HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-63RESOLUTION N0. 51-63 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF: GRADE DISTRICT CERTAIN TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "PACHECO NO.3~" AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO..THE.INCLUSION OF SAID TERRITORY': WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. 'WHEREAS, pro'ceedings have been commenced"for' the annexation of certain"' unincorporated' territory, -designa ted as '!PaChec0 No. 3, to the City of Bakers field., .-..and WHEREAS, all of said territory lies"outside the Greater BakerSfieid Separation of Grade District, and WHEREAS, Section 8290 of.the Streets andHighways Code of the State Of California, provides that'the Unincorporated territory of a. county which wa~s not included Within a separation of grade distrfct at the time of the formation of. such district,.and which subsequent to the' formation of such district is annexed 'to or: .otherwise included 'within a city which is a· part 07f such district, shall immediately upon such annexation to such city"be-included- within the district and sha-ll thereafter become a part of the dist~r'ict to the ..same extent as. such city;.. except SuCh portion portions thereof which the .~City Councils'has determined, 'will not be ~ene'fited by inclusion 'ih the district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE .IT RESOLVED by the-Council-.of the City of Bakersfield, 'as follows :' .1.. That a description 'of. the unincorp0rated. territory described in the annexation prOceedings~., ~ ' is as foii'~Ws:., .. A parcel of land z'situate in i~the County.o~ Kern, State of California, and being a.portion of the southeast quarter (S-El.t/4) of. Section 18 and the 'northeast quarter (N.E.1/4) of Section 19i, Township 30' 'South,. Range 28, East, M..D..M:.. Beginning' at the 'northwest "Corners. of Lot '18, '.'as.' Said Lot ~'18 is shown-on trheec" ' " - Map. No~. 1 o.f Lands 0f J..B:. Haggin" of said Kern County,. said northwest Corner being a point on the current corporate boundary-.of the-City of.'Bakersfield'.as defined ' by Ordinance No.. 1378. New Series; , '~.: -. . THENCE (1,~). easterly~-departing f~om,.the Lcorp..orate .boundary, along the north line of Lot ' 18 to intersect. the. easterly. " boundary 'of the West-half (W 1/2) of said LOt 18'; THENCE (-2) 'sOutherly .along said easterly b0~ndary.to ~nterselct 'the · ' .,'~'northerly ..bOundary .~of ~the 'soU~heas.t,.quar~er (S~E. 1/,4) "'~ "of Said LOt 18;· ~'THENCE'' (3) -eas'terl~ 'along.said nor~he'~ly boundar~ tO i~tersect .... , ~the ,east line Of said Lot ~18';~ -~ THENCE (4)' southerly·along the 'said east -line of 'Lot. 18~'and the I... southerly prolongation thereof, t0' intersect the. ~. 'southerly boundary of said Section 18; .... ' · THENCE .~ (5) .' ~'on~inuing"s outherly,,' alon~'/the '.'. n0rt~e'riy p~o~Ongation of. the' west line of Lot 1 Of said Section 19' to' the northwest.corner 'of said. 'Lot 1., as.I~said Lot"l is shown ' on the map' of aforesaid' "Lands of-J~ B~-Haggin".; '.THENCE. (6)".eaSterly along the north iihe of said Lot-1,· said~ ~ ".~northline .being the'south~rl!y. ~ight o.f '.Way. l'in~ '. ·~ I/of PachecQ Road, of-60 feelt in widt-h, to intersect · ' the easterly boundary .of ~he West-half.