HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 85-63 :' RESOLUTION, N0. 85-63 "' A' .RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL 0F. THE CiTY 0F BAKERSFIELD DECLARING THAT NO PROTESTS WERE MADE TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIG- NATED AS 0SWELL N0.4 PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED- TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Government Code 'of the state of' california, sections 35300 and.' fol!owi~g, .proCeedingS have been instituted for the annexation of certain territory. ·designated as "Oswell No. 4" and ~ · '- WHEREAS, pursuant to ~uch pr"oceedings a ·petition was signed .and filed 'fo'r such annexation, a resolution adopted describing boundaries of the territory. sought to be annexed, .. publications had on said resolution and a time adopted for hearing of pro. teSts from persons-owning ,·real property in said terri~0ry, and ' ." "of the"City 'Hall in, the 'City of Bakersfield,. the 4'th day~ of 'November, · ' 1963, a~ the hour"of eight o'cloc'~ p.m'-' pursuant 'to notices given 'in C'0mpliance with law, and "~ ' WHEREAS~, at Sai'd hearing n6.writt~n' or oral protests ~. ~ . Were.'made by any person owning property within.~theaforeSaid : tory; terri . . '· NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED' by th~ COUnCil of the City B ke ~field "j' ." "~ Said City CounCil flnds'."·and resolves that no';prot.est "'-has 'been/.made to"the annexation of real property' to the:Cit'y of. " I-.Bakersfie!d,'~.said pro'perty being"hesignated'as '.:OsWell Np. 4"' and ~. ...'·more particularly described in Re. Solution No. 79-63 o~ the City of .... -'.": ....e' :"' .,.. · : . , , ........ o0o ' - -' · · ' ,,. ... ., , 1, '. :-: . . . , .,1. ,~ ,. - . . , ,' ,: .. . . .: .-. ._.:. '.., ...... : .- · i, . WHEREAS~:-a hearing was' duly held in' the Council Chambers I HEREBY CERTIFY that the 'for'e~ing Re. solution wa·s paSSed and adopted By the council bf, the Cit..y.l.,.of Baker-sfield at a regular meeting..thereof held:on the 4th da-y'~'f NOvember,~' 1963, bY.I the' foil. owing'vote: ; Council.. of th~ City of Bakersfield, APPROVED' this'.-'4~h~!~a~ay of. NoVember,. 1963,"' -' Bakers field.