HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 49-64°% RESOL~FfXO~ NOo 49-64' certain amen~men~ t~ the Charter of the C~ty o~ ~ake~s~ That Sections X~ 17~ 19~f~O (b)~ (d)~ (k) and (1)~ ~3~ 3.4~ 38~ 40~ 41~ 43~ SO~ 136~ 137~ 1~2 and 163 be amended; Section 16o ~acancies in the Council ~hall ~e ~illed in the f~ll~wing manner~ e~cep~ when caused by recall election0 X~ a vacancy occur~ in the Council a~ a ~im~ Xe~s ~han ~ix (~) months, prior ~e o~ ~hene~t gene~al election ~ the vacan~ councit' seat~ ~he Counci1 shaR1 ~itl the vacancy by a~in~men~ ~ ~he renain~e~ the ~e~pi~ed ~mo ~ a ~cancy ~cc~s in the Council at a ~ime ~ore ~ham mix nonth~ p~l~ ~ the da~e o~ ~he next general election ~or ~he vacan~ Counci1 s~a~ a petition ~eque~ing a specia1 exaction ~ay ~ ~iled ~i~h ~he Cauncilo Such petition must contain ~he s'lgn~e~ ~ quali~led elec~o~s ~ the ~a~d eq~l ~n t~ n~ les~ ~han ~wenty=~!~e {~5~ pe~ cent ~ ~he vo~e ca~t C~unci~anic can~i~ate~ ~ ~ wa~d~ at the last general election~ ~d the ~i~u~tures thereto sh~X be v~rified ~n~ certified in the "'~[]e"'~ner as p~ovl~ed ~r petitions ~ recall e~ectl~uso ~ ~he'~ petition is va~id the C~u~ciX ~h~X ca~l a ~pecial electio~ the v~cancy~ to ~e he~d not Xe~ than ninety ~$} days nor ~re than a specia~ e~ection is ~l~e~ the Council ~ay ~ithin two (2') ~eeks va.cancy~ u~tiX the ~es~ts ~ th~ e~ection a~e certi~iedo ~ no ~uch ~etitton ~eque~ti~g ~ specia~ election is ~iled within ~e.e~ a~te~ ~he vacancy ~cc~ the Co~ci~ shall fill ~he vacancy by ap~i~t o~ by specia~ ~c~io~ ~o~ the ~emainde~ ~ ~he un~- Secti~ XT. ~e~ ~ the Co~ci~ and ca~didate~ there~or~ ~haXX ~e me~ide~t~ o~ ~he City ~ three yea~s and electors o~ the ~rd which they rep~ese~t~ Co~ci~e~ shal~ no~ hold any o~hem public o~ice l~co~p~t~le ~ith his du~ie~ ~d shall ~o~ be inksmelted ~y. co~tm~ct~ job, ~ o~ ~e~vice ~ ~he mu~icipaRity~ as such l~e~e~ i~ ~ ~y be ~l~e~ i~ Title l~ Division ~ A~lcXe o~ ~he ~over~em~ C~d~ ~f ~he S~e of C~tif~ruia~ cip~X eXec~i~ ~he Cou~ci~ ~hsXX ~eet in the Co~cil chsm~e~ the City ~sXX ~t ~ Po~ ~t which time the newly elected a~d cou~ciR~em ~h~Xt ~ss~e the dutie~ of ~hei~ ~f~iceo The~eafte~ the Co~ci~ ~h~X ~et ~t such times as may b~ p~esc~ib~d by ~din~nce re~olution~ A~y ~o~ members thereof may call special meetlugs the Coucil upou uotice to e~ch ~emb~. Such ~otice shall ~tate subject~ ~o be cousidemed a~ the meeting ~ud no othe~ subjects sh~l! be ~heye cou~ide~ed. All ~e~tiu~s of ~he Couuci! sh~Xl be public except'~h~ meetlugs elapsed by ~a~ fyo~ being opeu to the public~ ~ ~uy ci~i~eu shall h~v~ ~cces~ to ~he miuutes ~ud meco~ ~f ig~ pr~ce~i~g~o S$ctlc~ 25 (~o The Nay~r sh~i~ tl~ City ~ ~ ~egi~Xativs policy and ce~omial S~tion 20 {d} . Aa o~tce in the City provided ~r ~h~ ~yor ~r the c~nduc~ o~ hi~ S~t~ ~O (k}~ Fo~lo~iu¢ a g~me~a~ ~unicip~ s~sction~ of the ~yom, th~ Fice~ay~r ~ the Couuci~ ~halX act t~m~re~ ~ith~ut ~ay~ E~r a period net te sxcs~ thirty com~ecutivs r~eiv~ ht~ ~onthly iamtalX~e~t~ or his p~e r~ta sh~re thereo~ ~e the ca~e may Legi~lative Section 21o The Ceuuci~ shall be the judge of the election ef it~ ~e~ber~o A ~je~ity e~ a~X m~be~ ~h~.l be a bu~tnes~ a ~ber Xe~ t~a a ~Jority may a~eurn from day to day ~d c~eX the ~tte~d~ce ef ~e~t membe~ im ~uch ~me~ ~md um4e~ ~mch pe~tle~ ~ m~y be p~emc~ibed by e~dinznceo The affi~tive te adopt ~ e~tm~ce e~ ~e~utle~o The veto ~pen the paceage the Ceucil by arm ~uXe~ ~e~c~lbe~ ~11 be taken by y and e~tere~ u~u the or ~dinamces ~ay be sub~itte~ to the ~all~ied registered electors at such eXec~t~ a~ the ~e~uir~emts of the charte~ have beam same e~ectiom comf~ict~ the measure receivim~ the highest affi~mative previouaXy ~memde~ or e~tstiag sectiomo Whomever im this Charter The Coumci~ shall appoimt the follo~img o~ficers= The City Mamager~ who may ~r may not be a resldemt of the Cl~y at the ~ime of his ap~oin~memt, and ~hose term ~ orEice shall be at the pleasure ~f ~he Coumcilo The C~umclX may appoi~ such othe~ officems ms may be crea~ed by ~lmamceo ~em~a~ o~ City ~amager The City Mamaget may be removed from office by ~bhe affimmatlve vote~ of ~ menb~ms of the Co~cilo After much ~ovaX amd mot later than thirty {35) days ~herea~te~ he may request and secure ~i~hi~ such time~ a public hearing before the Council to speak im his o~ behalfo by the City ~Sem: P~ice ~hief Fare Chie~ 3o PubXic ~orks The folXo~img officers shall be appointed 4. Au~ltor-C~ntrolXer XOo ~ueh e~her offiee~ ae ~ay be designate4 by the Section 41~ ~he City Ccuuc~X ~haX1 e~oy~ ef a~X other offiee~ am4 empXoyee~ ~ho receive e~ disburse city may ~i~ec~o ~e~r~ ef ~ueh examtmatton~ ia tripRicate~ shaX~ be made amd eke each thereof ~haX1 be f~Xed with the CXeyk~ Au~to~ ~ad Atter~ey~ Amy effice~ cXe~k e~ empXeyee ~ho ~ha~ ~efu~e to hl~ e~ice ~s may be ~eqm!~ed~ shali forfeit his effiee~ ~ee~ie~ 43, ~ep~ ~e e~he~lse specified the ~uaXtfica.