HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 81-63RESOLUTION NO.. 8~-63 · " : "'A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . ~BAKERSFIELD-DECLARING THAT INSUFFICIENT · - 'PROTESTS WERE MADE TO..THE ANNEXATION OF. · TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "STINE NO. 1" PRO~ .-: POSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF " ' BAKERSFIELD. -' . WHEREAS, pursuant to th~ G6vernment Code of the State of.' California, ·Sections .B5300; and fol, toWing, proceedings have. been · inst.i.,tuted for:the annexation of ~cer'tain territory designated ~ " "S~ine;No. 1" 'and · ' ". WHEREAS, pursuant tO such .proceedings 'a petition was .... 'Signe.d~'and' filed for such annexation, :a resolution adop~ed · ' l~de-Scribing ·boundaries' of the territory sought to be .annexed, .. " ::.. publiCaei0nsL had on safd resolution and' a time .adOpted for hearing ,' '.. - of ".protests from persons owning _real' pro. perry in said'territ'ory, · and :..'' .... -- · :. : .... I.. WHEREA'S', a hearing was .dul~.'-held 'in the COunCil' Chambers .·. 6.f the Ci,,t..y Hail in the.' 'City of Ba'k'er'Sfie-ld on the 23rd day.'of · :.:, .. .: .-" September' t963, ate-the hour of' 8:00. P-;M...' pursuant to 'notices- . . , . ~ . . given' i-n .ComplianCe with law, and -. "' ~ .- · ' -..T WHEREAS, -at salid· 'hearing insdfficient' written or. 'oral- .:'. · pr.o. tests were made by p~rsOns owning p'rope:r'ty '~i.thin the aforesaid · . territory; · .'.: .; .... ::..I ,' ' Now, .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by the'z. C0uncil of the'. · ..City' of Bakersfield that; -... -.. . :' ...- ·' .Sai..d City Council finds and resolves that insufficient ..' protest has been-made to the annexation,-of real prqperty to. the · City of Bak.e.·rsfield, said property,.being "des'ignated'as "iStine No. 1" .,. ~....:.zand .more particularly described in .,ResolUtion:;No. '64~63 'of the .' City of Bakersfield .... ~',' · :' " ' - .... o00 .... i .... .;. -' I HEREBY CERTIFY'that the fOregOing Resolution waS- passed and adopted by the CounCil'of 'the City=. of·' BakerS~i~ld at a r'egular·meeti~g thereof held on the 23rd. da'y Of '..September ,. . b~ the following. vote: ABSENT~ '..,.A.-BSTAINING:,... ~ ~ AYES',; -B.r~L!~ARCEtBANKS, MOSSMAN, .RUCKER; STIERN,,WHITTEMORE' -- ~L~R~ and Ex-Officio· C~erk -Of the . CITY Council of the' Ci'ty .of BakerSfield. "2 APPROVED this 23rd day of Se_ptemb'e.r, 1963 ~',. '~of the.· City·', o:f Bakersfie.i'd.