HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-64, R. ,S0LUTION 'NO. · i7 - 64 .'~ ~' ,"RESOLUTION ANNEXING: CERTAIN~ TERRITORY' " " '...... .' 'DESIGNATED AS "'PACHECO NO.' .4'! TO~..THE · · '.. GREATER BAKERSFIELD "SEPARATION OF' . ', '..' -.'.GRADE DISTRICT I. .... I.:... · 'j. . · . :.'..'7 ,: .- . ' ~E~AS', .the Council of Ithe CitY.'~'o'f'Baker'sfield. did~ On .the' 3r.d: day ~f FebrUary, 19.64,~ pass its Res0~U~ion Of' Intention No. 5-64, 'to-'inciude."'ce~rtain property .designated a'S ','Pacheco No.. within' the Grea. ter 'Bakersfield Separa~io'~ of Grade' District,- and did set the time and 'place for hearing Objections to t~e =inclusion of .said te~ito.ry within said District.~ and' .-~, 'WHEREAS, said Resolution..of :Int~ention was duly and ~gkaliy published once. a week for .two we~e'k'~,- the ..fir,st publication thereof being at '.'least twenty days ~prior to the 'date o'f. the hearing a's. p~o~ided by law; and WHEREAS~ Monday, the i6th aay/0f .March, '1964,., at .the hour of 8:00. P'.M.,. was set as the time for hearing .objectionS" to 'the' inc"lusion of said territory within.. ~aid DiStridt;.'and WHEREAS, no objection has .been filed or '.presented to s'aid Council td .the inclusion of said terri. t0ry or any part thereof within the .Greater ~Bakersfield Separat{on'.0f' Grade.District., and th'e COuncil further "find~' that all ofY .~aid' 'ter'~i.~ory will-be .beneffted'.by its inclusion within said Di'strfct. -NOW,-THERF FORE, BE IT RE SOLyF D . AND -THE COUNCIL -DOFFS HEREBY 'FIND.: That no: Objection to ',.~the inclusion of said .territo~y.'or any part thereof within the Greater Bakersfield' separa.ti0n of Grade District, 'has '.been filed' or presented to this council. -same is hereby annexed to and included'.within"the said Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade'DiStriClt·.upon c~mpl·etion-o~ annex-' '·,' a.[ion of. ~Said·.' territory to the Ci,ty of Bak~,sfield,'which territory i~ '.-deSCribed. aS follows: · l ' L ' A 'parcel. of. land situate in the ' of Kern, . C6Unt~. . st.ate of'california; · . and being· a. pOr·tion' of Lots. 1 and 2',_in'.Se'Ction 1.9,"TOwnship 'South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., as said'Lots 1 and 2·are shown on the · "Kern· County· Sales Map No. 1 of LandSjl ofI J~ B. Haggin" , ·· filed ·for record. May 3~ 1889, in the office, of the C6unty ReCorderof'said. ~ Kern county, ..and more pajrticularly described ~as foliows: : Beginning at .the inter~seCtion of"the ·,W~.~te'rty boundary' 0f, the. East-·. "half (E.1/2)and the north line of' said Lot 1, said point of · n intersection being a' point on the ·c'urren, t. corporate. boundar. y. of the City of ~Bakersfield as' defin&d 'Byi'Ordinance No...1495, New Series; THENCE.' (1) easterly, .departing' from.+ the "said corporate Boundary, · ·. " along the said north line of Lot'..1,, being the. southerly · ~. right of way line~·of Pacheco Road", of 60'. feet· in Width, .· to inter,sect the' northeast'COrner.of said·Lot 1;. THENCE (2) southerly aiong~the~·east~..line.of ~said LOts 1 and 2,' .' 'said east line' being the westerly right/of.~way Iin~ of " · · 'Union Avenue, . also known as n U.S. Highway '99:, of. 115.5 · : feet in width.,' tO the n6rtheast .·corner of-"the'south "· '7 'acres of the Eas't-h~l~ (E..I/2~' ~of ·Lot.'2"' .as 'described' · in that certain Grant Dee~ '~cQrd'.e.d'March' 26,-1951, in BoOk 1788 at page 508 in the~OfficlalTRecords · of-said· Kefn County;l ,' -..,~..... .... _ .. "THENCE (3) weSter~y"along' the northerly 'boundary'.of the,' said ·south 7 acres, and 'parallel to~-the soUt~ .line of said LOt 2, 'to a point. in a line parallel with 'and ·distant· 360, feet-'- ' · ' ~ ' westerly, as measured.. at right., ahgles to the .centerline - ·' . Of said Uni6n-Avenue, .said 'point of. intersedtion being · a point on the ·Current.-corporate 'bo~un. dary as defined -- by said Ordinance No, l~95~"New-Series;· · , THENCE (4) .'continuing westerly. along"' ~he northerly 'boundary · -. the said south 7 acres and p~ratlel. to' .the South line · of'Said Lot 2' and along. the said cor'por~te b0undaryI · .. .'~ to intersect.the westerly~.b0undary .of;the East-half' './ .~'·.'· (E.1/2) of Lot 2; .; .. THENCE (5) 'northerly. along the wester!~ 'b:oundary of the East'half '. (E . 1/2) of Lots 1 and 2 to' the 7 point j of beginning and '· ~'· . containing 11.48 acres of.·l~nd, more or less. '" 0oo '-" " - ..... : ......- ....:.~ L .. .......~ :: ......~ ......'_L. ..........: .....~:: ..........:7: ~..~ .~ _ :~:~... ~,: ..,.:·:. _ :-_: .::. :~ ~.~: .C ......L:-...-~: ........:-·.:---~ ...... ..E , ., ,. . ~. . .. · .. ~.. -.. · . .. '~ · .. .~ . . , , ~ : .'.':.' . :.. ·.. .~ . ~ . .. ..... .. ...~., .. , · .. " " '2~. -~' .... ..' .Ayes: Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: CounCilmen: None Abstaining: Councilmen: None I'HEREBY CERTIFY that .the foregoing ResOlution was passed and adopted by the Councils.of .the City Of Bakersfield at"a regular meeting thereof held on-the 16th d~y of March,, 19'64, by the following vote: Councilmen: Balf.~nz~ Doolin~· Marchbanks~. Mossman~. Rucker~, St iern~ Whittemore - / / Ci~~~an Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City. of Bakersfield,