~ions ef officers ,a~ ~p~oyees of the City shaXX feXXo~$: Each elective offtce~ n~t be a citl~ea of the ~nited ~tatec~f the State ef CaZi~e~mia~ and ef the City ef B~ke~sfie!d~ roy thyee ye~ ue~t p~ecedlmg the date o~ hie electlea, Re~idemce utthlu the Xi~lt~ of aay tey~i~eyy ~hich ha5 beeu e~ may he~ea~tey become a~e~ed to the City of ~ke~efie~d~ sha~ after a~y ~uch ammexmtiom h~s beem ~ece~p~ehed~ be deemed aud ccme~ued to hmve beem ~ith~m the C~ty, Appo~mtive off~ce~ cubo~di~te aXX ~mmicipaX employees amd aXX m~be~s of amy boa~d o~ cox~is~ioa nemto ~pom a~et~;mem~ such ~e~som~ uhe a~e act reeident~ of ~he City a2 time of app~imlmemt~ mhaXZ bec~e a re~idem'~ of the Ci~y ~U~XiC ~U~X~ng~ and v~k~ am~ tm ~u~ut~hlng ~uy ~up~Xie~ and m~te~iaXs ~ th~ m~ ~ E~ ~y ~ther ~e ~y the City~ ~hem the but ~ Xee~ ~h~n ~o~ the~n~ de~l~r~ the ~e m~y be let to the ~he a~e~mity o~ a~vertimim~ in the oEEicial new~papero ~ojects ~e ~cept~ ~e~ ~he r~ui~memt~ o~ this p~ragraph~ 1E the City Count'j1 dete~t~e~ ~hat such ~ork Can be per~o~ed more economically The City Ceucil ~y in l, te disc~et~en ~eJect, any aX1 ~t~ ~nd ~eadverti~e ~o~ bid~o The City C~u~ci~ ~Etsr r~jecti~g bid~ e~ i~E ~ ~m ~m~l'~t~m ~upplied by th~iy N~e~ the work i~ quemtiom be p~e~d ~etter e~ norm economically by City employee~ or the nate~ial~ er equl~e~t may be p~chased more economically on the open o Co~ci1 and ,coitainil~ I decl~a~lon o~ ~he ~ac~ conm~itu~ing ~uch u~g~cy ~ ~w~papr of general circu~io~ pu~lis~d i~ ~he Ci~y~ ~he City Cou~cil~ ~mually~ prior to ~h~ ~gi~i~g o~ e~ch ~i~c~l ye~r~ ~h~11 ~ubXi~h ~o~lc~ or o~her ~er required ~o ~ publi~hed~ in a ~~pr ~m~r~X circuX~io~ published i~ the Ci~y~ them ~he City CoumciX ~hm~X ~ave ~ power ~o c~n~r~c~ wi~h ~uch ~w~apr ~or the printing and pui~ll~hi~g o~ ~uch 1~g~1 no~ice~ ~lthou~ ~ei~g required ~o ~or ~id~ ~~or, ~ ~w~p~pr wi~h which a~y ~uch con~r~c~ ~11 ~ designated ~h~ o2~icial ~ew~p~pr ~or ~h~ publication of ~uch ~ice~ or oth~r ~er ~or the ~eriod ~ such ~ ~o c~ ~hall ~he con~rac~ price~ ~or such ~ublica~ion exceed ~h~ c~o~ ra~e~ c~r~d ~y ~uch ~w~pr for ~he ~ublica~ioa latiom ~u~li~hed im ~ Ci~y~ ~he~ aX~ legal mo~ice~ ~r other pXaac~ l~ ~e City~ No d~fec~ or ir~guXmrt~y im ~roceedimg~ ~mkem ~mder da~ ~my p~llcm~lom w~ ~h~ ~ i~ othe~ise l~ comE~i~y wi~h ~lem Of amd ~e d~fiml~io~ ~f w~rd~ ~md phr~e~ ~r~vi~d by the Gover~ ~e~lom 1~$. T~e folXewi~g word~ ~ve~ im t~i~ C~r~er ~e mi~mlfica~iom ~$ac~ed ~o them im thi~ com~ctiom~ u~le~ e~he~i~e ~pparem~ fro~ co~ex~: T~ ~e~d ~'eXec~er" u~XX ~ qualified yeglsteyed elecee~m umdey 2he eXec~l~a Xaw of Cmlifemia, amd whose m~m~ ~m im ~',o vote im ~he precimce er ward whom t~ey m~ide. "CeumciX' mhalX ~eam t~ Ceumcil ef ~he City of ~ker~fieXd~ y ~IX mea~ ~e City of ~ker~ield. cer~ificm~e~ mus~ ~ of m u~ifoE ~e= ~ dete~i~d by the Clerk~ iE~ch certificate ~ co~mi~ ~he ~ of ome ~ig~r ~here~e mmd em~i~ed te vote f~r ~e c~mdid~e ~d, ~md mu~ mot~ ~ ~he ~i~e of ~lgmimg m cer~lfic~e~ ~ve sig~ed ~my ot~r certificate for ~he office~ Em cm~e mm e~ec~r h~ eig~ed two or ~ere cemf~ictimg : .