HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 86-63 RESOLUTION:NO; 86-63 ~" RESOLUTIONANNEXING.CERTAiN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS'~"0SWELL.N0, 4"~'TO' THE GREATER.BAKERSFIELD' SEPARATION OF GRADE · DISTRICT, · ': ". ."- "NHEREAS, the .CouhCil o'f the Ci'6y of.:Bakersfie'id did, on the 23rd day of September, 'I963~' pass its .R~so!ution 'of. Intention No'. 80-6.3', to.inClude 'certain proper.[y~de~ignated..as' '·'OsWell No. 4", .within 'the' Greater BakersfieTd 'Separation ~of Grade .DistriC'~.. and setting -the time and · place - for. hearing..Obj ection:s. to' the inc.lusion of sai'd territory 'within. said DiStriCt, and- _: !~'~ WHEREAS, -said Re~olu~ion: 'of: int'&ntion :was duly :and· legally published' once a week for two wee~:s; the. 'firs. t-:pUbl{Cation thereof being at least..~wenty days prior' to .the date' of ~he~.:hearing as· provided by w, and ...... . :,.. · . - . ,. ',,o, -, ~ ~ ' ,.. ,: 'WHEREAS, Monday, the 4th :day o~'November,..196B, :at. ~he ~.- hour o£ 8'.'00 "P~M., was set as the ..~time for hearing iob]'e'ctio~s to .the inclusion of said' territory wi-thin S'aid DiS~ict.~ and: WHEREAS·~ no' bbjection 'has .been filed or presented to said Council to the"indl'usion of said. terri-tor.y or any'· p'~rt th~re6f within the Greater BakerSfietd'.Sep~ati0n.-'o~: Gr~.de. ~i~triTC't'~, and-'- ,:' , ,., .the CounciT 'further-finds that a~!~.,..of said ~er~itory. ~il.1 be bene- fited by..its 'indlUsion within saidi'-D'i~tri~t ' :' · · .' ,' .-- ,i . - Now, ...THERmFORE, BE XT ' SOL D CO CXL DOmS' Hm BY- FIND: Th~ no objee'ti0n to .the inclUsi'on. 0~' said tefritOry';~.6r any part: thereof within the Greater Ba~rsfield Separation .of'.Grade Dist~iCt~ '~as 'beeh fi~ed or presented t6 thi~"CoUncil. '" ..- .' · . 1at said territory and' every. part thereof be., and the . samel is hereby annexed to. and ihelud~d.within'. the safd"G~eate~ .. ' .... :.' Ba~.rsfield $~'pa~ation of:G'r~de' DistriCt upe'n. co~ple'tiO~ of .. ' annexation' of ,said territory to the ~City o.f"Bake~Sfietd, which. said ter'rit0ry. iS de'TsCribe~ as follows:~. ~_-..-. - -.; ' " ',- ' '*:'. - 7 .... .7,' - ;l : ': '-.. ' :, .,, -. .j., - i ' · '~ - · .- ? ., ,,, . .. , ':'A parcel .of' land situate in the County-of Kern, State of CalifOrnia, and being.a portion of the' northea'st.quarterof'Section 22, ~. Town'ship:29 South~ .Range. 28 East., M.D.M. ~ . '..... Commencing at the northeast corner o f' 'said. Section .;:.,22, . thence' southerly along the. easterly boundar. y of .said Section 22 to intersect a line parallel with and distant55 feet. southerly. as measured perpendicular to the nO~h.e. rly boundary- 0f. Said s~ction 22, said :point of interseCtion.being a.p61nt on the. current' corporate .boundary of the City of Bakersfield ,as' defined=by . ·Or~dinance No. 1452, New Series,' and also:being' the.~true point 6f be ginning; '-. : . ' ' THENCE...(1) ' -cOntinuing s0utherly.I along', the' easter ly boundary.'O f ~.., .. said Section 22 to'the southeast. corner of the North-. · . .half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter ~ of said Section 22;, =. .I, ." THENCE (2)" westerly along 'the' ~souther:!y boundary '.of ~aid North- 'ha,if' of the 'northeast quarter Of the nbrtheast :' quarter, to a point in-a .line parallel.with and.. ' .distant 328.62 feet easterly, as measuredat .right. angles to. the westerly boundary of the northeast quarter of Said' Section. 22; ' . .... . 'THENCE (3)' northerly along lasti'nam~d parallel line to intersect . a .line parallel with and .dis, tant 55 feet. southerly as I. measured perpendicular tO the northerly.bounda.ry. of said Section 22, said.. point of intersection. being a, "point on the current" corporate boundary; , THENCE=(4) easterly along the. last named parallel. line,,' <on ,and ,along the curr.ent corporate_bOundary as.'defined by said Ordinance No. 1452~' New =Series, to the ipoint:of beginning and containing - 32.21 'acres ~0f land, more. or less · . o0o-'---"-~ " .. · I HEREBY CERTIFY ..that the foregoing ResolUtion. was. .-passed and adopted by the Council Of the' City"of .Bakersfield,"at a regular meeting. thereof held on the.4th day' of Nove{nber,' 19.63, by the' following vote:. :. . .. .. ~[S: BA ANZ, DOOLIN, MARCNBANKS, MO~SMAN, .R. UCK~P-, STIERN, WHITTF.MORE' .' ..'. N~%1~ ----'--~ .....,-V,:--' .. ' ' ~,,"~'.. " ' ~FN~NO, ' ._ . " · .. ".._ _.~ .... .. '., ~ . '. ~. . '.. '. =., ,~=,i~-.. ~.,. ~. Council 0f the City of 'Bakersfie! ..' " .. ?' ~:~ , .[ ..:, .. .. · APPR0 lt~ 4f~: ~day 'of 'NOV~mbe'r'," 1963'. ' ""' ' -.. e d