HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 84-63· 'Bank, Succes'sors to the' Angl0=CalifO~nia Nat{Snal Bank, the Fiscal "i ' Agent 'under said Resolu"~ion No.. 75~55, be andi it is hereby authorized. · . WHEREAS, pursuant to ResotutiS'n .·No·. 7.5-55 of t, he'C0uncil of,t~e City Of Bakers'field, adopted'N~vemb~r. 1~, 19'55' and.pursuant .to the' Charter:'0f the. City. of Baker~'field, and in 'a~C0rdance 'with t~e -ConstitUtion 'and laws of. 'the.. State off. Calif.0r·hia, the .Ci.~,y of BakerS:field' did. issue 6ertain Off. S~ree't~ Parking RevenUe Bonds Series -- WHEREAS, by said .Resolution i[ i's' .Sp~ified- that-Series A' Bonds N0s, ~-660 to A~645, .both .inciUS'ive, are redeemable '0nly in ..r~verse numerical order from high. to'. .lower :'upon .the determination 'Sf the 'Council and u~on notice 0~ said redempti, on~'-and = "..' ...... WHEREA'S, by said Resolution th~ .Cit~' is Obligk,ted to redeem .Series A bonds whenever..there .is money in the series 'Sinking Fund on jany Octobe~ '10th or' ~prii'. 106h in '.amountS' sufficient- to 're.deem ·at."Ie~'s[ '$1,'00.0·.00 prin~i'pl.~'~moUnt, andl. WHEREAS, on October 10, .1961 there was suffiCient'mOney in the Series A 'Sinking Fund to-redeem certain bondS, an~ · WHEREAS, it is the .desire'-'6f _the CounCil-to call.' for the redemptfon .of Series A.Off-Street .Parking Revenu~ Bonds "N0's .T '[.A~ 660 to A-645, inclusive, o.n. December 1',!:."i963. "' .. NOW, .THEREFORE, 'B,E-IT RESOLVED by the CounCil. o.f the/City of Bakersfield, as follows: ". .-. · ': . ', That said Bonds A-660' td ~h 645, inClUSive, shallz"be RESOLUTION NO, 84-63 ., ',:1 ,.-.. RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL .'OF THE CITY OF' BAKERSFIELD CALLING.FOR THE REDEMPTION OF:'-' SERIES A OFF-STREET PARKING REVENUE BONDS -. NO S, A- 660. TO' A-~ 645,; IN.CLUSI~; 'FOR ".PUBL I" CA~ION OF NOTICE OE.~DE~TION '.OF .SAID BONDS;- ~D AU~ORIZING ~E .FISC~ 'AGENT-TO. ~DE~ - SAID BONDS ~ - ' -- ' · and directed to redeem said bonds according ~to the. terms of said· · bonds, and of sa{d Resolution,' at .the redemption lpriC.e 'hundred three .and twenty-five one .hundredths .perCent ('i'03~25%) Of their principal amount,· upon 'prese~/tation and' su.rrender'i of~SUch bonds·', and that the interest' on said bonds h~reinabove set' forth. ,to be redeemed,· shall cease 't0 accrue from and a'fter~ December 1, 1963~ That said Fiscal Agent is'.hereby authorized and directed to transfer. into the Series A Sin~ing ·Fund from the O'f.f-Street palrking Reserve Fund, .any and all sums .which.may be necessary for the redemption of said bonds,- should ·Said Series A Sinking Fund. be insufficient for the .pUrposes hereinabove set forth. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing R~solution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at. a regular· meeting 'thereof held on' the 28th day Of OCtober, 1963, by the following vote: CiTy~C~KT"a~ EX~O~ficilb..Cler~'of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. _ 'o~ "~ Ci't~ of Bakersfield. '. ' ~, , -