HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 60-63 'I ~. Ii ,.-' .,__C" 1 . ,.' ....... _ :l..- -' ~ (34;> ;/ - if' "~ _'~-':;i'L':~~~'"';;'<:"':;~>~ '\ . '. RESOLUTION NO. 60-63 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ACT IN BEHALF OF THE CI TY OF BAKERSFIELD TO ACQUIRE NEW SEWER FACILITY EASEMENTS. WHEREAS, at a meeting .of the California Highway Commission said California Highway Commission de termined that it was in the public interest to construct a new route for HighwayNoe l78,within the City of Ba~ersfield in the nature of a'freeway, and. vJHEREAS, the construction of saidfreeway:'will require the relocation of sewer facilities belonging to th~ Oity of Bakersfield wi thin the right of way of the state of California or adjacent to that right of way, and WHEREAS, the State 01'- California has agreed to compensate the City of Bakersfield for relocati.on of the present sewer facilities and acquire all the sewere asements, ei th~r by negotiations or condemnation, necessary for the "City of Bakersfield to operate its sewer .facili ties' on the same basis and wi. th the same service as existed prior to the commencement of the construction of the new Freeway No. 178, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby authorizes and consents to the acquisi tion, by negotiation or condemnation, 't?Y the State of California, on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, of those areas de signated for sewer easements delineated in re d on those maps prepared by the State of California marked Exhibit 1,.2 and 3,' attached, to and made a part of this re~~lutiori; provided however, such acquisl tion, by negotiation or condemnation, shall not result in any cost to the Ci ty of Bakersfield. ~ - -- ~ -..; ..:. -:. ~ - ..:()O'6:... - ::::.:::~;'-~,:. ~ ~-, it" , " ~., 1 :;-~ .~. ~';.. .' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and.~adopted by the Council, of. the .City of BakersiTeldat a .. . -"".-.. . , 'y' .::~ .. < ~ -" . regular 'meeting thereof held on the 29th day of Ju~y, 1963, by the following vote: 0YES: BALFANZ,. DOOtlN, MARCHBANKS, MOSSI1;\AN, RUCKER; STlERN; WHITTEMORE N~ES,_~~.~~. ~ . .' ' .: . . ~ AE:,c:'JT, ~ :B~~;;NIN~~--..-~~J '-, . '. . . '/ . '""'Ip-.,.. ...",~.....:.::;.._~___ ~ ' . J . . - . . . ..... . - ~_ _I '. '-t..t ~ AI,". .. ~ ~ \ ~ . ..v. _ CITY ,CLERK' and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City' of Bakersfield. ~;),. ~-- <; APPROVED t~!~~~?th daY' of July, 1963. ~@~~J'~y of Bakersfield. :" . ..-7, ~i,t.<;;/""'~< ' . ;> ~ t_~.~, ~ ',:. >, _ \:J ~ ,: _/; . ~ ':..- _._<-_.~..~_.__... -_..~~--- _ .U >- <<l "0 CD OIl CD 'S; - CD 0 ex 0 "-,j X ~ tc.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ . \() CD - 0 -- 0 I ". 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