~i~i~~ ml~ ex~pt ~e_ eme first p~me~ted ohm!! ~ ~jec~ed. Emch ~igmer mm~ sigm his ~ im t~e ~e~mce of the verific~le~ ]pape~ ~h~XX the N~e Section ~. All elections excep~ eenera~ ~unicipal Elections and Ngminatin~ ~ici~al Electie~ ~hal1 be known as Special ~unici~al Section Y4~ Unless othe~ise p=ovide~ ~G~ by this cha=te~ o= e~lna~cs he~ea~te= enacted~ a11 elections shall be held in accordance with the ~=ovieiens ~ the Elections Code o~ the Sta~e e~ Call~e=nia~ pe~taining ~e Emnicipa1E1ec~iens~ as the s~me new exists o= may hemea~te~ be amended~ X~i~iative~ Rele~en~ and Recall Section ~5, ~cep~ inso~ar a~ is othex~wise p~ovided by this cha~te~ e~ eFdlnance~ he=ea~te~ enacted~ the p=ovisie~ e~ the E1ections Code ~ the State o~ Cali~e~nia~ as the ~ne new exists o~ may he~e- a~te~ be ~en~e~ governing ~he initiative~ the =e~e~end~ and the ~ecal1 o~ m~icipal e~ice=e shal1,apply to the use thereo~ in the Cityo Tha~ Sections X15, 1i6~ 117~ 118~ !19, 1209 !2!~ 122~ 123~ 154~.,.,1~5~ 126~ 127~ 1~8~ 129~ and 130 be amended~ F~anchises Section 1~5o Ne pe~son~ ~i~'m or corporation ~hall exercise ~ay ~Tranchise ~ight o~ p~lvilege mentioned in this a=ticle ~i~hin the city except inse~ ~s he e= it ~ay be entitle~ to do so by antho~ity of the Constitution o~ the S~te ~ Cali~o=nia and statutes er o~he~ law~ unless he or i~ shal~ have obtaimed a. gramt therefor in accordance ~i~h the ~ovisio~s oE this C~a~e~." Any franchise 1~ existence at ~he ~ime of ~he adoption of this sectie~ shall re~ai~ i~ efEect u~til ~he e~piratio~ of its term° and its Imhabl~ants ~l~h t~amsportation~ communi~a~ion~ Cable Antenna Television Se~vice~ ~e~minal facilities, li~h~ heat~ ~as~ storage o~ any other public utility or service~ or to use ~he public mtmeets~ ~ay~, alleys o~ p~aces ~o~ the operation o~ plants~ o~ e~ipmen~ ~o~ the ~u~ishi~g the~eo~ o~ t~av~ing any portion o~ the city~ ~o~ the ~n~mitta~ o~ conveyance ~ any such service e~sewhe~e~ The City Co~ci~ m~y pwovide~ by o~dinance~ additional ter~ and dition~ o~ ~ch ~anchise n~t inconsistent with thi~ ~o~hi~g in thi~ Charter shall apply t~ the city c~ ~ny department the~e~ ~hen ~mi~Hi~g any ~uch utility or se~vice~ ~chi~e~ ~e~ Distribution Facilities fo~ Gas~ E~ect~icity and Section ~17~ ~n addition ~o the authority ~o g~ant ~ranchises cont~i~ed e~se~he~e in this Cha~er~ the City Counci~ may g~nt a :g~anchise t~ ~ny pe~so~ ~i~ o~ co~poration~ ~hether ope~atin~ ~der an e~isti~g ~a~chise o~ not~ to ~e~ or t~ construct and use~ po~es~ ~i~e~ c~duit~ ~nd appurtenances ~or t~ansnitting and distributing e~ectmici~y ~o~ a~ p~pose~ o~ ~o use~ or to ~ay ~nd u~e~ pipes. app~temamces ~o~ tma~mitti~g am~ dis~ributilmg gas for any and all purposes~ om ~o lay and ~e pipes~ ditches~ fl~es~ conduits and appu~tenamces fo~ t~ansmittiag and distributing wa~er fo~ any and all pumposes~ under~ along~ ac~oss~ om* upon the public s~eets~ ways~ alleys and places ~ithin the m~icipali~y:~ upon such te~ and conditions as ame provided in an ac~ of the Legislature of t.he Sta$'e of California~ designated therein am~ cononly known as the 'Fr~nchise Ac~ of 1937" and as the said act nay hereafter be amended, The en~eration of a pa~tic~la~ ac~ o~ the State of California s~tl mo~ be held t~ be a limitation on th~ authority of the City ...C~un.,cil ~o g~an~; f~anch~es pu~s~aa~ ~a any other law of the : o;~ California as ~hey no~ ~-~s~ or nay hereaf~;er Resolution of Xn~en~ion - N~ice and Public Hearing Section ll~, ~efo~e g~an~ing any fra~chisep the City Council stating ~he n~ne of the pm~po~ed gran~ee~ ~he cha~ac~e~ o~ ~he f~an- chise~ an~ the te~nm and c~nditi~n~ upon ~hich it is proposed to be granted° Such ~esol~ion shall fix and set forth the day~ hour and place ~hen and ~he~e a~y persons ha~lng any in~eres~ ~he~ein o~ any objection to the gman~ing ~here~f ~ay appear before the City Council a~d be heard ~hereono ~ ~hall direct the City Cler~ ~o publish said re~lu~ion at lea~t ~nce ~ithin ~i~een {15) days of the passage ~he~e- o~p in the ~ficial ne~papero The ~ime fi~ed fo~ such hearing shall ~ be less ~han t~en~y {2~} nor m~re than sl~y {~O) days after ~he passage of said ~esolutiono A~ the ti~e set fo~ ~he hearing ~he City Council shall ceed ~ hea~ and pass upon all prn~ests ~nd i~s decision thereon shall he final a~d conclusi?eo The~eaf~er~ It may gran~ o~ deny~ ~he chise~ su~Jec~ ~ ~he ~igh~ ~f ~efe~end~ of ~he people, If ~he City C~cil shall de~e~-mine ~ha~ changes should be ma~e in ~he ten~ and conditions upon which ~he franchise is pmoposed to ~e gran~e{~ a new ~lution ~f in~ention shall be adopted and li~e p~oc$edings ha~ Te~ of f~anchise Section 1190 ~ve~y f~anchise sh~ll s~a~e ~he ~e~m fo~ ~hich i~ is g~an~$d~ ~hich ~less i~ h~ inde~e~ina~e as p~ovided for he~ein ~h~.ll no~ e~ceed ~ A ~manchise g~a~t ~y ~e indete~mina~e~ which may p~ovtde that l~ shall endume in ~ul~ ~ce and e~ec~ ~it the s~e~ wi~h ~he sent of ~he ~biic Utilltle~ Co~ission of the S~a~e of California~ shall he v~l~a~ily ~?