HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 34-64 RESOLUTION NO. 34-64 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO_ THE ENACTMENT OF A STATE-WIDE-HOTEL.. BED TAX ;WHEREAS, :.the Governor of-the Stat~ifof California ha~. recently. issued a- public statemeht in .w~ieh' ~e ':S~ggested a ho~el bed .tax as a source of revenue to Kelp finance the neW.'tourist infor..ma.tion :agency. 'of the State of CalifOrnia, and · · WHEREAS-, it appears possible that .the Governor-,of the' State of California will.request the .19'65 Session.of the-State Legislation to consider 'the enaqtment Of a' state-wide hotel and'. mote 1".' bed~ tax, and -' - .: WHEREAS, the City of Bakers field-now has 'a 'City~Wide · .hotel and motel bed. tax,. and . WHEREAS,. the City of Bakersfield 'pioneered the hotei 'and motel-bed tax system now used .by .many cities in the state of California:, and ' : . WHEREAS, the City of Bakers'field has b'ecome financially obligated as a result of the construction of the.'Bakersfield Civic Auditorium to retire the bonds isSUed for the construction of the Bakersfie'ld Civic Auditorium from the-Bakersfield 'hotel and motel bed tax,-and WHEREAS, the 1963 SeSsion 'of the ..California Legislature ' conferred-.upon non-chartered citie'S and .cOunties, 'as Well .'as chartered cities and counties~ the. power to 'raise revenue .'by means gf a hotel and motel bed tax, and ..- WHEREAS, many cities and-cOUntieS in. the"Sta.te of "'.granting said-'cities and counties the right of imposing a-bed tax to' :' the - extent of "const,~U~ting various "types of public-recreational a.nd convention facilities to be:paid for '.frOm said-taxes' ahd . , .. ~ -- . , i , "- " WHEREAS, should the' State" of ·CalifOrnia impose an additional hotel and motel bed tax or· Seek 'to eiiminate the hotel and ·motel. bed tax of th~ cities and· counties' and supplement its own 'bed .tax·, 'said.action would seriously impair 'the obliga.tions which"Various cities'and ·counties. have undertaken to broaden' their convention and. recreational facilities, "' " " ..... . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT:.RESOLVED by the Counci.l:. of 'the City of Bakers field that.. the .City CounCilis.. hereby on/record in , ~ opposition tO{ the' enactment of ..a State'Wide bed .ta~ 'law 'for the :use .... of 'the State of California by the:Calif0rnia'Le~'islature:, and, BE IT FURTHER' RESOLVED .that copies of this re.solution~ .. . shall. ·be sent to 'the appropriate committees and members of the California Legislature as well as the' Governor of' the State of .. California and the League of California ·Cities.. ,. .. " -'--- o00 · · .... I HEREBY 'CERTIFY that th~ foregoing .ResOlutiOn ~as passed'.and adopted by.the Council .of the .City of 'Bake'~sfield at a. . .: . ... -.. · . · . regular 'meeting thereof held '~n:. the ·25th:.day of May, .' 196~, by. the , fo i lowing 'V0 te: . , . . . .'. '5 . · . .. , .. . ' . 'AYES: COUNC kM~M B~t~A DOOtlN, AAA~C BAN~S, -MOSS~AN, ~UCKER: SIIHRN, WM ~IEMOR~' '. ' NOES: COUNCILMCM! ~ '. · · ' '~ ' · ' -I '~ , - · ~" ' ' ~' 2 " A~SENn cOuNc:,'L~..': .... .' ' ~" ... . . ..... .. .. ., APPROVED .. thiS" .2i~h C'day of--May., .~-'9-64, ........ ' .....":'- .. he Cityii_.of B"'akersfield.' ' CITY ATTO~EY " / "' CITY. CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.