HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 88-63 RESOLUTION NO.- 88-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE " ' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING. RESOLUTION NO. 22-62 ESTABLISHING THE COMMERCIAL ' RENTAL FOR THE USE OF. THE CIVIC AUDI- TORIUM ~ '- BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield "that Resolution N0.22-62 be and the same 'f's ;hereby: amended to read. as follows: ~.-.. - .. :. ...- .. :... WHEREAS, SectiOn '5.32.110 i~f' the Municipal Code provides that Lthe. City Council. shall, by.:reSo!{~'tion, establish 'the minimum cona~ercial rental rates for 'th'~'.use of the. Civic Audito'ritnn, """.NOW,-THEREFORE, BE IT .RESOLVED"'by :the' Council o'f the 'City of Bakersfield that' th~ .minimum Commercial: rental' rates for the- use of the Civi'C.Auditorium shall b~ '~s follows:. SECTION I. , Facility Rental (a).:~acility Arena Concert"Hali Morning. $250.00 300.00- Afternoon ,$3ooioo .oo Evening $35O'.OO 400.00 -All Day .$525..00 600' 00 Combination 400~00 500:.00- *:""550'.00 825.00 Stage* 85.0'0 85.00 85.00 "'i45.00 *These-rates' apply when stage is ~Used. as an independent.. faC'ility or for rehearsals, and.such use, in.the opinion of 'the AuditOrium Manager does not conflict with Other scheduled events. (b):'Percentage qption on all Commercial rentalS.wilt'be 10% of 'the gross sales-after tax~ ff greater' than'minimum rental speci- fied in item (a) , except that' ih 'the case of: traveling'shoWs with large cast's~, t, he percentages wfll be 10%. 8f the first $i0,000, 7% of the 'next $5,000 andeverything else .at 5%. SEcTIONiII.--Trade Shows ........ '--' ('a) Arena - All Day Rental only. ~ $52'5 or 5¢ per squar. e foot (per day), whichever iS greater. _ -- (b) MOVE IN.': Shows of two or more consecutive .days will be allowed one (1) free day to '.'move' in" and"up_ to 5 p.m. . day-following program to "move ,0ut."' Any .additional days required for ingress or egress will-' be made available at one-'half (~) the applicable square foot rate, by previous ' :'~afrangement with the approval by .the 'Audit0rium,/Manager. SECTION' III~ Meeting Rooms · · (a) Approx.. Capacity Morning ,AfternoOn' Night ...All" Day 3OO- $35.,00 $35,00' $45..,00$5O ,00 250 '25.00 30 ~ 00' ' 40.00, ,.". 45.00 'All other's .20.00 20.00 25 ~00 30.00 (b)~/An additional $10.00 will'~ be charged on all units on Saturday, Sunday' or holidays, .. ' ' · (c) 'An ,additional $10,00 per hour will be charged for··.U·sage past 'm'idnight. SECTION IV, 'Arena Ice Charges .i(a) $250 '.charge to make' i. ce for-any events using.ice= facilities ~·(rink), plus charge of $100 per· ~ay to hold' the' ice. (This- · is .in addition to 'regular' 'bui.lding rental· ra~·e SECTION V. Rent to include: (a)· .NORMALl heat, light, Water 'and air' 'conditioning (b) ,NORMAL ·building 'elea,ning 'and ,maintenance (c) ~Promoter's office and ticket booth fOr."dura~io~' ·of. program'.~ SECTION VI. .OVERTIME USE:-. A fee of·$90~00'' per hour or any portion' i"*· 6hereof shall' be charged for:e'aCh. hour" Of overtim~ beyond that specified by' contract ~ ·' SECTION VII, .'EXTRA PERSONNEL: '('Ordinance. i. 313,. Section 8) .The· ' -contractor shall make arrangements 'for personnel 'necessary' to .the o.peration of the program directly ·With t~le Auditorium Manager, These personnel will be provided ~t the p~e~ailinlg wage '.scale on file in the"' Auditorium Office =,-~ .... · SECTION 'VIII. EQUIPMENT ANDs'SPECIAL. FEES: -,(Or.dinance zi313',, !Section 22)' Any extraordinary;'charge notsp~CifiCallY ..stated .in this schedule; the-'ordinances, or on file in ERe AuditOr.ibm', shall'be determined by:'the Auditorium. Manager: SECTION IX'. SPECIAL RATES: 'The Auditorium' Manager may, at his, -? di~'cretion, 'and subject to.approval'by the Ci'~y Manage~.,,negotiate '- for sp~ciai"rates,'When in the bes. f interest of the Civic. Audi- torium. and the City of Bakersfieldi i.,, · 'o00 ' .- I HEREBY CERTTF¥ that tl~e f~re~oing. R~S01utlon .was "passed and .adopted by the CounCil1'I of th'e City.Of BakerSfield at'a .'.regular mee.tlng .t14ereof 'held on the', 12th .d.a.'y. of"' NOVember~ -:.i963, by the fo'l10~ing Vote: ..,. .,. . · '2:, "' C E CoUncil of'rthe city. of Bakers field