HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-64RESOLUTION NO. -8L64 'WHEREAS, the governing body of.any'incorporated.area within the County' may petition ~he b6a~d of'supervisors Of any county which provides county funds. fo~' structural fire' protection in the county., for exclusion of p~ope~ty Within the 'incorporated areas of said 'county from the levy of:taxes for such ~Urpose, by · resolution adopted by said governing. body, finding'~hat such in- Corporated City'haS .an organized fire'department in operatiOn.Land existence which is, at sUCh-time, providing..adequate structural fire protection to all property within s·uch incorp0rated'ci'ty, and that no·additiOnal benefit is..receivedor 'required by-suCh proRe~ty from ~.tructurai fire protection 'given by the county, and WHEREAS, this Council finds tha·t/..the .City ~f Bakersfield, a municipal Co~poration,.has an o~'gahized fire de'~rtment in operation and e'xistence which iS providing adequate ·structural fire pr0tecCi0n to.all property ~i. thin said incorporated city, and that no additional benefit in fire. p=o~ection is..recei~ed or required by.such property from structural fir~ }rotection given bY the county ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED 'that the City of BakersZ field does hereby petition the Board 0~. SUperVisors' of the .County of Kern for the. exclusion: of all. property, 'Within the .corporate limits of the City Of BakerSfield. fro~ 'the levy Of taxes for structural fire protection in said.ineo~'porated area for' the.fiscal year '1964-1965, and that 'the Mayor b~7 and he is hereby. authorized and directed' to' sign 'said petition a~d have the same presented to the BOard of Supervisors of, the., County of Kern, " ' o06- -, ...... the ,foltOwin~ vote:" I~HEREBY CERTIFY that thee' foregoing ResOlUtion was. passed_ and adopted by the .'Council" of the City of BakerSfiel. d at a regu..la~ meeting thereof held on the 24th 'day. of' February, 1964, by ,./ --7 'CiTy~CL~~x:'~f'fic'io Clerk ' of~. the 'Council of the City of Bakersfield~ PETITION TO. THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF-THE COUNT~ OF KERN, STATE ,OF C~LL IFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions 0f,-Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City'-of Bakersfield does hereby apply to your Honorable BOdy7 for the exclusion of all property within the corporate limits ~'f Said=City from the levy Of any tax for, structural fire.prOteCtion of areas in the County of Kern for 'the Fiscal Year 1965-1965. This petition is supported by.a Resolution'of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, l. which . i's 'attached hereto, finding that Said City of Bakersfield.haS an organized fire' department in operation and existence'which iS.providing adequate~st~uctural "- fire p~otectlon to all properfy. within-suchinco.rporated city, and thatno additional benefit in fire protection-is reCeived'or re- quired by such property frOm'structUral'fire protectf6n given by the County of Kern. ' Dated:. 'February