~ende~ed~ or abandone~ ~y i~s po~se~so~ o~ until ~he S~a~e 9~ Cali~or~iap o~ some munici~t o~ public co~po~atlon~ ~he:~e~to d~ly authorized hy law~ shall purchase by ~l~ary ag~eemen~ or shall condemn an~ ~e und~ ~he powe~ ~ eminen~ domain~ all p~ope~y actuality u~ed and useful in ~he e~e~cise o~ such ~anchise~ or 11o She pe~e~ae~ ~heree~o to ~y ~i~e~ ~tllity @~ service ~h~ be in ~ie~ o~ a~ ether fr~chtse~ u'~i~i~te~ accept~mce the=seE sh~ll have beem fixed by the g=~mtee the~eef ~ith ~he City CXe~k~ $~ch ~cceptm~ce ~haXX be llXe~ withim ~dditlo~ ~e~lte~y~ a~d a~ ~r~chises~ rights a~d privi~ege~ o~ed ~y the ~r~tee the~el~ e~ce~t ~ ~aachi~e derived under s~id ~i~al p~o~tmtom~ eh~l~ likewise be de~ed t~ be abandoned ~tthi~ the by the ~Fa~tee ~ithout the pFteF ce~e~t e~ the City Co~cil evi~emced by a duXy a~epted ~emeXutiem apprevimg the ~esig~e~t ~r tr~sfe~ a~d ~less the t~amsEe~ee om assi~eem the=seE s~XX ceve~mt agree. to pe=~o~ ~md te be ~md by each ~d aXl of the tems a~d comdi- S~tiem ~o ~ its acceptames ef aay ~chise he=e~de=~ m~em the =eme~aX oE' amy EFsachise~ the grantee ~h~ covemamt mmd agree XmE~sed im ~h$ gramt~ oF ~y the"o~dl~aace granti~ the ~ramchise '..j ": theretoEo~e e~ thereafter a~opted ~y the City Cemcil im the exercise oE ire p~Xice pe~e~ ~eve~miaG the cemet=uctiom, mai~temamce amd the ~e~t of l~j~y te a~y peree~ e~ perse~s (imcZudi~ g~a~tee) ~ imj~y te am~ property of ~my kim~ whatsoever or to ~ho~eeve~ lem~i~ (imeX~im~ ~amtee) resulting from amy eperatie~ ~der such ~ramchise ee g~a~ted ey yene~ed. ~ya~tee ~the~ covenants a~d ~greee to i~4~ify a~d save h~rmXess ~he City from a~y a~d aXl liability a~ieimg omt of ~my such i~j~y. Gy~tee ~h~ll~ om the City's request~ ~) R~ove ~m~ melocate withemt expemse to the City ~mmd ~hem made mecess~y by amy l~wful cha~ge ef ~rade~ chamge i~ the :a~ig~e~t ey ~idth of amy public st~eet~ way~ alley or pl~ce~ mlley or ea~e~ er ce~tr~tie~ of a~y ~ubway or vaiduct~ (e) ~y to the City du~i~g the Xife of the f~a~chise cemtaEe~ to be ~pecified i~ the gya~t ef the ~oms am~ual receipts the grantee arising from its operatio~ u~de~ the fyamchime withi~ the ~im'its of the City~ mmd such other compe~atio~ as the City ComciX ~y prescribe im the e~di~ce ~yamtim~ the framchise. ~ethed e~ ~r~atimg Fraachise Section ~ The Ceu~cl~ may g~mt a framchiee without cslli~ ........... Ee~'bi-ds~may~-ia its-discretiem~-~dve~ise for bidm-*for--~le e~ a f~a~chi~e upem ~ b~sis~ mot i~ comflict~ ~ith the previmie~ of this a~tic~e~ te be set emt im the advertisement for bids. Sectie~ ~ A1R erdi~amce~ gra~ti~g fma~chises u~der this ~tlc~e~ sh~l provide that the city sh~Xl h~ve the right~ a~ o~her p~pe~ o~ aXX hoX~er~ e~erci~ing or enJoyimg amy ~ranchi~e by ~he Ce~ci1 concerning the