FOR~ OF T~ ~O~SXT~ONS TO ~q~ER~AS~ on the 17th day ~ Augus~ 19649 this Council did pass and ad~pt Resolution Noo 49-~4 ~calllng a special muni- cipal election to be held in the City o~ P~kerm£ietd~ on the 3rd day o~ N~vember~ ~964~ ~er ~he purpose o~ submitting to the quali£ied electors o~ said City~ certain proposed amendments to the Charter e~ the City e~ ~er~ield~ and ~~S~ it im the ~eeire ~f this Co~cil ~ha~ said specia1 m~icipaX election be c~nsoli~ted with the State General election ~e hel~ on the ~rd ~ay e~ Nev~er~ 1964~ N~ TEEEF~E BE XT RESOLV~ by the Coboil o~ the City 1o Tha~ the ~eard e~ Supervisors o~ the County o~ Kern~ is hereby ~e~uested ~o ~ake an order~ pursuant to Section 23302 e~ the.Elections Code e~ the State o~ Calt~ornia~ consolidating the mpecial municipal election called by the Council e~ the City o~ ~akers~ield ~or Novenber 3~ 1984~ with the State General Election to be hel~ on the mane ~ate. That the form o~ the City of Bakersfield propositions upon a~ ~aid eXecti~n~ as the aame are to appear on'the of the C~y the Ci.~y Ch~e~ of ~he City NO P~GPOS'XTXON NO o ~ the City Chm.~.~e~ a~4 ~e~d~ gec~ie~ 71 of the City Char~e~, and a~4s ne~ Sections 7~-73~ 74~ ?$!:)to the City Chm~tero YES P~O~XTION NOo the City NO ~o That roy the pm~pese of said specia~ m~iCipm~ electiom~ the p~eci~ct~ pellim~ p~ace~ am~efficeys of e~ectie~ ~ithim ~he City @f B~ker~fieXd ~haX~ be the ss~e as those provided ~or said State Gene~at Eiec~io~ within said City° 4o That the E~ard of S~pervisors of the County of Kern is here~y amthortmed to canvass the ~et~rns of said special municipal etectio~ an4 sha~l certify the result ef the cmmvass of said ~eturns to the City CoumciX eE the City of Bakeysfield~ who mha~t the~eu~e~ dec~a~e the mesu~ts themeoEo AYES: COUNCILMEN: BALFANZ, IX)OLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITrEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN:~-~j~ CiTY ATTORNEY