HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 79-63 RESOLUTION NO.' 79-,63 A ·RESOLU.TION OF THE COUNCIL OF 'THFj CITY OF-. BAKERSFIELD FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR° HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING.REAL 'PROPERTY WITHIN "PRO- TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ,OSWELL 'NO. 4, POSED TO ·BE ANNEXED T0 THE.CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the-'~.CoUn6il o'f the City of Bakersfield on the .23~d da~'.0. Lf~ Sept'ember, 1963=5 requesting that '6ertain .uninhabited' territory therei~ described be annexed- to and incorporated .within, the City. of Bakers.field,, and- WHEREAS," said petition was Signed'by the owners of'not less than One-fourth (i/4) of the· are-a of the land fin such territory, and representing not less than ·one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of' such,.territOry aC~'ording~'to the'.~last preceding equalized'· assessment roll of the .Cohnty o~f Kern. -.-..· NOW, THEREFORE, in complian'Ce with, the. provisions Of the AnneXation of Uninhabited Territ'ory Act·.of '193.9,..Chapter 297, ·as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the c0'uncil of the= City ·of'Baker'sfield, as follows: " ... .. That the boundaries'Of ·.the' ~erritory'· so ·proposed t0 be annexed .to the City of 'BakerSfield· are'-described as f61iows: A parcel of land situate in the.'C0~nTt-y of Kemp. State of. California, and being a portion. ofr the' northeast quarter of Sedtion 22, Town.ship 29~ South~ Range 28 .East, M.D.M.; .Commencing at the northeast corner Of said Se. ction 22, thence .southerly along the easterly boundary of said Section .22-to' -intersect a line para'llell with and distant 55 feet southerly measured perpendicular to the northerly boUndary o'f said Section 22,r' said point of intersection being a' point on. the current corporate ~boundary of the City of, Bakers field aS ·defined" by OrdinanCe' No. 1452,' New Series', and' al·so..being the true· point.of beginning ~ ' . .'THENCE (1) continuing Southerly· along-the easterly .boundary ~0f · '- ..... 7. said Section 22'-to the sOntheast +corner of I the NOrth- of said Section 22; .,· THENCE (2) westerly along the ,S0Uth~rly boundary, of 'said ,North- hal'f of the northeast ·qulafte~ i'0Y the~ northeast, ', quarter to a~ point in a lin~/pa~allel ',with' and distant 328.62 ·'feet eaSLt~ly.,- as .measu~edLat r~ght ':' angles to ..the' westerly bOundar.y .of-the northeast '-.: ...... quarter of Said. Section":2'o2; '- THENEE i'(3) northerly along last na~'~=·"P'a~all'el.,iine to intersect a line parall'el, with.·and .distant 55 feet Southerly.as measured perpendicular to the northerly. boundary of · sai'd Section 22, 'said point-of in·tersection being a ~point on the current .corporate~.b6~ndary; THENCE (4) ~' easterly along the last named parallel 'ii~e, .on and along the~ current corporate boundary: as defined by .said Ordinance No~' 1452, New Series,-to the point of . ·~ beginning and Containing ·32~,2t acres, of land, more- or less. ': ·That a' designaltion' appr~·p~iaEely naming such, i.territory 'is "OsWell No· 4." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that.. Monday; the 4th' aay N0~ember, 1963·, at the hour of 8:00 ,P.M., ~in the'Co~un~i!Ehambers -Of' the City. Hall, 1501 Truxtun A~enue, _Bakersfields, CalifOrnia, ,..·is- the "~time'' ,when' and.-the place wh~re 'any' ·pe'r slon V0wning property w'ithin such te,rritory.S0.'propOsed to be'-..a~neXed and' having .any, objectiOnS tO ehe propOse·d annexation ma.y'., appear 'b'ef0re ~the Qouh~il. ~'f the· City of Bake~sfieid a~d show~·c~Se:,why' such z territory 'should not be annexed. ' · I HEREBY CERTIFy that the foregoing Resol~'tio~ passed-and adopted by'the COuncilof theLCityO'f~Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on-the, 23rd'day of~September, 1963, By-the following vote.:- .. ABSTAf',"41I'~G: HB NKS MQSSMAN, 'RUCKER, STIERI~, 'WHITTEMORE _ _ .. CTTY CL~¢'~t"~'~. 'R.:X-Officio- Clerk of -the Counci't',of'. the City '.of' Bakersfield. APPROVED this 23~d davy of September,, !963,. . ' of the-Cit BakerSfield