HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 55-63.Z RESOLUTION NO.' 5.5~63 . A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ·CITY 0F· BAKERSFIELD CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT 0F· ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEX- ATION TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OF CERTAIN .. INHABITED AND UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY IN · THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CONTIGUOUS TO THE 'CITY,.OF BAKERSFIELD, AND. · DESIGNATED AS "CASTRO LANE NO., 1." · . · " WHEREAS·, on JUly 1~ '1963,·a petition was presented to the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ~equest'ing. the Council to give its consent' to the commencement of annexation ·proCeedings in connection with that certain inha..bit~d territory therein referred · , .. . .. . . . to, which.is .contigUous to the.City o'f .Bakersfield; .and .i.. .. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City o·f' Bakers-' field has 'rendered its report to this Council,' and .. .' . WHEREAS, it is the desire' of the.·.CoUneil to.'.give' its consent·.to the commencement of such annexation proceedings upon · . . . Cgndition that the electors within Said territory be' informed at .. · the time 'the ~petition. for annexation is .circulate·d that the· question .. . to be submitted to said electors' shall be 'whether the territory .. 'shall be .annexed to the City of Bakersfield and· the property in the territory to be annexed be SuBjected" to taxation .after annex- ' .. ati0n equally with the property 'within the City of B'akersfield, 'to .. pay the bonded indebtedness of the City ~f.' Bakersfield"outstanding for the acquisition, construction or completion of m~nicipal impr'ovementS.· .' . · r... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the counC. il of the City' · .. .. · of' Bakers field, aS' follows: "· · 1. That consent is hereby granted for the Commencement . . · of annexation proceedings .in connection with said inhabited ,, territory in' accordance with the AnneXation Act of 1913 provided '·the petition ,for annexation contai. ns. ~ .reqUest that the' question · to be s~bmitted to the electors' re'siding' in the, ter.ri'tory proposed · . . · to .be annexed shall 'be whether the territory shall be annexed', to the City Of'Bakersfield and the property in the territory to annexed be subjected to taxation ~fter annexation equally with property within' the City of 'Baker'sfield, to pay the bonded· indebted- ness ofthe City'of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition., · constru'cti0n or completion,of munipipa:l imp. rovements. 2. That said unincorporated territory is .hereby designat·ed as ,'CASTRO LANE NO. 1", is situated generally' as follows: "north of M{ng Road and east of the 99.bypass, approximately the SW~.Of Section·l, lying between Ming and Brundage and H and Wible. That aparticular'description'of .Said te.rritory is attache~ hereto 'an~ madea part hereof as if set ~out in. full herein. · - 3-.'- The' City Clerk shall certify .to the adOptiOn of this resolution. · . o0o . I'HEREBY CERTIFY'that the foregoing Resolution Was passed · and .adopted by lthe Council of the:City .of Bakersfield at a regular · meeting thereof held on'the 'lSth day Of July, 1963, by the.folldwing .vote: . ' - · AYES= .NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAININ,,q~ , ........ LFA O~.|N, MARCHBANKS,. MOSSMAN, ~UCKER, STtERN - CoUnCil of the City of'Bakersfield. APPROVED:. this '15th 'day .of July, i963..~- .......... : _ :: -~.'___.: .....l ................:..~. ..... the City'o Bakersfield. f Description of a parcel of land to be 8nnsxed to the C~F of !Jokersfield sad which is to be designated as CASTJK) LANE No. 1, sed~i pal~e|'des~ribed as foUowss A parcel of Lead situate in the County of Kern, fitsto of Cmlifm~is mad being portion of the Waste-half (W, L/2) of bcti4m I end the East-half (E. 1/2) of Section 2, Township 30 South, Range 17 East° M.D.