HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-63 RESOLUTION: NO,. _54-63 __ -A RESOLUTION' OF THE. 'COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF ~BAKERSFIELD. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 25-6B~ (ADVANCE :'TICKET 'SALES OFFICE ATI THE CIVIC AUDITORIUM) " B~'tT RE'SOLVED by thel"'C0uncil"0f the' ICity' 6f Bakersfield that =Res01Ut'~=o~r No 25-6B be ~d e.~e"same is hereby amended to read as followS:: .~ :.,. ~ .... ....L .-.~ ..." ·;. 'WHEREAS',. there. -is". an -~gen.t 7need. -for "a- reliable '-tiCket S~rvice.-,at. the Civic AuditOrium..Of th'e City. of 'Bakersfield', -"and ~HEREAS, such a ticket."servide wou'id enable the management of the..CiVic' Auditorium t6 keep.l.an.accUrat~ check'.on all Seats 'sold,.. and '- ' ,. - . -_ .'- ' -:,.- : · '" '~ WHEREAS, such ':a" ~icket-' Service would ~IrO~ide.'-a' ~e!p to various groups and organizatio~'s..wh0 'wish t'0 use .the ~fa'cilities.. :of. ~he Civic AUditorium 'as an adva~ce.~tidket saies".'Office. "- - NQW, THEREFORE, BE tT RES,OL~ED':. b~ 'the '.Ceunci'l.,of~'the ~Clt. y of Bakersfield that., when requested', the C!t'y of.~'BakerSfi. e-ld· 'Shaii' ,, 'by means Of Civic AuditOrium .perSonnel~ .sell adVahce- ~ickets fo:.r ~ minimum.-' fee of fifty dollarS,?($50~. 00) .for a 'ten~'dayT,.period (whrlch include's the '.day.'.0f. the' e~en.[):' Said"fifty doirlar-,f,e~ .t.o · .include'.the Services of one' ticket .'Seller. 'A'ddi't{on~i"pe'rS0nnel '~urniSh~d. by' ..,the City on. Specia'~l 're.queSt to. be '. compensated. 'to the'. - City '.a~..~he rate of two dolla~"'{.$2'.'00). per hour:per./tiCk~t" se lie.r, -- . . i' . BE~'-'IT. FURTHER RESOLVED"' ..that 'in 'the .event' tha'[ a ,"spghsor "' or :promoter of"an event held at .the' CiVi. c' A~ditorium~-~' e'.lec't'~ h'ot to use the 'advance .ticket sales. service .'Of: the 'Civic Audi'torium, '. of: two 'dOllars per' hour' ,with. a minimum cha!~.ge o.f':i$5.00~ per ~day for -a p.'e~iod'in.'.advance of. the even't..~.'0perationa!.i'7~h~rs .and days to be determined by the CivicrAUditOrium Manager. The' rle~tat' ~ee in such case' shall-not. include,box office personnel~ On the day of the even~ there shall be nO charge for use of the box ~ffi.ce .... .BE'IT'.FURTHER RESOLVED that regular box. offi~ce. hours,- ' When o.perated"under th'e provisions of this resolution,, will be "'-,maintained between 10:00 A.M. and"6:'00 ,P.M., Mondays'th~0ugh .~Saturdays, excluding' City 'holidays-; and .that on the date 'of the promoter's event', the box office' will remain open continuously from 10:'O0.'A.M.. until one 'hour after the opening'. time of~'the,.event. ~ --o0o " I HEREBY CERTIFY that ~he foregoing R~solution-.waS passed' an~'i.adopee'd by the 'Council 'of-the City of BakersfieLd at a regular meefing thereof held on the 15th day of July, 1963, by_ the . fOl.lo.wing~ Vo"te: ..... ' ' ' ' BALFANZ, '~, DOOLIN, MARCHBANKS' MOSSMAN,: RUCKI::R' STIEP-N. APPROVED thi~ 15'th day of JUly, 19~3.. ./. : MA.r'0R" o .t.'h'e City of Bakers field, 2, CITY C{ER~"and Ex-Offic.~o Clerk of the Council of the City of Baker.sfiei~.- ,,