HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 24-64 " -, "' RESOLUTION. NO. 24-.64 "- 'RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL ,0F THE 'CITy'OF ./ 'BAKERSFIELD ORDERING .THE VACATION OF A PORTION 0F' SUNSET AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BAKERSF IELD, . .... WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of ,March,' i964', the Council of "~ .~! the.' City of .Bakersfield, pursuant to the proViSions of the."'Street " "Vacation'Act of 1941~', being.Division 9, Pa'~t '3'..of the Streets and Highways- Code of the State~of ~Caiifornia, passed and. adopted its Resolution of-'!ntention No. 789, .~.~e.c'larlng its intention ~'o order. the .vacation of a portion of Isunset Avenue, "City of :.Bak~rs'field, Calizfornia, and '" ' ":'= ' ' ".. = ,,-'.~-WHEREAS~' said Council did fix..a time and'plaCe for hear.ing--~. all. persons interested in .or objecting to"'.Said-'proposed vacation.,' " '.~ which 'said.hearing;Was' held on .the. ffl~-3th Iday of A~rii, 1964., 'after .~. .' ,., .f. . notices were' "duly posted as requfred by. law, 'and ' ~ -...~. -. iWHEREAS,. this Council after'duly C'onsiderin'g the matter, 'does hereby find and resolve .as--follows:' ,.' .-: 1. That' that.. portion o~ SunSe't AVenUe, 'situate ,in the. City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of california,. more particularly described as fol,loWS, is unnecessary for preSent or .prospective public street purposes: .'7 '. Z' ' ' 'Commencing at the northeast c0rne~ 'of SeCtion. 3B ,"' ToWnShip.. 29 South.', Range 27 East, M~D.M., 'thence 'southerly'alOng the easterly boundary of said Section 35 a distance of':749 feet, .more or ..'.less~ to inter- sect the ~asterly.prolongation of the 'north' right'Of way' line of '. .- said "Sunset Avenhe, 'of' 60 feet in Wid'.th,' 'a~"'saidShnset Avenue (County Road No. 1086) was--granted to ..the'County~of Kern-by-deed recorded July .19, 1946, in BoOk 1341 at 'page 62 .of the 'Official Records in the office of the 'COunty'Recorder of said Kern County', thence westerly along said easterly' prolongation and Said north right of way line' of Sunset Avenue, having a .bearing of N. 89° 05' 56" W., 270 feet to the true point of beginning; .. .... - ' 'Th~'~dd :':( I yTd_ 'S6~'i~u'ih'~ '~idn'~~'sai d .ri gh t o f=-w~-~----fi-~e ~ ~q'~ s'~-' 0"~ 56,, w~, 181.43 feet, more or less,' to .intersect the ~' easterly right of. way line of U.' S...Highway 99 By-Pass · (State Route VI-Ker-4~q)~ 'said point of intersection · .being a point on a.-curve, from whfCh..the radial Center 'bears S. 83' 52' 28".E., distant 490 fe'et;.. '.. ~I "' '=' ] ",' ' ' ]'" ThenCe (2) :southerly along said;Cu~e~' Concave to the east, through a. Central angle of 14° 59' 47.", an arc distance.of ', 128.25 feet ,' to a point· on the 'curve from" w~ich the I. radial center bears N..81Q 07' 45" E., distant 490 feet;~ Thence (3)' N. 65° 54' 04" E., 160'.'~0feet; Thence (4):' S~ 89° 05' 56" E.~ 31.00· feet; Thence (5) N. 0° 54' 04" E., 60.00 feet'to the point of.beginning. . Excepting and ~reserving the north. five feet (5 ' ) and · the westerly ten feet (10')of the..above described. parcel for public utilities easements. 2. That said portion of Sunset.Avenue be.and the same is hereby closed up,~ vacated and'. abandoned for. public street'pur- poses, subject~ to and in conformity with the .reservatiOnS and exceptions contained in and.contemplated by'· Said Resolution of Intention No. 789. Reference to said..Resolution 6f Intention hereby made for further. particulars: . ,' .. ~ · · 3.. The City Cl~rk shail certify ..to the passage of this Resolution and shall' cause a certified copy hereOif~' attested by' the Clerk under the seal of the City, to. be recorded' in the office. Of the County ~Recorder of the CoUnty of Kern., California. o0o ........ .,-:' I 'HE .REBY CERTIFY that the .foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of- the City of .BakerSfield,. at a regular meeting. thereof, held on the .13th.·.day of· April, 1964, by the following vote': ~ :: AYES, ~OUNCILMEN: ~ALFANZ, DOC tiN, MARCHBANKS, ~OSSMAN, RUCKER, 'STI~RN,- .W:JlTTEMOLE ,o~ COu'c,~XE',~'~:4Z--Z "' ' '- ABSEN~ T~,COUNCIEMEN:~ ' ~ss,. ~F~s, cou~c~,~~ .. C~l'Y~~Ex-~iliciO Clerk oi the Council of the City of Baker'sfield. ' ~YOR ~O~e C~ty o'~ Bakersfield '. "- '