HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 82-63 ..RESOLUTION,NO. 82-63 RESOLUTION ANNEXING TO THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT THOSE PORTIONS OF CERTAIN TERRITORY .DESIGNATED AS "STINE NO. 1" NOT ALREADY INCLUDED WITHIN SAID 'DISTRICT. ".. ' ,.'-~WHE..REAS, 'the Council of the City of Bakersfield. did~ on the-' 12th day of AUgust'," 1963, pass itg ReSolution .of Intention · NO.. '65-63,' to include within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District' those .portions Of certain 'territory de:signated as "Stine No.. 1" no.t already included Within .g'aid-District, and .did set the time and'.~plaCe for.hearing .objections to the inclusion Of said territory within' said .DistriCt;' ~' ' 'WHEREAS, said ReSdlution' of Intention was duly and legally published once a week for two weeks, the firs't.pUblication thereof being at least twenty days prior to the date of. the hearing :aS prov.ided by 'law,. and rWHEREAS., Monday, the 23ra day of Sep. tember, 1963'~ at the hour '0"f 8:00 'P;M., was set .as the time for.hearing.objections to .. ~ ~ , , . . · th~ inclusion of Said terri~o.ry Within. Said Distr'ict-; .and .' WHEREAS., no..objection has been filed or presente'd. to said Counci.1 to the inCluSion of '.Said territory or 'any part. thereof within the Greater 'Bakersfield 'Se'par. at'ion of Grade' DiStriCt,.. and.. the Council further finds' 'that' a'll-.gf said territ'0r~ Will. be · benefited'by its inclusion Within said District; " .NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED' AND THE .COUNCIL DOES. HEREBY 'FIND: ' ·" ' ' · 'That' no objection to the' inclusion 'of ~aid .territory or .any part thereof within the Greafer'. Bakersfield Separatio,n: Of Grade That. sai'd territory and eVery.part. [~ereof': be', and'..the same is hereby annexed to and included within' 'th&."said 'G~eater Bakersfield Separation Of Grade DiS'triCt upon-cOmpletion of annex- ation Of said te~ritory..to the City of BakErsfield, which said territory is described. as follows'-: .- ' "' .PARCEL· 1.: All' of Parcel' 7, being. a parcel excepted.' from the distric't., and' being a portion+ Of the. SOuthwest quarter of Section 2, Township 30 SoUth, Range 27:.East, M..D.M. ' -~ PARCEL 2 :. -., · Beginning at. the southeast corner ofi~Section 3, Township _30 South, Range. 27 East.; I. -... · .... .- .-....... . THENCE (1)..weSterly along the ..soUtherly boundary of Said SectiOn to intersect the east. erly right. of:way line'of: CoUnty - Road No. 2226, said easterly. right of way.,tine 'being a -' '-· . line parallel with an..d distant 55 feet 'e'ast~'rly, as measured at right .angles to..the·: westerly. boundary of -the'E. 1/2 of the S'.E.-1/4 of said ~Sec:tion.'3; THENCE (2).. northerly!along last ~amed .parall'el iine' to intersect the northerly boundary-of the .S~E. '--1/4"of Said SeCtion THENCE. (3),~ ea'sterty along said nor'the~ly b0~'a~ry to ,inter'se~'t the' easterly, '-boundary. o'f .Said .Section 3 ;.. .THENCET(4) .'southerly along said eas-terly'~ boundary' 'to the southeast corne~ thereof, -I the' point 'of' beginning. ....... o0o ...... '-, "' -, .. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the, fQregoiiig Re~ol'~ti0n was passed and 'adopted by .the Council '0f the' ,City' of Bakersfietd.,-at :a regular meeting thereof held on the '23rd .day of September, i963, by the ~o liowing .vote: .- : ." -. ~ . ' . , ..... ·.. i -' : ,i · .,- . . ~ . -' . .,'. , .. .. · AYES: BALFA~ Z, DOOLIN, MARC~BANKS, MOSSMAN, RUCKER, STI~RN, WH]TTEM6RE . ' ABSTAINING: ~ ' ' . . and'.Ex-O~.ficio .(ierk of. the Council ':of the-City' 'Of- Bakersfiel, d. R of the ,City of Bakersfield.