HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-64 . · . ..... -,. , . ;, - , ,, . ,- .,:.. '...:':' ..'~: ... . , .-. . :. .. .., ;,, ,,. ., .. ; .. , · . . . , . ~.; , ." . ,, .. · ,; ,, '. ,', . :', ~ . ,- . .;. , . . :. .' .. ,..: .. ,:~; ~, . -. :, . , . ., , ., ,., .' ., . . ;. . · . .. ..- ;.,... . . . -. . ,'- , I, ; ,.... ; . '!";"' ,"., . ....... Rv. SOT~t~?I0~. 1i0 L.'a4~:....' · .,"'" " . . L', ,",' '~ ~. S. ~R~AS~R~, BZ~..',A~GOU~ ~' ~O~ ]-. .... .." ~Sr~RR~ r~$ BE~ .BA~KS. ' ---. ~EREAS, the Council of,~the Ci.ty"'o~;Bak~.r~'f~eld deems' it 'advisable, economical and expedient"to .Change .,the system. of deposit and Withdrawal of ."funds 'at.'l..~'it banks W~'~h" which the City of Bakers- fid ld maintains accosts. '.' ;- . .,.:f... :..f',' . . '- "'NOW, ~E~FORE~. BE IT;'~SOL~ED'.'.BY ~E C'OUNCIL OF '~E CI~ ' ' i ,-"i ' .- ' . ' """: '= ~"' v, OF BA~RSFIELD, as follows': .. ':- · ,l ....... . % " - ' ' 1. There ~hali be' open:ed ~nd ~i~,~ined' at the United " California Ba~k an .account. to' be ~o~' a's .."CITY OF. BA~RSFiELD - E. ' . 2. United California.. B~nk 'iS.. a~t~oriz.ed and directed to 'i~ediately 'purchase or sell: for the ~.Ci:ty.. o~ :Bakersfield, 'Upon :.,.--: "telephone instructions, the reques:ted amount' '0f U, S.. Treasury Bills, with -aC~owledgement' 'tO ~he--Cit~ by ~il., pa. ying or ~ec, eiving monies in this said aCe-o~t~ when s~ch instrUa'ti0ns are -. made-b~ the City Treasurer. ...- ~.... ,.. ..- ...-'. ,, '~...; .. ., 3. iThe City .Treasurer.,i's' aU~hor.izea and',"directed.'.'t0. . transfer "'sUrplus -monies, by 'telephone instruction, .fbr "'the City 6f Bakersfie..ld, :from any or all of i.tS ba~k accounts,-to. thiS. said account, for .,t~'e purpose. of purchasing U'..S. Treasury"' Bili~.. ... ' - COnversely, as'sales of..U.S. Tre'~Sary.Bill's are-made,-the City."' ,.; ,,'- -. : - . Treasurer. is authorized to transfer.' t~'e;i'.proceeds,- bY te. lePh6ne ", .i" ' ' .' " ' :in~tructi0ns, from this s~aid' a~CoUnt to,'any of ~he bank adCounts .~:'...- .......7'.-.. .. of the City of Bakersfield. - -.- .7' .. "....:. .- -..'. 4. A~ b~k~, '~i.t. ~hi~. ~h~zZ;~Z"~y .o'f. B~k~r~fi~Z~ ....: ............"' __ . maih'tains accounts, are a~th0rizedl'~nd-_directed to transfer the .rei-' -. ' , . , ... ', -. , ~. . ~,- - . -- .. quested amo~ts .to t~e said "City '0f Bak~f. iel'd-u..S. Treasury Bill ~Ccount", upon telephone instruc'[i. ons ,:-on the -":day. of.;the , · , .' . :.. . ~ . teiepho~'e calI;'j wlth:-'ackn0~led~e~t:. t'0.-:~[e-Z:,~i~y'by ma'{i,l when such ,.-'. instructions are made by thel.lCi, ty'.Trea. sUrer.. """ .:.- , if'. ~', ' ...... 'o0o "' I HEREBY C~RTIFY~'tha~ the. f~r, egoi~g Res6iu~'~on WaS! passed and a~opted .by the Council Of z th~,*City Of .'Bakersfield at a regular ,meeting thereof held on't e ilOWi the fo ng, v0 te: A~s: - CoUncilmen Balfanz, Dooiin~..'. MarChban~s,~ MosS~an, .Rucke~ .... Stie~n, WHirremote Noes: None, A~ent: 'None staining: None C0~ci.1 .'0f- the' City of .Bakersfleid .. . ' APPROVED thisl?=~2~i~t~ 7~gy~f' JanUary~, 1964-1.- ~YOR f h sfiei~', the