HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 93-63~ESOLUTION NOo_ ~93=63 __ A ~ESOLUT3EON OF THg C~TY COUNCIL OF THE CiT~ OF RAXERSF~ELD REQUESTING THE KEP~N COUNTY WATE~ AGENCY TO ~L FOR A~ HOLD A PUBLIC H~NC ON ~TS P~C~NC POLiCiES P~O~ ~ E~NG ~ ~Y-CO~P~CTS FO~ S~E OF ~P ~HEREAS~ the State Water Project kno~n as the Feather River Project ~as advamced Zo the people of the State of Catifo~ia on the basis that the ~sers of water ~ould pay for ~e ~ater~ and %~E~S~ the ~e~ Co~ty Water ASency appears to have ~parted fr~ this praise in that they propose to levy taxes order ~o subsidize certai~ agric~lt~al in~erests~ and ~E~So the leninE of taxes ~der Section 1Z~2 of the 'eYetar AEency Ae~ is entirely penissiva a~d is not required by the Act and is to be ~tilized by the Agency as a policy matter to effect ~he subsidizerich proSra~ proposed~ and ~E~S~ ~he City Co~ctl believes that the voters the ~tropolitan area of ~rsfield ve~ed against ratifica~io~ of the State ~on~ract ~a~e of the afore~ntioned inequitable and $~ero~s proposed poll~ies of the AEency and not because of the ~EP~AS~ imdivid~l ~mbers of the Agency have that this proposed policy of s~bsidization of agricultHral by ~e ~ropelite~ ~rban area is a flexible policy~ subject change ~ and ~EP~$~ the City Co~%cil is on record with the Agen~y requesting a revie~ of the Agoneyes a~o~ced policies~ a~d ~E~$~ it has ee~ to the atte~tion of the City Ce~cil that the Agency is contempla~ing entering into contracts ~ith z~ater storage districts prior to s~ch zeview~ %,r~E~S~ the entering into such a contract based upon the existing policy of s~bsidization of ~vater users at the exper~se of the metropolitan ~zrban area wall tend to foreclose future ~E~$~ ~he Agency adopted a minute order setting forth conditions for a revie~ of their policies t~t is impracticable and ~pessible~ and calls for am ~warra~ted expendi~e of ~necessary momies~ as a condition for review of the policies ~ ~EP~$~ ~he adoption of said minute order is desigme~ to f~st~a~e a~a ~h~a~t those agencies and Eroups who tendered only a q~lifled emirsenact to ~e state contract because of the proposed polteles of the Ageney~ and E~E~$~ the Agency a~no~eed to the public prior NO%Y~ ~EFO~ BE XT ESOL~ by the Ce~s~c!l of the 1, ~e K(e~ Co~ty Wa~er Agency is requested to refrain ~s the pricing policies of the Agency are reviewed at a public hearl~g ~ pe~sal by ~he City of Ba~rsfield Adminls~ra~ve Staff prior 3~ ~at t~e Agency call for a~d hold a public hea~?tng im respect to ~he feregeizmg policies as the Agency indicated its willlng~ess to ~ ........ o0o ........ X H~a~BY CM~TX~f zhat the foregoling ~eselut!on ~as passed and adopted by ~he Co~cil of the City of Ea~rsfield at a ~e~!ag ~eegi~g ~he~eof he~d o~ ~he 9~h ~y of December~ 1963~ by ~he following vo~ec AYES, BALF~~RCHBAN S, K, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORI:: NOES: ABSE,I)IT: ~ ABSTAINING: ~