HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 53-63 --RESOLUTION 'NO. ~53_-63 A RESOLUTION OF. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -BAKERSFIELD AMENDING RESOLUTION NOi' 22-62 ' : BY DELETING SECTION V THEREOF. : WHEREAS, 'Section V of ResolUtion N~ 22-62 refer's ~o a reduction in rental fees at the].Audi:t0rium .during Certain monthS, .and was primarily .aimed at promoting ~on~entions du.~ing ;thi's period,. and' ' . WHEREAS, con~entions fare figured 'on a cost' 0'f janitorial ser'viceS _'and'set-up; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid .redUction 'should not prevail, NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT~ RESOLVED by.'the CoUncil of the City Of Bakersfield that' Section. V b.f'Re's01ution No~ 22-62 be and the Same is ~ereby deleted. .~: , . " - - --- .....'o0o ........ I. HEREBY CERTIFY that th~ foreg0i..n.-g ReSolut.ion was. passed and ~dopted by the. CoUncil-ofl th& City o:f .BakerSfield' -at a day 'of July, 1963,'By regular meeting thereof.held on .'the -18th. · the -fo 110wing .vote: ~. AYES: "BALFANZ, I DOOLtN, ~;ARCHB,d, NKS, MdS~'AN, ~UCKER ST~ERt~ NOES: ~' "A~SENT: ~~ J ABSTAINING: ' ' ~ ........ .. . and Ex'Officio C'ler _ o_f_. the._ APPROV ~ this 18th day of ~uly ,~ '1963. MAY ~he~'~~ Bakersfield."