HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 52-63 RESOLUTION NC: 5_~2-63~. ~ _ .." ' .... RESOLUTION.OF THE COUNCIL OF'THE:CITY OF' - - -BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING THE VACATION .OF A PORTION '0F 22ND STREET IN THE'.CITY"0F- BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of 'June ,., i963, the council of the. City of' Bakersfield, .pursuant to the prloviSyionS of ..the "Street VaCation Act of 1941," being Division 9.~...Part 3,.:.,of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of C.a!t£,ornia,-,,passed. '.and adopted its ReSolutiOn of Intention N0. 782' declaring its int.e,n.%'ion. to order the vacation of a portion Of.'EZnd' Street~ 'Ci'~ 'of. Bake'rsfiel'd, WHEREAS, said' Council did fix a time and place for he.sting ail p.e. rsonSZ..'interested in or .objecting .t'o. said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held on the let day Of'/.July~ :1963~ 'after notices. ,we're .duly posted as requiPed by law, and -- ' "" WHEREAS, this 'Council 'after .duly'. consfder'i. ng' t.he-~'I:.mlatte~, ,does .hereby find and resolve ae follows: ..- - · ' 1. That that portion of 2and. 'Street,. si:tuat'e"'within t'he City. of Bakersfleld, County. Of KePn, State :-6f' C.a!tforn'i'S, 'lying -" betwee'n Blocks 176 and 183. as sam-is. shown on 'the. '."'Map· .of-the City of BakePsfield"' f. iled for record November 2~,' 1898, in ' '~-~ i' '. Book. 1 '-0f.-Maps at 'pages '13 and' 1~' .i;n the Office of Recorde~ of said Kern Count~, m5r~ part:i'cUl.srl~,,,d~.scPibed follows,..is unnecessary for present or pnospective.' public -.street Beginning. ~t the northeast corner-·6f LOt' .1 of said Block 183, 'a point on the southern bound,sPy of '22rid St.tee ~ -of 82..5'. feet ~.in " ' · ~i .'.. -' -~. : ' ' ' ' T~NCE (.1) westerly ~0.00 feet':' along .the-]nor. th line of Said' T}tE.NCE.y(2) northeast to intersect the 'southwest corner of .Lot ~.. . of Block .177, being a .point' On '.the northerly bound.a~y of said 22nd StreetJ THENCE TSENCE easterly ..along said north boundary .t0 intersect' the northerly ~rolongation of' the-east li'ne of 'Said lot 1 of Block 3; southerly along s aid northerly ~rolongation ~'o the nor'theast' corner Of said LOt 1, the point of beginning. 2, That said portion of 22nd Street ·be and' the. same is hereby closed .up,-vacated and abandoned 'for public .street....purposes:, subject' to and"in conformity. with said.. Resolution Of Intention.No.- 782. Reference to said ResOlution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars, .... 3, The City Clerk shall'certify to the passage of this · " Resolution and shall c~use a certified copy hereof, 'attested. by the Clerk under the Seal of the' City'tO be recorded in the offi.ceI of 'the' CoUnty Recorder of the County of Kern, California. ... ... ......... '00o ........ - 1 EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Re.S..01ution. was passed and 'adopted by..the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ at a regular meeting thereo~, held on the lst. day of July~ 1963, by the following vote.: iAY~.: BALFANZ~ j~OLIN, MARCHBAN~S, .MOS~MAN, RUCKER, STI ERN " ':':NOES: ~ I / :' ~B.ST,AINING: ~ _ ~ ~ ': "- C '~f~i~k . COuncil of the City of Bakersfield,