HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 13-64 RESOLUTION NO. 13'64 "': ' A .RESOLUTION TO THE STATE .WATER RIGHTS BOARD' REQUESTING THAT.THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BE' GIVEN A PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT :',OF THE .APPLICATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA-OF UN~PP..ROpRIATED .' ~'.- . WATER IN THE KERN' R-IVER '.AS CONTAINED IN~. " APPLICATION NO. 5642- NOW' PENDING.. BEFORE THE- STATE .WATER RIGHTS BOARD.' .... WHEREAS, the California' 'Water CommisSi'on .as .a lawful successor in interest now has pending before the..-State Water Rights Board Application No. "5.642 for 1;210,000 acre feet off. upappropriated water in the Kern River, and ' ': -..WHEREAS, said.Application No'~'_ 564'2 re.quir.es that said water be allocated .for irrigation, 'dom'estie'-and recreational .put.poses, and ' · ;-;a WHE.REAS, the-. Cit. y 'of Bakersfield desires t~ have allocated to it 100,000 'acre feet.."of water~:fofr '~omestic purposes~ and WHE.REAS, the .Ci. ty."'of Bakersfield has by 'individUai',' appliea'tion to.' the Cali'fornia State"' Wa't~r Rights "Board notified it that the City'of Bakersfield is' the ]"awfUl-sucdessor/in interest to the' Baker. sfield Municipal Wa'tejr'Dis.tr~ct..and has."reaffirmed the application' ..of the. BakerS'fie ld Municip~T. 'Wa'ter. District f0'r ~100,000 acre fee.t of Unappropriated water 'in:~ .the ..Kern ..River ,.,and' · :' WHEREAS, in 0rd~r to 'prote'ct'.'itSelf:agains.t prior applications'fgr Unappropriated...wat'er i~n the' Kern RiVer the. City of Bakersfield ~desires· to.obtain a partial .a'sSig~m~nt o'f the application of the' State o'f California to .unapproprlated'water in. the Kern RiVer, l- . _. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b.y:.~he CoUncil of' the City of Bakersfield as follows:' Section 1. The City Of-Baker'Sfield..:hereby petitions .the' 'State. Water Rights Board for a'p.artial assignment ·~of the application of the State of California'for 'unap'p'r6.priated water in the. 'Kern River and. COntained in·Ap,plication'.No..'.5642,'.~'' "'·"prepared 'in this'. regard." Section 2. The Cityi of. Bakersfieid: hereby petitions the State Water.Rights Board to make' the assignment· as above .requeste·d in Section· i in the amount of 100,000 'acre .feet of-Water. - ' '. · - 7 .... -- Section 3. ,·The City A'tt,'orney:·of the City of Bakersfield is Lhereby instructed to prepare whaeever', 'documents are ·.heCessary to implement this resolution and the Manager. :of, the "City of Bakers- field is hlereby :instrUcted to execd[~,!·Whatev~r 'doCu~ent~ are ·' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the :f~regoing Resolution· was passed-.and adopted by the Council of ·the City· of Bakersfield at a re'gular meeting thereof held on the-2nd"day of March~ol964,·.by the Ayes: Counci'lmen Bal~anz., Doolin~,~.Ma~Chb~nks~ Mossma~,.Rucker~ Noes:-' Councilmen: None Absen~:'~Ouncilman: S, iern Abstaining~ CoUncilmen: None ,2 ~"' CI~'CFR~ an~, Ex'O~{icmo C~jrk Of the :' '" ~7,:,~-~:)~:4, Council'· af 'the' City 'of Bakersfield... . ~-:; ( .,:~: ": ~,. -' :" 4,....~ ......