HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 30-64-RESOLUTION NO. 30 -64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL' OF ~THE · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. REQUESTING THAT-THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA INVESTIGATE AND AUDIT THE,· '. RATES CREST WATER· COMPANY' CHARGES ITS · CUSTOMERS~ 'IN THE 'BA'KE. RSFIELD AREA. 'WHEREAS~ the' Crest Water,'~C0mpany is:' a"pub.!ic utility operating within the .territorial limits of the City'of Bakersfield and is Under the jurisdi~tion of' the PubliC! Utilities Cou~ftission of the State of' 'California, .and . · ' ': WHEREAS, the Crest Water Company serves customers~within the City of Bakers field and. in this respect.has in excess fifteen hundred connections .SerVin'g a population 'estimated to be approximate ly five thousand individuals~. 'and . WHEREAS, compl.aints from' customers .of Crest Water Company have been received by the City Council' of excessive water rates charged said customers by said water company, "and 'WHEREAS., said complainants have stated that officials of said water" company have promised redUction's in rates. but that no reductions have been forthcoming' over the years and, in fact, complainants state that rates have been in'creased,'.and ': ·' WHEREAS,· it further appears 'that .water rates in the. Crest Water .Co.mpany do not have a.uniform' application in accordance· with lthe Public Utilities Commission sChedUles, and" · WHEREAS, the rates of 'Cr.est/Wa.ter'Compan~ ar~ in 'wide variance with" rates charged by other Water. companies operating under the juriSdiCtion of the Publics'Utilities. CommissiOn in-'this area, and - . ' - . _ ..' i ....... ~ :"' W~{~, REAS ;' o th'~i= ~fibli~=u'~ i'l'i~i'e s 'iB' :' ~h~" ':'a~ ~ a Z: h~V~v't~k~hi ..... :' .... '· cognizance. of tax reductions of the 'Federa.1 .Government-" in relation to Corporate' taxes and have requested the Public Utilities Commission to institute hearings'for rate reduction, ..- NOW, 'TBEREFORE,· BE IT RESOLVED by t~e-council .of the City of Bakersfield. as follows.:. 1. The City. of Bakersfield on·behalf'of'itself·and the · Citizens of iBakersfield r. esiding within the I dertificated area of · 'the Crest Water Company' ~equest that the Public Utilities Coa.nission undertake an inVeStigation and·audit of 'the water ·rates.charged by the Crest Water Company "to its customers· 2. The PubliC:Utiliti'eS Commissi0nis further'requested' to furnish th'~ City 'of' Bakersfield via the City Att0rney's .Office any materials prepared by the staff of the'Public Utilities Com- mission .in respect to the aforesaid activities ·of the .Crest Water' I HEREBY CERTIFY. that the foregoing Resolution was passed' and adopted by the Council of the Cilty of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof hel'd on the 18th .day 0f May, .i 196~,· by 'the following vote: -! AYES: COUNCILMEN: BALFANZ, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMOR~ .. APPROVED ATTORNEY {or the: City o~a'kers'fie ld.