~41 B~gtnaing st the mxtbeast corner of L~t 37 ia said ~ection 1, as sttd lot 37 Is sh~em ~m the "KoFn County SiLos Map I~. I of Lends of 7. S. Haggin" filed May 3, 1689 in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern ~ouniy. and being · point on the southerly right of way line bile Terrace, of 60 bet in widt~ THENCE (1) southerly along the east lines of Lots 37° 38, 43 and 44 to the southeast ca*nor of seid Lot 44, Said SONtheiSt oa'ner being a point the northerly rigM of way Ltm of Ming Rood of 60 foot in width° and &too being · polat on the c~u~n.t oorperato Jxmadsry of the City of. Bakersbid &s defined by Or~Jin=-a~e No. 1399 Now SoriosJ westerly aloag the said northerly right of way line, along the ccrporste boundary as defined by Ordin~mMs No. 1299 mad 1473 Now Series, end eJong the westerly IrolmtgeUon of said nortimely riga of way to intersect the westerly fight of way liao of Castre Lane, of 60 [oet in widtt~ TmmCZ (3) along Courses 29 through 23 of said Oralfrance No. 1473 Now Series, as follows: Course (3g)1 southerly atom/the said westerly riglt of way Line of Castre Lane° a disteats oi S feet, m W boo, to trite'meat the Rmrtherly rigkt of way ILM of Ming Reed ° of SO feet ia widtM THENCE (5) Cowme (27)i M.0*4S*23**Z,, S00 bet, more or less/ THENCE (6) Course (36)I M,SgelO*JS"W., 2S7.ai feOtJ THENCE (7) Cottee (35) I N. SoSS*4S~E., 107.36 foetJ THENCE (e) COWM (34)s N,Igo20'2IeW., 642.38 feet, parallel with tim south ILM of said Section 1, to the wosWly tMmadery 7HZ a (x0) COWso (33)centira-tee westerly in said 'bation l, N,8903F38'V/.0 406,05 feet to interseel tim westerly right of way line of IY.S, HiWlnmy 99 - Sekersfield By-Peso 0Weto Roum shown on the Altered Mop of Tract No, 1916 recorded 1961, in Book 11 of Maps st PeW 174 in tim offlee of the Mid .... N. SoRYE., 146,E0 feet, deportinS from the ccrpm'ato Tt,ENCE TL',ENCIE (12} THENCP- (13) T:HENCE THEHC - (iS) (16) THZ CZ (18) THENCE tHZ C (z0) Ht~my said N.3eS~'29"E., 725.60 feet~ 376.33 [eetJ N.I'I2'II'E., 131.83 feet, n~fe or less, to.a point lathe northerly rtgit of way line of wood Lanes N.0050*E., 585.52 feet to a point in the southerly rillht of way line Of l~elle Terrace and continuing northerly along the nia'therly prolongation of this co:ires to a point in a line parallel with mad distant 30 feet rtathorly as memem'ed st rigIt angles ~o ~he northerly boundary of lhe so~ftheast quarter of said Sootton ~, said parallel lirm being the rtcrtherly right of way line of said Belle Terrace: easterly among the said rtortherly rigIt of way llne and th~ easterly prolongation thereof. to intersect the easterly bGundery of said Section 2; nathotly along tim westerly bom~isry of said Section I to intersect the westerly prolongation of th~ ' future street" line, belag parallel with amd distant 43 feat ncrtborly (as seaanted at right magims) to thm cemrlirm of said Belle Terrace ms shown on tim map of Tract No. 1562, recorded lune 29, 1950, in ao~k 7 ~f l~'.:mp~ at Pe4ie' 10l in the office of the said C.,mlnty Pvc~derl easterly ~mg t. be last named Wallel line to intersect the easterly batedsty of said l~aet No. 1562~ nmllmdy along tim said easterly boundary, also being tim westerly boundary of ~rset No. 1912, as shown on the map of said Tract No. llll, recorded Alril 10e 1957, in Book 9 of t~aps st pm~m 128 in thin office of the said C~unty Recmder, tO intersect tim westerly !~ntlati13sl o~ the said northerly right of way line of seid Belle Terrace, of 75 feet in easterly among the westerly lrofon~ation of the said northerly rigIt of way line and extensions thereof to tniersect the easterly bmmdery of said Tract No. 19120 also being the wast lin~ of Lot 27, in said Section 1, of afoF~saMl '~ Lands c~ lo It. H~ggin"; s~utherly along ~eid west line of said Lot 27 to the ~outhwest corner therec{~ THENCE (~1) 'T} IiNCE (2-.~.} THEN.;3I~ (,~5) easterly along the south lin~ of said Lot 27, also wing the nort!~rly rtghl of ,~y lin~ of ~11~ Te~a~, ~o t~ $o~ast c~r o~ L~ 33 o~ ~act No, 1432, as ~atd ~ Is s~wn on ~ ~p of s~id Tra~ No. 1~J32 receded ~.arch 2,i, 19~8 ~ ~k 6 o~ ~ap~ a~ ~ 103 In Z~ offlc~ of the ~ald County Rec,~d~r; northerly along the east line ol said Lot 22, Tract 14 ';if, to the southwest corner of Lot I of Tract No, 1780 as said Lot is showP on the map of said Tract Ko, 17~30 recorded Niarch ll0 1955, In lk~ok 8 ol .Maps at pa~; lab in the office o{ the. said County ~{ec otder; easterly along the south line of said L~t 1, Tract No. 1785 end th~ easterly prolongation there. el, to t.~tersec~ the east line of said ~ 27 of "La~s of southerly along the east line of said Lc 27 to the moutheast ,~:Orner thereof; easterly along the south line oi Lot 2S of Lands of I, iS, }laggin" to the $outPresst corn~,r of said Lot 28, being a point on the northerly right of way of Belle Terrace; 5outherly [Tom the southea-~t corner of said Lot 28 to the ~orthe~st corner Of said L<X .37, the potn~ of hk;girsning and contalrtlng 154.11 acres of land, more or les~, 6/2z/6, ~'ritten L~y: Checked ~ Competed b~