· (W.. 1./-2) · .'-L. said Lot. 1 ;'. '·' ~ !THENCE (7) ·.southerly along 'said eas,terly,-Bouhdar'y'~.and-. the easterly .. boundary ~of 'the West-.half (W. 1/2) 'of Lot" 2'.to the · · northwest corner of., the SoUth 7 acres.' of the Ea'st~half · · ~ (E. 1./2) of said .Lot 2, as described in ~that. Certain ...' Grant'Deed recorded March 26, .195i, in~Book .1788 at page 508' in the Official· Records ,of'Iz'-said Ke~.rn COunty; THENCE .' (8) · 'eastelr!y ·along 'the ~ortherty..b.0u, ndary of said south ""~' 7 acres, 'and'parallel ~'to the sodth 'line O'f said Lot. ',' ~-' .... .'.to a point in a line'~ parail'let,,,'wi'th~ and distant 360 feet .· ~.' west'erly, as .meaSured at'~right-'angle~s to the een~erline ..~." 'of' U.' S'~ ~HighWay 99~ (,VI-Ker~4-C) alSO-~known as .Union THENCE1'(9) southerly al0ng"'iast named-~arailei line,'to intersect N~E the south line of-said Lot2; .... ' ~·'~' ·l THE (10) ·.· westerly along'the said south line of L0't 2 and ~long · ~' the south line of "Lot 3 of ,Said SeCtiOn ·~·9.,'. 'to. the South- , west corner of the Ea·st-half-(E~T/2)- '0f'said'.'Lot. 3; ',"THInNeE', (11) .northerly~'along' the-westerly boundary of. the. E'~ 1/2 'of .... · ~ said Lot 3 to the northwest~ corner "of th-e E~ 1/2 .'of said .-. LOt 3, said northWeSt co.rner being a-point on 'the ~ , ~ .~.. southerly righti 0f way line o'f said' Pacheco Roa~; 'THENCE . (12) "weSte~,ly' along the,. north.. line- ~Df. said Lot .3 't0' the .' ~northweSt. Corner of said LOt 3' ~ENCE (13) 'northerly along .the northerly.prolongation of .the weS~ "'. . · 'line of ·said .Lot 3~to intersect the norther,ly b'6un'~ary'. · -,'~"'i~..'Of said Section 19, said point'of int~rsectio~ "being a · ., '7p0int' on the current corporate bo~dary ..o'f the Ci'ty of " .... Bakersfield as de·fined bY aforesa'id OrdinanCe No..1378' New Ser'ies; ~' ~' ' THENCE "(14) continuing northerly along th~ i southerly ~pro!ongation .... o.f the'west line' o.f said~. Lot 18, and along the corporate ... boundary, and along th~e·-.west:"'line of sai'd.Lot 18 to the, .. -- northwest corner .there.~f.,- the :p. oint of beginning an'd --= cob.raining 7...3.25, acres Of land~ more or'.. less. -.: ' 2'~.. That unless ~ny portion shai~i"'B'~="f'-excluded'bY:.'the City Council, 'all' ..portiOns of said" unincorp0r'ated' territory'· shall upon. annexation 'to-' they'.City of Bak~rsfield be T included within the' Greater' Bakersfield Separation' of· Grade Dist.rict.' .... . . -..- · 'i' - - "- '" ,....- . ·3. That. Monday, the 12~h: day... ~f AUgust, _t963, at the- hour of. eigh't: 0' cl0ck P.M. ,.¢. in the COunCil' Chamb.ers of the City Hall, .i'501. Truktun Avenue, i-Bakersfie"ld, c~iif0'r~'ia;~: is the= time whe~' and the place where, objectionS. to. inclusion. '~'ithin. the. district"will be h'eard. ' , .l · · " '. :- · '. T. * ~. '. ,. :~-. ~ ..;..~. ~.. : ' - -~ ..... o0o 'I HE~BY CERTIFY :that the foregoing'.Res~luti'0h was pas~ed.."a.nd adopted. by the Co~cil 8f .the City. of-Bakersfield at a regular me~ting thereof. hel'd..'on' the. ls't day 8f. Augu~t, 1'963, by the f61.iowihg vote: .. .. AY[S: BA[FANZ, ~ ~O[~N, ~ARCMBANKS, ~O~N, ROCKER, ~~/ -" ... : - . .... · - A~T~ ~ · "- .... -j. . .-- ,' ,-, ,~.. '. '. : '" . .. . ~e~o Cie=k o~ ~e APPRO~VED thiFs%'i~iS'ff~ day of July, 1963.