HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-64 " RESOLUTION N0.11-64 " A RESOLUTION OF"THE.' COUNCIL OF '·THE' CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA.,"-.ORDERING THE' '~ _ ' K2 VACATION OF PORTION OF .'ALLEYS iN BLOC . ~'64, .. 'NORTHERN D~VISION, AND BLOCK 3, KRUSE-TRACT, iN-SAID CITY.' .. ..... '- ... WHEREAS~ on the 3rd' day of 'Feb~ha~y, 't964, the CounCil · of-.the City'of 'Bakersfield,~ pursua~t .~o"the provisions of ..the "Street 'Vacation Act of 1941'.', "bein.g'Divislg'n '9, '~Part. 3.~ :'(seCtions .83'00, et seq;') of the .StreetS". and HighWay's Code~ 5f the'.Stat~ Of .Cali.fOrnia, passed and adopted its 'Resolution of Intention No. 788, ~dectaring 'its intention.. ' to .'Order the vacation Of a portion of alleys in . BloCk '264, .Northern Division., and'~B10ck 3, Kruse Tract', :-..C0un~y Of Kern~,. State '6f Califor.nia, and '- WHEREAS, said Council..did 'fix-a ,time ~nd place"~'for.'.hearing ali pers'ons in.terested in or obj.eCtin'g-,It0 S~aid pro~sed vacation, which said hearing'was held ·on...the 241.th' day of February,."1964~ .after Notices were-d~ly'posted as requir~d by law, and- WHEREAS, this COuncil after' duly considering the matter, does -hereby .'find ~nd reS"olVe as follows: ~. 1.' That that'..=portion of".the a.lleys'si~ate in the. City' 'of Bakersfield, California, County o.f Kern.," State' qf California described as follows, is~ unnecessary ~0r.'.present or prospective public" street purposes: ~ " · · . .- ~' 1... 'The' east thirty' feet. '(307-9 '.of' the east-West · alley 'in Block' .'264, and.' 'the east. thirty",feet' ~- (30') of Lot 8 (being a~north-sOuth..alley'deeded 'to the"City of Bakersfield and recorded '.March 19 'i~,49, in Book"' 1523 at-page' 327' of. the OffiCial · . ,. Records .of Kern CoUnty) in.-Blo. ck' 264,' as. Said ' ' '71 .. Lot and Block. is. Shown -on. the. "Map Of thel ~ity.. ,.'of.BakerSfield" filed for record Nove~nber 25," - '=' 1898,. in Book 1 of .MapSL at pages 13-and 14 in the d 2.. The West fifty-three feet ('53.')'.of the east-wes~ · ' alley in Block 3 as said. Block'is 'shown 'on the' =. "Map of the First SubdiVision ~f the"Kruse Trac~" filed for record 'August 3,.. ~911.,+ in Book. 2 of · . Maps' at Page 30 '0f the Official Reco·rds of shid' Kern County. ~'" "!.. " Reserving all of the above-described east-west alleys .as a public utilities easement. · 2. That said portion Of alleys be and the same' is hereby · closed up~ vacated and abandoned for' ,pUblic street purposes, 'subject to and in conformity w{.thL the reservation of the easement contained in and contemplated by said Resolution of Intention' No. 788. ReferenCe to said Resolution· of Intention'is hereby made for further particulars. - 3.- The City Clerk shall'certify 'to~ the passage, ·of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof,. attes7ted by the Clerk under the seal of the city, to ·be recorded in the Office --of the County Recorder of the County of Kern,. California. I HEREBY CERTIFY:that the. foregoing·Resolution was passed and, ado'pted by the, Council of the City of Bakers field regular'meeting thereof held on the 24thday of FebrUary, 1964, by the following vote: ; :- CITY CLERK n 'Ex'-Officio Clerk 'of the ' ad ' ' ':!!'~:'~": , Council of the City of 'Bakersfield. 'i. '. APPR0" ", thiS~2'.4~,~hLday of,-Februar.y_~~ 1964..' .I- '-;-: .... ~ ," ' ', "'J'. ~,~5~:;,..,::.:,;. t Bak~ sf~e~d ...... -":"... '.:"., '