HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-64 RESOLUTION NO. '27-64 ' 'RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF 'THE, CITY OF BAKERSFIElD CALLING FOR THE REDEMPTION SERIES A OFF-STREET REVENUE BONDS NOS. 'A644' TO A641, INCLUSIVE, 'AND NOS. A640 TO A627, INCLUSIVE; FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE 'OF· N .REDEMPTION 'OF SAID .BONDS', AND AUTHORIZI G -THE FISCAL AGENT TO ~REDEEM SAiD BONDS... , WHEREAS, pursuant to 'R~.solution No. 75-55' of the CoUncil of the .city of' Bakersfield, 'ad0pt, ed NoVember 14, 195'5, and pursuant to the Charter'. of the City of Bakersfield,..and in accordance/with the Constitution and laws of the Sta.te'of .California,-,'the City of Bakersfield did' issue certain Off~Street Parking Revenue Bond~ Series A, which were duly ,sold', and . .. WHEREAS, by said Resolution it is specified that Series A Bonds Nos. A176 to A880, both inClUsive, are redeemable only in reverse-numerical order from' high to lower upon the determination of the Council and upon notice of said redemption, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council/to.'eall'for the ~·redemption of Series A Off-Street Parking Revenue.. Bonds Nos. A644 to A641, inclusive, and Nos. A646 'to A627, inclusiVe'~' 'oh'June 1, 1964. ...' ~,'-·NOW, THEREFORE,,= BElT RESOLVED by the Council ~fl..the City of'Bakersfield, as follows: ... ' That said Bonds A 644 to A641, inclusive, and A640 to' A627,. inclusive, shall be redeemed 'on June 1, .1964, ·and. that the Crocker-Anglo National Bank, .successors to the Anglo,Californi, a.' National+Bank, the Fiscal ·Agent".under'said ResolUtion N0~ 75-55, be and it is hereby authorized .and' 'directed to redeem. said .bonds according to the terms of Said -bonds, . and" of, ~'ai·,d Resolution, at ...... ~the r e demp ti on'- -p r i c e-~ of-~ one~ ~hun ~[r-e d-' -'t-h~ee~p erc-e-n.~t,--(~l:03%)-'--~,f-!--t-hei principal amount, upon presentation and surrender-of 'suCh bonds, and that 'the interest on Said bonds' her.~i~iabove set forth to be redeemed,' shall cease to accrue7 from .and 'after June '1, 1964.' That .said Fiscal Agent is hereby authori. Zed and directed to transfer into the Series A Sinking Fund from the Off-Street Parking Reserve Fund, any and all sums which may be necessary for the redempt.ion of said bonds, should-said Series A .Sinking-Fund be insufficient for the purposes hereinabove set forth. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish Notice' of Redemption twice in The Baker~field Calffornian, a daily newspaper of general CircUlation published in the City of Bakersfield, ICalifornia, once a week for two successive weeks, the first publication to be not'less than' 'thirty. (30)-'.days prior to the redemption date, and that a similar notice be also mailed .~to the Fiscal Agent, to the original purchaser. ~f each' series of Bonds issued under said Resolution No. 75-55, and also the respecti've registered owners of any bonds designated for redemption at their addresses appearing on the bond registration books, at least thirty (30)'I days prior to the r~demption date o0o · "I HEREBY CERTIFY that the' foregoing ResolutiOn was passed and adopted by the Council of the· City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting· thereof held on the 27th day of April,. 19'64, by the following vote: :. · : CI~ERK and Ex-O~ficio Clerk of the CounCil of. 'the City. of Bakersfield. APPR~~.~Z !~·7th day of April,' 1964. e i ~~ 'ake-rsfie ld., o B ,