HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 40-64 RESOLUTION NO., 40-64 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ORDERING THE VACATION OF A.- PORTION OF. JAMES STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, on the 18th day .of May~i'1964, the CounCil' of the"City of BakerSfield', pursuant to-the p.rovisions .Of the "Street r'vacatiOn' Act of i941",. being 'DivisiOn'9,. Part 3, of"the Streets and'. Highways Code of. the State of California;~ pa. ssed and.~'a'dopted its- Resoluti'on of IntentiOn. No..-.793, declaring-i~ts intention to order the vacation of a portion of 'jame.s' street,. ~ilty of BakersfieldS' Ca lifornia, .and " " . ,"~'..' WHEREAS, said. Council did fix. a .time'.and place for hearing all persons interested in or~ objecting to".'said proposed 'vacation, which. said . hearing T was held' on the 15.th day'of June, -196.4, after...' notices were duly. posted as required 'by' law,.-~nd-' : WHEREAS, this Council' afte~ duly"~"considering the matter', does hereby-findhand resolve as follows: .-.. 1.- Tha't that portion of James Street, situate in the City of Bakers'field, County of.Ker~,'. StaCe"0f California, 'more. particularly described as 'fOllows, is unneeessary.'z~f0r present or prospective public street. purposes: . " COmmencing at t~e' intersection of the eaTst :.line 'of "~" Street, of 82.5 feet in width, as said "R" Street is shown on the "'Map of the .'City of"Bakersfield" filed for. record N6veraber 25, 1898, in Book 1 of..Maps at pages "i3 and 14 .in:' .theo.'6ffice of the Said CoUnty 'Recorder and .the northeasterly line of U~S. Highway' 99 (State Route VI-Ker- 4-Bkd) ', thence from a' tangent which'I-~bears 'S . 64° 30 ' 03"E., soUtheasterly. along a cur~e, and along the said northeasterly line 'Of State-' Route VI-Ker-4'-Bkd, concave to the .northeast with 'a radius of 8245 feet through an angle of 0°19'54",I .an arc distance' of 47..73 feet' .. to a polntl of tangency;' thence S.64~19'57'!E., 6.15 feet; thence departing from the said. northeasterly. line, N~.62°'52 ' 07"-E ~, 302.95r...' . .~ .... ~ .....fee~t~to--inte~rse~ct~..~the 'Southw~eSterly. 'line .of said James 'Street.,.. ~..:- '. · ' * said ·point. of int~rseCti0n B~f~g "~' t~ ~'p6i~~ 6'~' B~'~{~ih~' · .... . "" .~ENCE (1) continuing N.62°'52'O7"E~','7 70·.59 'feet to in[ersec~ the " .~ ' nor'theasterly line .of said James .str&et.; ... .. ~ENCE (2) 'southeasterly along' the sa'i'd northeasterly'line of .. .. ..-Jame's. Street to intersect .a line .17.·55 'feet·· eas.t~rly from and parallel'with the northerly prolongation of .· ·-. the easterly line .of "T" Street, of 82~5 !feet ·in width, said "T" Street having .been vacated by Resolution of Intention No. 481 ~passed and adopted November 26, · 1923, by the City COuncil of .the City of Bakersfield;' · · TH'ENCE (3) · southerly along last parallel line, said par.allel line · .being the westerly boundary of a portion of James .· Street vacated by Resolution of Intention No.' 642 passed and adopted January. 31, 1'944, by the said ' ' · Ci·ty Council, to ·intersect the .southwesterly line · of said James Street; THENCE (4) "'northwesterly along said sOuthweSterly line of James .~ Street to the point of beginning. .. " RESERVING. all of the above described ..parcel as a public utili'tieS easement. 2.. That said portion· of James .Street· be and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and· abandoned for 'public Street purposes,. ~UbjeCt to and in conformi. ty with ·the 'reservations and exceptions. contained in and contemplated-by S~aid Resolution of Intention No. 793. Refe.r'ence to said ResolUtion of Intention is. hereby made for further particulars. '. " 3. The City Clerk ·shall certify to 'the passag.e of this Resolution.and shall cause a certified copy here0f~-attested bY the clerk under ,the Seal of the .City, to be. recorded in 'the office. of the County Recorder of'the county of'Kern,' 'California' -' o0o i ~HEREBY CERTIFY that the' fo~eg0ing ResolUtiOn was passed and ,,adopted by the Council of .the City+ of Bake~.Sfieid at a · 'regular 'meeting"thereof held ·on~ Lt~e 15th day of June, 1964, 'the following v '. · . . ' ' ' ". , WHIYTEMORE ' ' AYES COUNCILMEN: eALF~sI",,IZ, ~ooLi~, ~,~,cH~,~:cs, ~oss~,~.,~N, ~uc~,~. ,,.. ,.. . .'.. .... ...: .'-; .,2'. NO~S: COU~I'LM~~: . A~TAIN:~G: COU~CR~EN: J ' " ; " :' ' ...~ " ;... '; '/'. - .. ',... - .; '. . -. ..' .... · ,", . , ",.. , ~,,, , . ,. , .~'.. ,-. .. C ~ . o~ ~be' ". Co~c~ o~ ~e C~7. o~ Bske~s~e~d . ;~,,- ~.., -~ ~,~;~, . . - , , ~ ~ ~ ~, : . '~u. . , ...... ' .... ' ' -~R/O~;he-."~-~ f Bakersfield · APPROVED this 15'Tth day of June, ..1964. ...... ' . ' .'