character a~d ame~t ef busines~ done ~he~e~ith~ ~ ~l~e ~ itenize~ account e~ ~he m~ney expended the yea~ The Ceuncl1 ~hall h~e ~he ~e~ ~e c~11 ~o= spain1 Section 1~5~ The Ce~n~lX shall provide and cause to be Oopie~ e~ al1 ~=a~chi~e~ ~e~ by ~he City~ ~he n~es and the~ea~te~ the n~e e~ any assignee or lessee ~hereo~ P~L~ent o~ G~os~ Recei~t~ Section 12e~. The e~l~ula~ed percentage o~ ~roes receip~s pFe- vide~ l~ thi~ Charte~ oF enid ordinance ~o be paid ~or the use and enjope~t e~ ~y ~=a~chi~e ~ set ~e=~h i~ the o~di~a~ce g~a~ti~ ~uch ~ra~chis~ shall b$ p~id amauall~ ~ hSlders ~hereo~ at th~ ~, ~. Pu~.ha~e ~r C~d~tl~ ~y City ~e~ it ~y ~a~ to a~ire the Sec~lo~ 1~8o X~ the eve~ tha~ a grantee o~ a~si~ee e~ any ~:ea~chise ~msate~ p~rsua~t ~om~e.ite~o Such reso~utie~ may ~ther provide~ at ~he optio~ of tihe City Ce~ci~ that ~X ~er~ i~stal~atio~$ a~d equi~ent which have beeu plac~ er iast~lled i~ e~ or ove~ public streets~ ways~ e11eym em pieces sh~11 become the right, %i%~e a~d i~%erest %0 said ~er~ installations and equines% sih~ll ~ i~ the City of ~ercisi~¢ Right Wi~hem~ P~nchise Sec~ie~ X~eo The exercise by a~y pe~son~ ~f~ e= corporation o~ a~y pmivi~ege le~ which c"~i~¢ ~ f~a~chise~ shall be mem~ im ~he testy Jal~ or by ~h such ~i~e e~ch &y tha~ such vioiati~m co~tiaues sh~l co~titute a ~eparmte ef~ense~ ~ m~dltie~ te the penalty p~escribed above any perso~ rim er ce~mtiem exemcisi~g of this a~tic~e shall be'~isble to the City of B~kemsfietd i~ the amount thi~ ~ttcle ~econe~ e~fective~ ~ petition ~i~n~ by quaXtfie~ zre~is~e~e~ eX~te~ e~ the City. equ~ in n~be~ te t~enty-ftve pey te~l~ ~~ the p~ge ef ~uch eFdinauce~ be p~esented te the Ceuctl, s~i4 e~dl~nce ~h~11 ~hemeupen be suspenderic The Council ~X% .su~t the ordinance te the ~ualtfied reg~stere~ electoms of the City eithe~ ~t the ~e~t ~tcip~ e~ectiem at ~hieh ~ ~ifie4 um~ ~ ~Je~tty ef the ~lfied ~egi~teyed e~te~m voting em the m~e sh~11 vote tn ~avox' the~f~ The p~ovislen~ ~esp~timg the ~lc~tio~ am4 fiXt~ ~X ~e the ~me a~ i~ p~evided fo~ iaiti~tive pet~t~eam ~ A~t~cXe XXX ~f this chapte~o The baXXet to be used mh~11 be ~ub~tantlally am l~ p~evld~ in Article VEE ef this Chartez,~ ~lth ~uch ~ificatien~ a~ ~y be ~equi~ed~ ~aid fey~ ef ballot to be a~e~ved by the City CeumciX~ NOW~ ~~OEE~ BE ET EE$OLV~ by the Ceunci~ of the City B~ke~fie~d~ C~ife~mi~ thmt ~mid p~ep~itie~m to ~emd the Charte~ of the City ef B~e~mfte~4 ~ be p~ced e~ the ballet to be u~ed Theme ~em~emtm mha~ become effective aftey the ~ppmevst ef the State Legi~latuye amd filing with the Secretary ef State~ ~ie~m~ Uht~ene~e ~ari~a So the City APPROVED: