HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 80-63RESOLUTION NO. 80-63 " RESOLUTION OF INTENTION~.'TO INCLUDE: WITHIN THE" · ~ GREATER BAKERSFIELD .SEPARATION OF.,. GRADE DISTRICT. CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ·".OSWELL' NO.." 4," AND' SETTING THE TIME AND .PLACE FOR HEARING,= OBJECTIONS TO THE INCLUSION OF SAID' TERRITORY .. WITHIN .SAID DISTRICT ~ WHEREAS, proceedings' have-' been .commenced for the '~nnex- ation of certain unincorporated territory, .de'S'ig~ated' as "Oswell No. 4," to..the City of '~Bakersfie~d,~ and · WHEREAS', all of said, territory~ lies', outside the Greater Bakersfield. Separation of Grade District, and " WHEREAS~ Section 8290 of the Streets' .and HighWays Code of .the state of california, provides 'that the Unincorporated terri.tory. of a county which was not ~inctuded within 'a separation of grade district at the time of t~he f0rmati'on o£, such district, and which subsequent to the formation of :sUc'h ·distriCt is annexed to or otherwise included within a city Whi.ch is a part:'of such district, shall immediately upon 's~ch annexation to such city be included Wi'thin the district and :shall thereafter become-.'.a ·part of the distri'ct to the same extent as' such cityi except such· portion or portionS' thereof which the City Council has .det'ermined, will not be' behefited by inclusion 'in the distriCt~ ' - 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t.he Council o'f the City of BakerSfield, as follows: 1. That a description 'of-the .unincorpora'ted' territory described in the .annexation. proceedings,, iS as follows:. A parcel of land s'ituate i~ the county of Kerh'~i~'state~of california, and being a portion of the ~.northeast quarter 'of Section 22,: Township 29 SOuth, Range 28 East, M.D.M.;. Eon~en~'ing' 'at 'the.+- n~fth~a~s'e-- ~~-f--'~a-id · ·southerly along 'the easterly 'boundary of said· Section 22 to inter- sec't a.line'parallel.with'a'nd dis. t'ant 55 ' f&et SoUther'lyl i~s~ mea'sUr~d ·perpendiCular to the northerly boundary Of· s~id ·Section. 22, said .point Of intersection be·ing a poin..t on the current corporate. boundary of .the City 'of, Bakersfield 'as defined by . Ordinance No: '1452, New Series', and also being the true poiht Of be~ginning · . , . . .~-. TMF, NdF. (1). rMF, NCF, · ( 2 ).. TMF, NCF. (3) TMF NCF. continuing. souther!y',.along~the easterly b0'undary ~f. s.aid'..Section 22 to. the, .southeas.t.,corner .of the .North- half '0f ~the northeast !q~art~r of' 'the northeast 'quarter Of Said ~Section ,22; .' ~. ! ..... . '- . west'erly.':"al0ng the~ s:.~Uther]'~.' boundary o'f' said. 'North- '. half of the northeas:t quarter of .the nOrtheaSt quarter to a point in.a line parallel.with and distant '.328.'62 feet :~asterly, .as *measured" .at~ .right angles to the' wes.te.rly boundary 'of:. the'n6rtheast quarter of said Section 22; ~.. ,. I....-'~ . ~ , . · , 'northerly along last named'parallel .line "to' intersect a .line parallel wit~ and distant 55 ~fee't southerly as measured perpendicular to the northerly b0~ndar.y of · Said Section 22, said point 'of intersection being. a point on the currentl corporate boundary; easterly 'along· the' last ~amed pa~a. liel line, on and along ·the current corporate boundary as defined. by 'said' Ordinance No. 1452, New Series, to 'the 'p~Oint of beginning and containing 32. 21'-acre.s, of land,. more or less. :- ' 2. 'That unless~'any port'~on' ~shall be exClUded by .the City Council, all portions of said .uninc'orpOrated territory shall upon annexation to the City of Bakersfield be included within the Greater Bakersfield Separation"of Grade DiStrict 3. That Monday,..the 4th_day of November,'1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. ~ in .the Council Chambers of the City Hali, 1501. Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield',-California, ,is the time Whe~ and-the place Where, objections to inclusion within the distric~ will be' heard~- -o0o~ ....... C I HEREBY' CERTIF.Y that' the' foregoing ResolU'tion ,was parsed and aldO'pted by the CoUncil, of' the:City' of'Bakersfieid'=:at a -regular meeting thereof held on the~ 23'rd day' of septemb.~r., "'1963 by the fo 11.Owing vote: ' ' ""' ' ' %' "' ' -AYES':' ' BALFAN~, mOOtIN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSMAN,' RUCKER, STIERN, 'WHITTEMORE' APPROVED' this 23rd day-of :Septemb'er~- 196'3, . Of the city of Bakersfield, .. cz T C an~ Ex-Officio' Cler.k of the' Coun.cil of..the City of Bakersfield~ .-i