HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-63'/ · RESOLUTION" NO," 58-63. A RESOLDT!ON OF THE 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTING T. HE' CLASSIFICATION PLAN PRESENTED .BY THE. CIVIL SERVICE- COMMISSIONS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, on the 8th day of April, 1963, the City CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield authorized the administrative staff to contract with the Public Administration 'Service t'o make a position classification survey of all employees' positions in the City of Bake rs fie ld, and WHEREAS, .pursuant to. this auth0rizat'iOn ~ihe Public' Adminis- tration' SerVice made such a survey and prepared a. posi'tion classifica- tion plan for the City of Bakersfield dated JUne' 1, 1963. WHEREASp each of the three Separate civil~'service commissions oi the.-City o~ Bakers~ield have· adopted' said posi~'i0n Classification plan with certain amendments' as hereinafter set Out,· and have recommended that said position classification'plan be adopted by. the City Council of'the City of Bake~sfiel~,~ NOW, THEREFORks'BE IT RESOLVED by the COunCil of the City of Bakersfield that the position classification planl-prepared by the ~public Administration'Service 'and adopted by~ all .the' respective civil ~vi~e boards Of the City of Bakersfield 'with.certain changes as hereinafter set out is hereby adopted by the-City CoUncil of. the City of Bakersfield as the' position' classification plan of the City of Bakersfield with the changes as hereina'fter .met. out. · BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED that since_at thistime the Transit Authority of the City of Bakersfield haS. not adop'ted-the position classification'.plan that this resolution shall not be applicable to employees of the Transit Authority of: the City of Bakersfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that +-~hose changes as recommended ~ .....b~" t'h~j~eS~,ee~iv~ Civil' ServicevBoards- are-set out on. Ex-hi-bitI A~. attached to and made a part of.~this resolution. Class Number EXHIBIT A Recommended Classification~ Title by P. A. S, · Recommended Classificati on 'by Appropriate~ Civil Service Board o4o llO 311 31~ 41e. ,42o 428 432 606 608 610 619 6.28 e .o Assistant To City Ngr, · Civi'l Engineer I Civil Engineer II Civil Engineer III Parks Supervisor' ' Firefgthg. Instr. Supv.~ 'Fire Prevention Insp, Fire Prevention Supv,' .Elre Alarm Supervisor Fi ~e Equipme nt SupV, Maintenance man I · Mai rite nanc e man I I Yard Maint, Foreman Street Supervisor Automotive Mech I Automotive Me ch II Administrative Assis tant Engineer I ~. 'Engineer II Engineer Ill ~Park Maintenanceman Pa~k Foreman. S13 .'Parks Supervisor Drillmas ter Fire Insp, Fire Marshal'. Fire Alarm Superintendent Master Me chanic Maintenanceman .I (P.W,) Maintenanceman II (P,W-) Maint.' Foreman Sanitation Route Foreman Street~Maint, Supv, Mech I Mech II BE IT FLIRTHER RESOLVED Chat. this Resolution shail be retroactive to JUly 1, 1963. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of .the City of Bakersfield that, as a part of this adoption of the position classifi- cation plan prepared by the Public Administration Service as amended and adopted by all of the respective .Civil Service Boards of the City of Bakersfield, that 'the City Council of the City of Bakersfield further adopts the recommendation of all of the Civil SerVice Boards of the City of Bakers field that all present employees' job titles and classifications be allocated or changed as set forth in the recommended position classification plan effective July 1, 1963, with- out the requirement of any Civil SerVice examination by any of the employees so affected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the. adoption of the aforesaid ~position classification plan by the Council of the City of Bakersfield shall not be placed into effect until Ordinance No. 1490 amending Section 3.68.100 (Pay SChedules and Rates) and SeCtion 3.68.110 (Employee Classification) of the Municipal COde of the City of Bakersfield becomes effective on August 29, 1963 ,. .-o0o ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing,ResOlution was passed and adopted' by the Council of' the. City of Bakersfield 'at a. regular meeting'thereof held on the 29th day of July,.1963., by the following vote: - ' ~YES: BALFA ~', DOOLIN; MARCHBANKS, .MOSSMAN, RUCKER STIER'N; WH'ITTEMORE . and El'Officio Clerk of the Council 'of the City of Bakers field. APPROVED: this ~,~:'~y of July, 1963 MAYOR ~the ~:!.t.y~~ of Bakers field.